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Very Similar to Cocaine
Bupropion & Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Convo. "Very Similar to Cocaine: An Experience with Bupropion & Sceletium tortuosum (exp115866)". Oct 28, 2021.

100 mg insufflated Pharms - Bupropion (ground / crushed)
  100 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (extract)
Background: I have been an extensive substance user for many years: Cannabis, Alcohol, DMT, LSD, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Opiods, Benzos, Nitrous, DXM, Phenibut, and many others. Through the years I have insufflated bupropion on several occasions after reading some users feel as if it is similar to poor quality blow. It really never did too much for me by itself other than help coke withdrawals or give me mild stimulation similar to a low dose of ritalin. Kanna extract by itself never did anything profound for me either. Even insufflating 200mg of extract only gave me me subtle euphoria and slight stimulation / anxiolytic effects which I would consider less prominent of an experience than smoking a bowl of a good sativa.


Bupropion SR: 100mg (Insufflated)
Kanna 25x Extract: 100mg (Insufflated)

I got curious recently knowing that Kanna is an SRI and started searching for possible combinations. I had some bupropion lying around from an old prescription and being an NDRI sounded like a possible decent combo with kanna. I decided to snort 100mg of bupropion and 100mg of Kanna extract, and within about 5 minutes I was feeling a rush very similar to a decent coke buzz.

After 30 or so minutes I was very stimulated but also relatively calm as I feel when I do cocaine as opposed to amphetamine where I usually feel very anxious.

I expected this sensation to be relatively short lived but it persisted for roughly two hours. I decided part way through to smoke a bowl of a strong indica and it intensified the euphoria to a decent degree. I generally am not the biggest fan of marijuana and cocaine but I did rather enjoy mixing it with Bupropion and Kanna.

I did not expect the level of synergy that there was or how intense the feeling would be. I am not recommending this combination, however I did find the experience to be very similar to cocaine and it lasted a bit longer.

Worthy Note:

I know it is not recommended to mix Kanna with antidepressants, and want to stress that people should practice harm reduction as well as be informed about the decisions they池e making. Bupropion can lower seizure threshold and i知 sure Kanna being an SRI has the potential to as well, stay safe.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 28, 2021Views: 1,365
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Sceletium tortuosum (179), Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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