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My Cognition Is Declining
Citation:   Time to cut back. "My Cognition Is Declining: An Experience with Delta-8-THC (exp115901)". Jan 22, 2022.

25 - 250 mg oral delta-8-THC (edible / food)
This is not on a single experience. I’m reporting an effect of this particular canabinoid from use over probably 6 months (from what I can track). I’ve used marijuana for long stretches before, but generally smoked. With this I’ve been doing edibles because the vapor oil burns the fuck out of my lungs and gives me a horrible cough (during the days of Covid, I don’t like hacking up a lung).

It’s well known that Marijuana causes short term memory issues, but with Delta-8 I feel like it’s far more significant with long term use. I work in a profession that requires a lot of focus, but thank god my short term memory isn’t much of a factor because lately I’m losing ideas mid-thought
lately I’m losing ideas mid-thought
, which is a rarity for me. I’m typically EXTREMELY quick witted (in a trolling dad kind of way) but I’m getting quieter because I feel my mind and intelligence slipping away.

The event that prompted me to write just occurred. I know that I had a very basic idea about something and two seconds into thinking about it and doing it, I had no clue what I was intending to do. I regularly talk to people, have a specific point to make and kind of trail off to disguise the fact that my mind just lost what I was talking about. Sometimes I’ll answer a question, forget what the question was and listen intently to anything from the other person hinting at what we’re talking about. I’ve done well to hide it so far, but I feel like I have early onset dementia. It’s frightening me a bit, but I’m cutting back and getting off the delta 8 except for occasional weekends. I’m confident that getting it out of my system will help, but I’m not exaggerating when I say I could not have gotten through this experience report without being able to read the previous sentences. I’m functioning fine and I don’t think I’m too far gone, but this is the first time I have had this so severely.

Reported Dose: "Up to 250 mg at once. Usually around 25 to 120 right now, as I'm cutting down"

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115901
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2022Views: 5,416
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delta-8-THC (956) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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