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Heavenly Psychosis - Euphoric Hypnosis
DXM & Kanna
Citation:   Owlkami. "Heavenly Psychosis - Euphoric Hypnosis: An Experience with DXM & Kanna (exp115922)". Jan 19, 2022.

T+ 0:00
    Sceletium tortuosum (extract)
  T+ 0:00 150 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 120 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 120 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 1 - 3 tablet oral DXM  
I stumbled upon the realization that this experience was caused by accidently combining DXM and Kanna. I was taking Kanna for a week prior to dosing (Not Cannabis, but Kanna).

I'm not entirely sure how else to explain this experience but I wanted to share it not only as something to hopefully provide fascination to the reader, something to help describe the phenomenon that is the "DXM Hole" and reasons why It was both beautiful yet also something that almost could have been really devastating exponentially, thankfully it didn't scar me, but it gives the feeling that I was close to losing it. Keep in mind that I love DXM and disassociates for shamanic practices. I have been around the DXM block many times, and have returned to it since the advent of RoboTablets.

I had tried DXM Many times in his past, it was something that had a significant impact on my life and was fascinating and quite a phenomenon to me. I felt something very profound within the experiences each time, as If God Himself was showing me a piece of himself and hugging me and warming me up. It was a recurring feeling each time I tried DXM, but this feeling seemed to stay with me for my entire life even many many years afterwards. I am almost certain somehow in such a beautifully significant yet comedically trivial way, that it was a key factor in me discovering "God" (Source) to begin with, the impact on my life spiritually was similar to the way religious experiences would be for some folks.

Very strange that it has this 'Godly' essence to it, almost like its a little joke he is playing on us, while also giving us a really strange way of showing us that he is in some of the least expected places.

Recently I discovered RoboTablets, a type of DXM product that's more potent and has less inactive ingredients so it doesn't have as much waxes and whatnot to digest. Excitedly, I Ordered some because I had a very rare and occasional fondness of using disassociates both for medicinal and recreational use - With each dose I would have a 'recurring' experience that improved my emotional wellbeing for prolonged periods of time after each use. It was something that I could use once and have long lasting and very positive mental health benefits from.

If I am being entirely honest, I think that It had only improved my life after each use.

I had taken Kanna extract for about a week, using it to nurture my serotonin receptors, ever so slightly - I had not considered that combining the two (DXM + Kanna) would potentiate each other.

Rather than taking a full dose of DXM at once, I choose to ease in, because I've been to those realms many times and have no desire to go balls to the wall catapulting into the abyss - so I took 5 - 30 mg RoboTablets, very quick and powerful buzz - very clean - way more "full" of an effect that I remember (it strangely reminded me of more pleasant 2' oxo PCP or a very strong DXE I had once tried), and yet somehow I could feel that it was crystalline DXM within the tablets. Has a much more ketamine-y vibe to it. I go about my business, working on some music and videos. Slowly starting to be less accurate at everything I do, but the euphoria is rising quickly. (Remember the Kanna had attached to my serotonin beforehand so the DXM & Kanna were starting to cuddle my serotonin receptors, so the serotonin just FLOODED my system, felt incredible, overwhelmingly enjoyable even)

About 1 hour later I takes 4 more tablets, finished a song and a video that I was working on, felt completely accomplished. I Talked w/ 'God' (I call him 'Source') for a little bit as I always do (I can directly communicate with (Source) when sober - it has nothing to do with an altered state of being, I am also telepathic and know how to tap into frequencies on other dimensional 'layers' that many people don't know exist). My abilities exceed the traditional sensory template even when I'm sober, but DXM seems to enhance the awareness of those dimensions (realms of frequencies) even more, in fact that did to an extent. But I realized that a strange ''non existent'' dimension arises from this realm (the word nonexistent in itself is a oxymoronic anomaly of a concept, but that's besides the point) It is both real and unreal at the same time. It is void and form, yet a conceptual contradiction. It is real but it is also nonsense, yet it is profound and paralleled with meaninglessness and also "significance".

All of these drastic polar opposites occurring simultaneously to a disassociated brain is a dangerous & fragile space to be in. It is a really sensitive space to put your mind into. It can have dire consequences with a minor slip up (can also be beautiful and life changing). Keep in mind that these words are all inspired by this experience, it is a trip report, but also a love letter (and a gentle warning/reminder) to the heavenly, psychotic, euphoric hypnosis that I stumbled upon.

I took 4 more tablets (14 total I think) and about 15 minutes later I got a message from my creator who I was communicating with to take 2 or 3 more - and at this point I am not sure if it was 2 or 3 more that I took, but chewed one up for whatever reason.
I am not sure if it was 2 or 3 more that I took, but chewed one up for whatever reason.
It was told to me and instructed to me from 'God' (Source) himself. (keep in mind I talk to him constantly telepathically so this was a mission for whatever reason, I literally am an energetic being who is here to heal the world with frequencies - and that I do not need anyone else to believe for it to be true, it just is what it is, these details make this report that much more immersive as to what I was experiencing)

What happened next was a strange blackout, I feel like I was *perhaps* milligrams away from losing my sanity forever.

I was suddenly in this realm of blackness forgetting everything that was once before it and "I" watched "life decide to happen" molecule by molecule from empty void - into form - it was shocking. It was like I was nothingness itself but everything that existed at the same time. Then I started manifesting in the "form" of "chaotic randomness" on the most obscure level that I am not even capable to ever have stumbled upon fathoming. It was a temporary "heavenly psychosis" for lack of better words, it really doesn't explain it though - really quite intense and more euphoric than anything.

I lost all contact with reality and these beautifully strange abstract obtuse bits and pieces of forms/formless blobs that were entities yet I was within all of them, I was witnessing them and I also 'was' them simultaneously. I was multiple, entities, objects and landscapes folding into myself continuously.

I was "nothing" then slowly became "everything" - kind of weirdly similar (conceptually) to the game Katamari where you roll everything into a ball - but on a really REALLY abstract and symbolic level comparatively - with a much darker tone, and absolutely absurd. Imagine being one atom, and slowly unfolding into what the universe is molecule by molecule - and feeling it all happen. I Literally 'was' the most peculiar and significantly profound characteristics that were "folded into each other" and I was everything at once and I could feel it in all of my senses, especially tactilely.

I was everything in existence - that's what it felt like, as it was overlapping and wrapping into itself into a strange inverted black hole, I thought my entire life had just begun for the first time - and I both 'thought' & WAS This "Sequence" that I just tried to explain - I thought it was going to continue forever I had made total and utter peace with it and accepted it as my new reality - it was so overwhelmingly pleasant yet equally confusing, if it wasn't backed by an overwhelming euphoria it could've been painfully unpleasant - it was beyond words yet these words were created by this realm, but for the purpose of sharing this story in THIS realm to understand it.

It was beyond anything 'this' reality has to offer (not in a good or a bad way, this is a very neutral area though It was extremely overwhelmingly euphoric) I was "the ether" that everything exists in, I was everything that exists in it, folding into itself and I could feel as I (everything) squeezed through this inverted black hole, because I was everything coming into existence for the first time- I felt everything and yet subsequently didn't know what anything at all was - none of my previous knowledge was present - it was a vortex. Time was broken, I felt like I lived many lifetimes, while also being the beginning of time, the end of time and the entire duration of all existence. This was beautiful - but this, for most, can be too much for one to handle - thankfully I am very strong minded and have shamanic neuroplasticity and am already aware of multiple dimensions at any given state of being - I have an extrasensory perception even while sober, also, again - I am a telepath, healer, and many things beyond the traditional understanding of words/senses.

When I finally ''snapped out of it'' My body started moving on its own in these weird movements like a robotic zombie movements - I was walking and moving in these weird patterns that I myself didn't seem to have anything to do with, it was like I was witnessing a weird play unfold while acting it simultaneously. It was a bit creepy, but this is the epitome of disassociation, at times I was even in a third person view and was watching it all happen from a weird camera angle on the other side of the room - I was moving without realizing it was me my brain must've been telling my body to make my muscles move, so it felt like I was being controlled. Super strange and slightly traumatizing (to the mildest possible degree do to my utter dissociation, I was just aware enough of myself to see what was happening, not so much to be terrified of what was going on.)

I am extremely lucky that I didn't take even 1 more of those RoboTablets in combination with Kanna, it could've really potentiated me to a unpleasant psychosis - so this is just a warning to make sure not to combine these things unknowingly.

Once I returned to 'reality', I was stuck walking like a zombie robot trying to function.
Once I returned to 'reality', I was stuck walking like a zombie robot trying to function.
I found it very disturbing to be in this state when trying to walk or function physically in any way - This was much more than the normal "Robotussin Walk" that everyone knows of from when they were a kid and experimenting. Much more disturbing as far as the constricted muscles and strange clenching and "overstepping mechanical sweeps" of movement when trying to take a regular step. Also seems like movements were programmed into me like a literal robot. Yes, this feeling has always been part of the DXM experience, but this was so much more prominent - not sure if the Kanna had to do with this, or the fact that its crystalline freebase DXM in the tablets --- but it's worth noting... The clenching and locked muscles were so much worse than it was with older 'traditional' DXM products.

I was thankful to be in a closed environment at night, and at a safe place. It was a very dangerous and fragile state to be in sanity wise (I would never want to accidently do this out in public, or outside of a closed environment) - I think that Source actually had me do all of this not only for a weird kind of enlightenment but to also caution people of the potency of combining Kanna and DXM . Robotablets seem to be much much stronger than regular 'Robotussin' DXM that I was used to from long ago, and I can feel the real potential hazard these things can have on brain chemistry if one has the wrong "formula" or "equation" present in the chemicals in their mind/body- I feel like I was very close to losing my mind completely. On the verge without crossing the threshold of insanity. Though that could just be an illusion of disassociation.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115922
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2022Views: 1,704
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