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K Train Into the Earth
Citation:   n2 thevoid. "K Train Into the Earth: An Experience with Ketamine (exp115928)". Dec 15, 2021.

100 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
To start I am a casual user of K, just recently being able to obtain it. I have used most of the mainstream drugs out there and have a decent amount of experience with the main psychedelics.

The ritual begins as most of my psychedelic experiences do, clean my space (mental and physical), and make sure anything I will need for the journey is within reach. For ketamine that generally means a freshly made bed, water, headphones plugged into my phone with a playlist ready to go.

As for my head space, life has been relatively low stress other than working a lot of hours at a mentally draining job. My Mom died 6 months ago from cancer and since her passing I have not used any other psychedelics. Not sure when I will be ready. All in all I am in a good frame of mind and ready for the K to take me where it pleases.

T: 9:00 - I go to the bathroom to prepare 100mg of K solution into an insulin syringe, clean my injection point and insert into my deltoid muscle, aspirate the syringe then slowly inject. Side note, I find thin gauge insulin syringes work great if you are not overweight as they don't leave bruising or soreness.

T: 9:05 - I am back in my bed with headphones on starting to feel the subtle tinglings in my body. I start to really get into the calming rhythmic music and start clearing my mind for what’s to come.

T: 9:10 - The experience gets intense quickly and some of the details are forgotten but I am immersed in the music and moving through my consciousness, I then find myself feeling ancient and primal, the beats of the music having taken me deep into a dark jungle as the base of a mountain and I think I am part of a drum circle ritual, sitting around a fire with primitive humans. I can’t remember if I saw them directly or if it was more just imagery and a feeling of being there.

T:9:20? - At this point in the journey time has been rendered incomprehensible, at that moment I could have been in that state for hours or days. My surroundings shift and I feel very foreign and unsure of what is going on. I find out that I am part of the rock that makes up a mountain, it is hard to articulate the visuals and events of this but basically I know that I am the mountain. I am moving down into the earth like two tectonic plates moving against each other in the earth, nothing can be done but accept that I am along for the ride and that everything is as it should be.

T: 9:30 - I slide into the abyss for what seems like an eternity, not really positive or negative emotions at this point, really just an acceptance of what is. At this point I am startled by the sound of my wife in the other room. I am quickly transported back to the reality of my bed and my room. A fleeting moment of “what the fuck” is experienced and then I go on to wonder why the experiences had on this drug are not more revered like the traditional psychedelics, the truly bizarre nature warrants more exploration by all. Until next time Special K.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Dec 15, 2021Views: 637
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Alone (16)

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