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Slight Differences Noted Will Try Again
Buspirone & Mushrooms
by Atom
Citation:   Atom. "Slight Differences Noted Will Try Again: An Experience with Buspirone & Mushrooms (exp115931)". Dec 12, 2021.

7.5 mg oral Pharms - Buspirone (daily)
  1.4 g oral Mushrooms (capsule)
Previously reported the effects of Buspirone solo. Updating to add my experiences when mixing with mushrooms. I would say it went well.

I did not take my morning dose of buspar and also opted to skip my evening dose. Something something serotonin.

I have been on 7.5 mg of buspar for about a month to treat my anxiety. Before finding this pharmaceutical medication, I would use mushrooms to help with my anxiety and depression. If it worked reliably I wouldn't have gone on the white coat meds.
Before finding this pharmaceutical medication, I would use mushrooms to help with my anxiety and depression. If it worked reliably I wouldn't have gone on the white coat meds.

I experienced levels of anxiety throughout the morning and struggled to function due to these symptoms. I worried that I had made the wrong decision to try drugs again after I had already found a medication that has been working so well for me. I decided to stick with the plan for my day and keep with my monthly mushroom ritual.

I had a salad for lunch around 3 pm and dosed capsules of ground mushrooms around 8:30pm. I started coming up around 10:45 which is a longer wait time than I am used to, but not entirely out of the ordinary. The experience was nice for about three hours and was what I would typically expect from a dose that size.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115931
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Dec 12, 2021Views: 919
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Pharms - Buspirone (155), Mushrooms (39) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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