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A Long Trip Worth The Long Wait
DOPR & Cannabis
Citation:   Kaleida. "A Long Trip Worth The Long Wait: An Experience with DOPR & Cannabis (exp115937)". Dec 13, 2021.

5 mg oral DOPR (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
It's been a very strange year since the last time I wrote a trip report. If you are familiar with reports written by this account, you may be aware that I, or we, have dissociative identity disorder, and in more recent times have written reports done sometimes written from multiple alter perspectives, generally referring to each different alter by a Greek letter pseudonym; in the past, when writing reports, I writing this now have specifically used the name Theta. However, things have changed a lot for us over this past year, the last report being actually almost fully one year ago now, and the way we're currently living our life and managing our internal world is much different than it was back then. This trip report isn't about that so I won't take a lot of time trying to explain everything, but it does play into the headspace going into and during this experience, and it's also just a significant update for anyone who might be trying to track some things through multiple of our trip reports specifically, so I'll just spend the next couple paragraphs on it very quickly before really getting started here.

In February of this year we had a psychotic episode, which seems most likely to have been precipitated by the tryptamine smoking binge we reported on last November, although there clearly seemed to be multiple factors involved too, some of which just relate to us already having some mental health issues to start with. Among other ways that experience disrupted our life, it also caused a lot of chaos and mistrust in our dissociative system, and forced us to try to adopt a different survival strategy for the moment than the one we had been using before. I typically don't like to speak as a representative of the dissociative identity disorder community as a whole here (I don't think I'm a great one) as opposed to just telling my own story and encourage others to do their own research into it if they're interested, but in general from what I've seen and come to understand, two common paths that people with DID take after coming to understand their condition, which are taken simply depending on which seems better for any specific human body's life, are either to attempt to let all of their individual alters come out more equally and develop as individuals (this is often referred to by names like "healthy multiplicity") so that it's sort of like several distinct people all sharing a body who refer to themselves as a we, or to go in the other direction and, although still acknowledging the dissociation internally, working to integrate the functions of each individual alter into a single conglomerate that has smoother function than it did prior to knowing about the condition, but still refers to themselves as an I, at least outwardly (I won't speak to the internal worlds of others in this way).

To reduce what happened to us this past year to the simplest level here, we basically went from doing the former before the psychotic episode, actively being a "we" and trying to be separate individuals, to switching to the latter for now after the episode, trying to be an integrated "I" again, although still remaining aware of the dissociative mechanisms at work internally, and having the capacity to dissociate more thoroughly again by following the old thought patterns from before.

The reason the psychotic episode caused this change in how we were managing our dissociation is essentially because, it was one thing to be regularly exploring our inner dissociative hallucinations and interactions when they were more lucid and structured, but once they became filled with psychotic hallucinations and the behaviors of us alters shifted into paranoid delusions, it became far harder to trust anything that we had going on internally as actually being meaningful or not and our communication with another became fruitless and loopy. In the many months since the psychotic episode actually happened, we've managed to work our way back down to a more familiarly structured inner dissociative space to before, but the experience still left a permanent mark, and it seems like we're remaining in this way of managing ourselves at least for the moment, and so, for the rest of this trip report, I will be switching more over to this style as well. I currently feel unsure of where things are likely going with all of that next, and am quite conflicted about all of it because first of all the experiences that occurred during the psychotic episode did not leave a lot of harmony between all of the alters, but at the same time, as I believe I've noted in the past, I also seem to be what some call the "host" of this DID system, which refers to the alter who is most out by default and just doing the daily tasks while other alters switch out for more specific purposes, so I don't really have any choice but to keep living while we figure this all out, and I often feel like the bad guy now because I'm basically the one with control and I feel a lot more closed off from some of it than I used to be, and I'm not really sure how to start trusting the others or myself again.

The fact that I'll be referring to myself as an "I" more than a "we" in this report again is in part related to this closing off and needing to figure out what to do about it, but it's also because after everything we went through earlier this year, it kind of feels like a lot of the inner dissociation reached a breaking point and then dispersed away somewhat, in a way that I personally felt made it seem sort of like the psychosis was both the consequence of and the solution to the dissociative tension building up, and now it really does feel like a lot of the dissociative barriers have come down and we, or I, really do feel more integrated again a lot of the time, even though some dissociation still exists and it really didn't reach this point through the most ideal of circumstances, and I'm sure it's subject to fluctuate again later throughout life, which I'll or we'll of course address again then if it does, but this is how it is for now.

Anyway, I could talk about that forever, but that's enough to start this report off, so let's get the ball rolling.

This was my first experience with DOPR, and it's one I had been waiting for for a long time; DOPR had always been one of the most interesting sounding psychedelics to me since I started obsessively researching them over a decade ago, and I've also owned it for years now just waiting for a really ideal time and headspace to try it.
DOPR had always been one of the most interesting sounding psychedelics to me since I started obsessively researching them over a decade ago, and I've also owned it for years now just waiting for a really ideal time and headspace to try it.
Given everything I just described that's been going on, it may seem odd that I ended up deciding that this seemed like that ideal time and headspace specifically, but it fit the criteria I was looking for: first of all, it's a phenethylamine, which was significant because I wanted to avoid taking a tryptamine or a lysergamide for the moment, as they seem more likely to leave me in an unusually heightened mental state in the weeks after the trip than phenethylamines do, and I'm trying to avoid going crazy again; second, it's of a more powerful variety of psychedelic and very long-lasting, which was nice because I still wanted this first trip in a while for me to be impressive and impactful and to get as much out of it as possible, despite being cautious about my mental state; and third, it's something I had never tried before, and I was looking for something to help invigorate my psychedelic curiosities once more after a year of feeling somewhat detached from my old interests, not just about psychedelics but in life in general.

When the opportunity arrived for me to have a decent-sized house to myself for a full about forty-eight hours, I knew it was finally time to give this one a whirl, and I approached it anxiously but eagerly. Of course I was somewhat worried about having a bad mental reaction, though not as much as the other people in my life were; I'd already tripped a handful of times since having the psychotic episode, including on the closely related TMA-2 at the relatively high dosage of 50 mg, although that was early on and there have still been more although lesser waves of hallucination and delusion that have come and gone since then, as well as quite a lot of integration, so I wasn't quite sure of what to expect. Honestly though, I had some fear that it would rather be more difficult for me to get psychedelic effects than it used to be, just because my brain might be so burned out from hallucinating all the time naturally anyway. In the end, I decided to go with 5 mg, which seemed like it would probably be at least decently strong regardless, and not necessarily likely overwhelming either way.

My previous experience with psychedelics included DMT, MET, MPT, EPT, DPT, MiPT, DiPT, MALT, DALT, Psilocybe cubensis, 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-DET, 4-HO-MPT, 4-HO-EPT, 4-HO-DPT, 4-HO-MiPT, 4-HO-DiPT, 4-HO-McPT, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-AcO-MET, 4-AcO-DET, 4-AcO-MALT, 4-AcO-DALT, 5-HO-DMT, 5-MeO-MiPT, 5-MeO-EiPT, 5-MeO-DiPT, 5-MeO-DALT, 5-Cl-AMT, Ipomoea tricolor, Argyreia nervosa, LSD, ETH-LAD, AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, Myristica fragrans, 3C-P, 2C-C, 2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-E, 2C-P, DOF, DOC, DOB, TMA-2, 4C-D, BOD, and MDMA. My most recent trip before this was on 75 mg of DiPT some months ago, I can't remember the exact date anymore, although I remember that it was a rather disappointing experience. The psychedelic effects began showing themselves more significantly than with the lower dosages of DiPT I've used and I actually really liked where they were going, but the auditory effects were actually physically painful and really didn't develop much beyond lower levels for me if even being at the level of my first time experiencing them, and it really brought my opinion of the experience as a whole down. In any case though, there certainly shouldn't have been any tolerance from that experience, or even just any particularly recent tripping familiarity.

T+0:00 - I weighed out 5 mg of DOPR on my scale, which is generally not the recommended way of measuring out these potent psychedelic amphetamines, but this one is slightly less potent than most of the ones we call DOx and I weigh similar amounts of powder to this for 5-substituted tryptamines on this scale, so I decided to go for it. I ate a candy pumpkin to help wash the taste out of my mouth, although it actually wasn't that bad, mostly because it was barely perceptible (what I did perceive still wasn't pleasant, though).

T+0:12 - I finished putting up my tools and loading a bong bowl of cannabis for later. Some people have mentioned already having potential first alerts this early despite taking significantly longer still to fully rise, which may seem a little odd given that this one is said to take particularly long to really get anywhere even compared to other DOx molecules, although I've felt LSD strongly in minutes before and find it to take between three and four hours to truly reach peak effects in some ways for me too, so I don't find it to be an unbelievable concept; with that being said, I did feel like I had a very brief mind's eye pulse of light geometric imagery that reminded me of first alerts of other DOx molecules when putting things away and excitedly thinking about the trip, but I wouldn't say that I could reliably distinguish it from placebo at the intensity it was at.

At some point before the next time stamp, I felt like I was beginning to sweat more than normal at this point, but I also might have just been paying more attention to it than normal.

T+0:22 - I wanted ginger ale but I forgot to get some before the trip, so instead I grabbed a Fanta Orange to try to help myself ease into the experience without any stomach discontent, hoping the good flavor alone would be enough. Over the next few minutes I went to get a fresh change of clothes out for after I took a shower shortly, and at T+0:26 I could feel that my stomach was maybe starting to get very slightly unsettled as I had expected could happen, so I also ate some red sour candy stick that was mixed in with the Halloween candy to continue trying to get my stomach to feel more contented with good flavor, and I noticed that the taste surprisingly strong and sweet for what I was expecting, especially because I had already been eating a lot of those things throughout the month and the flavor still really stood out then.

T+0:30 - I moved things into the bathroom to prepare for the shower, including my bong bowl, a fun size Snickers bar, and my soda, as well as the iPad I was typing my trip report notes on, and finally a yellow Starburst to replace the Snickers which I ate while in the process of moving the other stuff, and then felt the need to use the bathroom first, which is pretty common for me when coming up on psychedelics. I actually got in the shower at T+0:38.

T+1:02 - I got out of the shower and did my usual routine afterward, feeling sort of nicer than normal but not really too altered yet. At T+1:09 I finished brushing my teeth and then went to get dressed while standing under a fan on high.

T+1:11 - I was moving my stuff back into the living room at this point when I noticed that I was starting to feel a very slight stomach discomfort. Since I had just finished brushing my teeth I didn't want to eat more candy or drink more soda as a way of trying to calm it, so I decided to take my first hit of cannabis from the bong at T+1:15. I then went and posted online for a few minutes about my experience and how it was starting off.

At T+1:23 I decided to start listening to some music, specifically stuff by schmoyoho on YouTube (funny auto-tunes and original videos) which I had been listening to and watching a lot lately, and it sounded alright though I didn't note any big changes yet, but I did feel that I could detect some bodily heaviness through the stimulation that the music gave me. At T+1:30 I noted that it seems like the enhancement and immersion is increasing a bit, and at T+1:33 I was sure I felt heavier when walking around, which is pretty normal for a psychedelic amphetamine for me, and so far it wasn't actually physically uncomfortable, just different. It reminded me of TMA-2 the most, although I could relate it to most psychedelic amphetamines, I thought it felt lighter so far at this point.

T+1:37 - For a moment I am paying attention to the internal world where we dissociated alters can still communicate despite behaving in a more integrated manner outwardly, and there's a little bit of internal bickering going on, which is pretty typical for us right now. Before psychedelics would tend to enhance our communication and switching so this seems normal, but as usual as of late the internal interactions are limited. Afterwards I focus back on the external world and I decide to step outside for a minute to see how things are out there, but I came back in quickly because while it felt nice, nothing too amazing was happening and it was surprisingly warm for this time of year with lots of bugs flying around. At T+1:40, I come back in and finally continue drinking my soda after having brushed my teeth.

T+1:42 - I note that if this really is going to get much stronger than it is at this point, which seems likely, then this is one of the slowest-building drug-induced states I've ever taken without a doubt, in line with its reputation. I go online a post a little bit more about the slow onset and the slight effects I've gotten so far, and after finishing, at T+1:48, I randomly decided to check my heart rate, which seemed entirely normal and unchanged for me.

T+1:53 - I ate that yellow Starburst and it tasted good but not really enhanced, and then I started pacing around and getting a little lost in thought. At T+1:57 I noted that the pacing was starting to become a bit more natural-feeling in a way that I could easily relate to other psychedelic experiences, although it still didn't take long for me to feel the need to sit down and relax a little again. At T+2:01 I stopped the progression of YouTube videos and sat in silence because I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do at this point, though I recognized this phase as being similar to one that tends to set in early on with other DOx molecules for me too, usually marked by me stopping whatever music is playing to think.

The next twenty minutes or so were relatively uneventful, although I could still feel the state rising very slowly. I peed again at T+2:09 and otherwise wasn't doing much but pacing around again, and then I sat down and one of the cats here laid down next to me, and I paid attention to him for a little bit and put some more music on again. I became a little paranoid when he started licking my drugged-up sweat off so I tried to distract him with food, and then I took my second cannabis hit at T+2:15. I posted another online update and chatted a little more, noting that there still wasn't much although it was getting better than earlier, and was at least recognizable as a psychedelic high. At T+2:20, I had a funny video on that gave me a really good laugh, which I noted as being easier to give into on a deeper level than it normally would have been, in a way that I very much recognize from psychedelics.

T+2:25 - At some point a while ago I put some laundry in the washing machine and was now switching it to the dryer, and the music went off as I was doing so, so I decided to stop and take a minute to think about things again. I definitely had some growing energy though and began pacing around again while thinking, and at T+2:31 I took my heart rate again and it seemed totally normal, even though I suddenly stopped to do it while pacing. I then went to note this on the iPad, and as I was typing it in, I finally began to see some rather complex visual patterning forming on the screen for just a split second, and it changed my headspace immediately just a little bit to have it flash by like that, as it suddenly felt like a trip was really beginning to start.

At T+2:36 I noted a slight painful tension on the right side of my chest and sort of feeling like it had to do with my shoulder, but I figured it probably had to do with gas bubbles and the physiological stress of the drug bringing that more out of me, as that's usually what that kind of thing is for me. As I was noticing this I had a slight blip of inner activity that felt similar to some dissociative symptoms I have been experiencing recently even without needing to trip, except that it was followed by a brief rush of more internal psychedelic visuals of the kind I don't ever get without tripping, which clued me in to how this was developing more in the background without me paying as much attention to it before then too. The visuals I saw were in the faded but lighter purple area and involved an imagery of a human which reminded me of visuals that are often considered more tryptamine-typical, though which in my experience can be produced by the more powerful psychedelic amphetamines especially too, and involved the body I saw looking human shape but mysterious in design, and sort of like it was made of several intertwined snakes, or something like that. I thought it was a good sign, as this is a type of visual area I particularly enjoy and had hoped DOPR might be up to bringing it out too.

After the above I put on another schmoyoho video to test how my reaction to music would be currently, and it led to some somewhat energetic and complex and playful dancing that definitely helped to relieve that physical tension I felt on my right, at least in that moment. After making myself tired again, I sat back down to relax a bit more, and that's when I started to notice more of the internal visuals from before forming again, at T+2:44; I can't remember if I was closing my eyes for it or just seeing it in my mind's eye with eyes open, but the two tend to overlap for me. I was seeing a visual landscape that reminded me of a stereotypical piece of abstract artwork of open plains with a horizon with a sunrise or sunset and complex and intricate psychedelic geometries painted all over the natural scenery, and I could see the patterns being drawn in a sort of cute and bubbly but at the same time beautiful and impressive way, one standing out being an up-and-down zigzagging line that was being drawn from left to right over the whole image sort of like rays coming from the sun in the above comparison, and this line actually was a golden yellow, although the space it was being drawn immediately on top of was more of a royal purple. I was very impressed with this visual effect when I saw it, and it immediately reminded me of the feeling of being impressed I had with the visuals of 2C-E during my first experience with it, with certain, more abstract elements of the two feeling to me like they are comparable, although like it'd be difficult to satisfactorily describe in what ways, other than that they're both notably powerful, intricate, aesthetically pleasing, and playful for me. It's worth noting that this image was not very opaque to me, but it was very stable and more than clear enough to make out.

T+2:47 - The cat came by again and I continued paying attention to more similar internal imagery while interacting with him, and then when I looked away from him and at the living room TV I noticed that the screen and edges of the TV were actually beginning to warp and have light auras around them too, so there were some external visuals really starting to come in that were more integrated into the environment than the brief flash of patterns I had gotten earlier too, and I further noted as I typed this note into the iPad that the iPad itself was also starting to get some purple-y, maybe green or blue colors on its edges as well. I returned to the forum and began posting more about how it was going, and discussing the nature of DOx psychedelics with others. I definitely felt that I was sort of at a turning point where things were starting to really pick up and become a bit more intense, but at the same time it still felt kind of on the fence maybe compared to the level of intensity I might have aimed for if I could have known what it would be like ahead of time, but I decided to keep being patient and see where things go knowing how long it's supposed to take, and how long other related molecules take to fully develop for me too.

T+3:02 - I was starting to get kind of hungry and in the past have had good phenethylamine experiences with ordering fish and chips to the point that I often kind of crave it while on them now, so I decided to do that for lunch. After ordering I went back to listening to more of the types of music videos from before and pacing around while thinking, and some of the music had political content which made me slightly depressed, although I enjoyed being stimulated into think about more than just enjoying the current state. At T+3:15 I finally took my third cannabis hit, which I was enjoying the synergy of, but it didn't feel necessary for me to smoke more than once every hour so far. At T+3:17 the pain in the right side of my chest or shoulder from earlier was back, which was annoying, and I remember thinking at first that it might be that smoking the cannabis just caused another gas bubble reaction, but I wasn't totally sure of that. I checked my heart rate again and it was fine, and I didn't really feel uncomfortable or anything troubling in any other way, so I wonder what it was, but just ended up figuring that maybe I had slept on my right arm in a weird way and now that was being revealed by the muscle tension and enhanced sensitivity caused by the drug, or something, and maybe I just needed to try to find a better sitting position to help not stimulate that area. After thinking about it for a bit, the food arrived at T+3:29 and I got a distraction, and watched an episode of American Dad! while eating. I remember it being extremely delicious and being enhanced from how much I would enjoy it normally, though not necessarily the most memorable experience of eating that meal I've ever had.

T+4:09 - The meal took a while to get through and was great, although by the end of it I noted that I was still feeling that right chest tension, and it didn't really feel that threatening because it was localized and just felt more like a strain, but it definitely was getting annoying. I took my fourth cannabis hit at T+4:15, and after cleaning up my mess from lunch, I decided to head out back again for at least a minute to see how things were. The outside world seemed pretty awesome and I enjoyed being out there, but I also felt somewhat disoriented when wandering around out there and like I was still in a state where I'd be better off inside with the air conditioning and couch, so I went back in at T+4:31. At some point when I was out there however I did actually also take my fifth cannabis hit, just because I like smoking outside, and I was getting less worried about keeping on a strict schedule now that I was becoming more familiarized to the DOPR underneath it.

At T+5:40 I checked my heart rate again which I was doing repeatedly because this was a new chemical for me to ingest and I just wanted to be safe and document any side effects if they occur, although I was trying not to do it too much because I've had problems with anxiety with checking my heart rate being a trigger for me many years ago, and I note that it still feels fine, and is probably decently likely to throughout if it hasn't changed at all by this point. I hadn't written any notes between this and the last time stamp which seems like a big jump, but at this point in the experience I was basically just starting to settle into the effects more, not be as surprised or see as many actually distinct qualities to note, and was also going back and forth between discussing the trip with different people online or through text and just pacing around some more. This was the core headspace feature of the experience for me, I was still able to communicate lucidly at a more simplistic level but I was very lost in thought
I was still able to communicate lucidly at a more simplistic level but I was very lost in thought
mostly in ways where I was reviewing a lot of what I had been thinking and experiencing lately with a somewhat more critical but also just pensive perspective, which reminded me of other deeper and more powerful phenethylamine experiences I've had in a notably and comfortable way and which I quite enjoyed, although not in the more blatantly recreational pure fun sense so much as because I enjoy the therapeutic aspects of psychedelic states. I noted that I felt incredibly zoned in to whatever I was doing, with it not being easy to focus on more than one thing at a time, and it perhaps even being distracting, like I would turn music off if my main focus wasn't specifically to listen to it rather than just having it as background sound.

The visuals were still going and at this point I was starting to be pretty sure that they were never going to become overly powerful for this experience, but I was at least seeing enough of them to get a good taste of their style and potential, and I have to say that I really, really enjoyed what I saw, and I hesitate to get too excited from a first experience these days, but I am very excited to see how it continues to develop with future experiences at higher dosages. The visual style most readily reminded me of DOB, very much so in fact, and for me specifically at least that is a big compliment, because I absolutely love the visuals of DOB and find them fascinating. So far DOPR seemed to get right into the same area for me, except then be even more intricately developed and have an even more beautiful color scheme and mysterious general vibe - which was somewhat alike 2C-P, but still distinct - although the one thing I can't say yet is that the visuals were more present compared to the rest of the effects; my experiences with DOB have definitely had more intense and obvious visual effects so far, but I'm not yet convinced that that has more to do with potential than just dosage, so I'm going to reserve my judgment any further than that for now, but I look forward to comparing them more in that way in the future! For now though, I will say that DOPR's most prominent visual patterning seemed to me sort of like the glowing, pink and purple petals of an alien, technological flower with white orbs flowing along their edges, streaming out to the rest of the environment in delicate, bending strands of light, and ultimately encompassing my entire field of vision, which waved as one under the visual effect, which I believe I've actually heard described about it before, and have noticed some similar things on other phenethylamines, such as what I called a "flag-waving" visual field distortion on 2C-I. Anyway, at some point before the next time stamp I decided to take a hot bath, although I don't remember exactly when it was and I forgot to make a note of it, but I was still in it at the next time stamp.

T+6:16 - I took my next cannabis hit, which I believe might have been my sixth, although it's possible that I took more without documenting it in the above time, and I think I'll stop numbering them for the report's sake now. By now I was switching finally from the music videos from before to EDM, and at this point I noted starting the full album Orakel by Savant. I was really enjoying getting lost in the sensations and myself, and I noted that the bath was finally taking away the right-side pain I had, and I don't remember it ever coming back to bother me throughout it.

I didn't make another note until T+7:11 about taking another hit of cannabis, but I know that in between I was texting a friend (in the bath, yes) about how I was finding the DOPR to produce a strange mix of making me horny in the sense that I could tell that I wanted to achieve sexual satisfaction, but actually trying to stimulate myself, beyond just being distracted by the headspace as is typical on psychedelics, produced very little excitement and didn't feel notably enhanced in sensation compared to not being on the drug that I can recall, and I ended up comparing it to my first time on AL-LAD, which also made me feel like I had a strong need to feel sexual release that made me uncomfortable over time, except that on that it was that it constantly pushed me to near release to the point that it felt a bit torturous always being right at that point, whereas on DOPR the feeling of uncomfortably needing release was similar, but in this case it was that it didn't seem to be enough no matter how much I tried. I did end up having some success sort of early on, but then made a critical mistake; when I really started to hit it I had an unbelievably powerful flash of closed eye visuals that reminded me of those I get while being sexually stimulated on other psychedelic phenethylamines, which was easily at least one of the most intense and definitely the most beautiful and sexually-appealing version of that type of visual I've ever gotten, with a mysterious but familiar realm of sexual human female entities unfolding before me completely painted in glowing luscious pinks, but I got so excited by it that I stopped to text my friend that I was finally having some success that was worth it, but doing that pulled me back out of it to a point that I was never able to get that deep into it again. By the time I got out of the bath at T+8:23, I did manage to finally have an orgasm, but it was just nicely satisfying but without any intense flash of psychedelic imagery like before, so I figured I probably missed the window of opportunity for this time around but would look forward to it for next time.

T+8:30 - I finally finished my first bong bowl of cannabis, which had just a little bit left in it. Shortly after this I loaded a second bowl and was getting hungry, so I ordered a pizza, and noted taking another hit of cannabis at T+9:10. By around this time I was starting to notice that the intensity of the initial wave of the DOPR seemed like it might be starting to drop off, and this was a pretty typical time frame for amphetamine psychedelics to do so in me generally. Generally I start to feel rather tired by the time this drop comes around, and this time was no exception. I remember starting to relax but also zone out a bit more, and at T+9:58 my pizza had arrived and I started eating and watching TV, and found the food quite delicious and the television entertaining, and felt like I had had a pretty good day up to that point. My last noted cannabis hit of the day happened at T+10:17, and the only other note I made after that was at T+11:13, when I wrote that I was going to go to bed, staying up rolling around lost in thought and smoking a bit until I finally passed out without trying to document any more... except that I didn't, because I was still just a little too awake, so at T+12:22 I got up to use the bathroom and decided to take a shower, and then I migrated out into the den and hung out on the couch until I fell asleep there, knowing that I have a tendency to do that, and then once I did and woke up a little while later I was able to move back to bed and spend the rest of the night there. Another thing I remember from that period that seems worth noting is that when I was still rolling around in bed in the dark, even though I wasn't really actively noticing much visual effect anymore at that point, when I held my cell phone to my face in the otherwise dark room, the light was giving off incredibly complex patterning, perhaps more so than I've ever seen in that way and very surprisingly so at that point, though the patterns were all white and were actually annoying my eyes in an uncomfortable way that I've associated with phenethylamine psychedelics before, so I stopped looking at it, but I feel like that experience contributed to me being too awake to fall asleep at that point too.

T+19:45 - I woke up and used the bathroom, with no issues of note, though that itself is kind of of note, as I've had issues at this point with DOx psychedelics in the past. I started going about my day and noted that I began smoking cannabis again at T+21:26, though I never took any more notes about it again after that. At T+26:06 I was eating lunch and watching YouTube videos and I was still feeling pretty good and like I could still feel the drug effect going pretty decently for being this far into it, maybe a little stronger than most DOx psychedelics would be for me at that point still. The effect was no longer really hallucinogenic most of the time but still involved it being difficult for me to focus on more than one thing at once and having a lot of self-reflective thoughts going, and by that point I was feeling very comfortable in the body with none of my recent stressors of the tension from before bothering me and had a not too strong but good buzz throughout it, so I was quite enjoying myself and happy with the way the DOPR had gone up to this point. At T+27:35 I was lying on the couch and starting to drift off and I started having some vivid hypnagogic-type hallucinations occur in a way that seems to relatively consistently occur on the second day of a DOx psychedelic for me, leading me to believe it's still a direct drug effect somehow, and this one was notably sexy in nature, whereas I don't remember that being a factor with them before.

I didn't take many more notes after that, but at T+44:49 I woke up the next day and started smoking, and at T+47:18 I noticed that sounds around the house were still louder than normal in a way that reminds me of how I've had them be in the later hours of past trips on other things. I ended up having to deal with some social stressors at T+48:27 which caused me to burp a bit more and have a headache, more how I'm used to feeling on physically heavy drugs when not in my most comfortable space, but at T+49:56 I started drinking margaritas and that got better, and after that I probably can't really say with much value if the DOPR still had any residual effects going for the rest of the day. That being said, the next day, now over T+72:00, I was sitting in the back yard again in the late afternoon or early evening when it was just starting to get dark outside, reflecting on everything that had happened in the trip as well as just my life lately in general, and I noticed that I still felt incredibly peaceful and even euphoric, to the point that I could directly compare the feeling to an experience I had many years ago in that back yard in the middle of the night listening to the trees blow in the wind while peaking on 50 mg of 4-HO-MET. This was frankly kind of shocking, it really still felt like I was on it in that moment even that long after dosing, and that moment I realized how huge of an impact the experience had had on me, and that moment now stands out as an important part of that for me too.

And thus ends my first experience with DOPR. I couldn't help but have a lot of expectations for this drug when going in, and it generally met them all and exceeded some, which is pretty much the most you can really hope for. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am very grateful to have been able to have it, and I look forward to savoring the remaining quantity of it that I have as much as I possibly can, which I don't feel at this point will likely be too difficult for me to do. I'm fairly certain that the next time I use it I will try a higher dosage, though I'm not sure yet what that dosage will be, or when that next time will occur, though it may be a good while from now still, and I don't feel like that'd be too bad of a thing. The trip was incredibly satisfying and I don't feel I need to explore it more again right away, especially with what a rarity it is.
The trip was incredibly satisfying and I don't feel I need to explore it more again right away, especially with what a rarity it is.
It's now been two weeks as of today since I first took the DOPR, and I've had time to reflect more on how it impacted me in the short-term and long-term, and I do feel that it also met my expectations of being able to give me a satisfying trip without putting me in as much of a residually activated state in the weeks following the trip as an indole psychedelic seems generally to have been more likely to do to me, which I'm glad for, although I do still feel like I'm maybe becoming slightly elevated right now as I write this report, not so much from the mood directly but other bodily and perceptual symptoms I recognize as early signs now, but I've got a lot going on particularly related to specifically still trying to work through all of the internal dissociative and psychotic things that have happened this past year, and I still feel like I'm fluctuating and trying to figure out how to understand and better control my states in general now, so it's hard for me to directly relate it to an effect of the drug as opposed to just how my brain is working right now and the contents of my mind as of late. In fact, in the first handful of days after the trip I actually felt notably less wired or dissociated and like I could think more clearly than I had been beforehand, although my normal state of mind slowly crept back in - although, this is not unlike how I've always felt good therapeutic psychedelics effect me anyway, as one of the reasons I like taking them regularly is because they help keep me feeling more sane, even though when I take them too much they seem to help drive me a little insane.

All in all, I was quite happy with it, and really don't have anything but good things to say about it yet. I'm excited to see more in the future, but that's all I've got for now!

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115937
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Dec 13, 2021Views: 1,062
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