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The Bizarre Bazaar
DMT, Salvia divinorum & Tobacco
by MHD
Citation:   MHD. "The Bizarre Bazaar: An Experience with DMT, Salvia divinorum & Tobacco (exp115943)". Jan 11, 2022.

  smoked Salvia divinorum  
    smoked Tobacco  
  50 mg smoked DMT (freebase)
The following psychonautical bioassay was conducted through the pyrolysis of a flax rolling paper, cylindrically wrapped around cured Nicotiana tobacum, dried leaves of Salvia divinorum, with a sprinkling of 50mg N,N-dimethyltryptamine freebase - the smoke was inhaled through the lungs. In-short, a DMT-laced cigarette. The following is a rough transcription of notes written immediately after the experience, in a roughly chronological order.

Four radiating nuns assemble themselves, each turned away from the other, their hands closed in prayer - they bow and the nun-structure collapses in on itself. Each of the four nuns transmogrify into a greek-key motif, coloured pink and bright yellow; the pattern twists and turns and has a presence of being alive (hence I refer to the structures as 'they'). They are held high above me, as though I was laying down in a large and echoic cathedral. The twisting of the shapes repeats itself indefinitely, I writhe around in my bed to rid myself of the Sisyphean geometries, but no physical movement will subdue its onslaught. Each motif has a jester-like presence, I am being laughed at. A nefarious and sinister atmosphere ensues, I am uncomfortable and wish to escape. I try to deflect their laughter by laughing at them but that makes no difference, the chorus of laughter only intensifies. A tinge of witchcraftery, a feminine and divine presence - was this the geometric manifestation of the metaphysical framework of the medieval witch? Are they Hecate?

(I should also note, at this point I felt a numbness to my jaw-region. My wisdom teeth are coming through and giving me intense bouts of pain - during this experience all pain had subsided. Do any pyrolytic DMT by-products have analgesic properties?)

The jester-greek keys dissolve into the cathedral-dome and I am able to spatially locate myself to different areas in this psychedelic psycho-scape. I begin to think about an emotional-complex in my personality that I don't like and wish to get rid of - this emotional complex materialises into an open bivalve clam, located directly in front of me.
I begin to think about an emotional-complex in my personality that I don't like and wish to get rid of - this emotional complex materialises into an open bivalve clam, located directly in front of me.
The clam's shell begins to close, standing behind it is a Stavrophore monk sneering at me, he winks. He beckons his hand forward and from the ground emerges a malformed, uneven phalloid structure that looms over me. The closing of the emotional-complex brings forth an element of me that is unexplored: sexuality.

A mantis-like geometry forms above me, high frequency noise reverberates around my cranium, the vibrations create an immense pressure in my head that is so strong that I feel like I have chronic sinusitis, my cranium is about to implode! The mantis is distinctly feminine and wants to CRUSH me! Its delicate hands push strongly on my head. There is a correlative relation between the strength of the mantis pushing my head and the frequency of the noise.

From this, I enter into what I label as the 'BIZARRE BAZAAR' - an Arabian landscape dominated by male mystics. Wizards, Magi, priests, Sheikhs, nomads, shepherds; they all bustle in a busy town. I float through it seamlessly on a magic carpet. This landscape contrasts with the presence-of-the-feminine described in the first landscape - this vibe is inherently male. I can be quite intimidated by testosterone-filled men, but the men in this town were peaceful and understanding of my presence - all were deeply spiritual and immersed in their own mental journeys.

My olfactory domain is filled with essences of turmeric, jasmine, Turkish delight and honey. A man runs a stall and sells cephalapods with petals for tentacles. How mysterious, how enchanting. Two more Stavrophore monks - of a higher spiritual order than the monk that revealed the phalloid - speaks to me. I ask him to qualify my own experience -


I ask. He initially replies in English, but soon linguistically transmorphs into fast-paced locutions of an unknown tongue. A language of a higher-order, it made no sense to me, but I stood in awe of the fact that my mind had generated such craftery.

A line of monks chant in unison, the chorus drifts me into a comatose stupor - I fall into a meditative trance for a prolonged time period. I begin to hear the buzz of bee's wings crescendo, louder and louder.


I jerk out of bed. I feel electrocuted. It felt as if the noise came out of my cranium rather than my mind's orchestra - as though the two hemispheres of my brain were rubbing together at an insanely high frequency until the rubbing reached a critical frequency - ZAP!

The following marks the final closed-eye hallucination - a tera-pede (a many many-legged arthropod) sits on my face - it was coloured pink, magenta and yellow. I feel like Gregor Samsa. I remark out loud:


(I read Metamorphosis by Kafka just before the experience). The insectoid rubs its genital region in my face, I feel suffocated and claustrophobic (this contrasts to the vast open-space of the cathedrals described in the first section). I write in my diary for the first time,


I am overwhelmed that my mind could generate such intricate beauty. I explored socio-religious realms deeply, from the chanting of Hecate-like beings, Abrahamic deserts full of religious mystics and horny insects. The symmetrically alkylated tryptamines tend to evoke strong, Biblical connotations in me (bar DiPT - this feels quite digitized). Sexual imagery galore, totem-pole penises and insect genitalia. I am the least sexual person I have ever known - I am voluntarily celibate, yet sexual innuendos were on every corner in the aforementioned psycho-scapes. I'm a staunch materialist and a vocal atheist, yet religious rituals were rampant in every scene.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115943
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 11, 2022Views: 605
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), General (1)

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