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Bonding and Withdrawal
Citation:   Eyeroh. "Bonding and Withdrawal: An Experience with Tramadol (exp115957)". Jan 11, 2022.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:15 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 4 hits smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
My Bonding and Experience With Tramadol

I've tried several substances during the period of 4 years, which include, apart from the mentioned three, Nicotine, Alcohol, LSD (20+ times), MDMA, Benzodiazepines, DXM, DMT, Codeine, and ketamine. I've used tramadol on alternate days for almost a year and paired with pregabalin for 6 months (almost always paired with weed and nicotine).
I've used tramadol on alternate days for almost a year and paired with pregabalin for 6 months (almost always paired with weed and nicotine).

Tramadol: Let me explain how it feels. I believe the best way to take this is to stagger the pills 45 mins apart.

00:00: 50mg tramadol intake

00:45: Extremely light feelings of well-being, upped energy. +50 mg tramadol intake at this point.

01:00: I'd be definitely feeling something, warm and pleasant feelings of tingling and general mood drastically improved. I'd take an edible or rip some bowls now. The Opiate Rush, as they call it has begun.

01:30 : +50/100mg tramadol intake. The high has begun, I'd be feeling very happy, warm and comfortable, a very upscaled energy level. I'd be content and listen to some music which feels amazing.

02:15: +50mg tram, this is when the extreme part of the tramadol begins. It almost feels like a low dose of MDMA but much cleaner and consistent. I'd be so confident that I'd easily kill my anxiety. Depression is non-existent. A very comfortable and warm feeling with amazing tingling. I just feel GOD-like. Nothing could stop me and extreme feelings of well-being (especially if paired with pregabalin and weed). This continues for the next 5-6 hours.

08:30 : The comedown begins, the warm feelings are gone, itches (quite enjoyable imo) begin, I especially feel the itches in the nose region, loss of interest in surroundings to a degree and fatigue kicks in. As with all stimulants, benzos can be very enjoyable during the comedown. It eases all the negative aspects and gently drifts to sleep. But benzos can be EXTREMELY addictive, same as opiates.

Nicotine and weed are the greatest boosters. Cigerrates feel out of this world, with every hit dropping the pleasant release even after 3-4 cigerrates. A match made in heaven.

Overall, it works for me, tramadol can be quite fun. I've developed a bond with it that cannot be reached with other classes of drugs. It has been a lifesaver for me sometimes. I still have cravings after 2 months of lowering the dose and using it less frequently as compared before.
I still have cravings after 2 months of lowering the dose and using it less frequently as compared before.
Although I have to stress the point the drug can be extremely addictive with withdrawal symptoms starting within weeks of use.

This is ultimately an opiate with stimulant properties with much longer period of action when compared to traditional opiates. So, after a while, it plays all the tricks and catches of opiates to keep getting the rush.

I've become addicted to the drug few times this year, although it was not a full-blown, physical addiction. I used to pop 'em every other day with pregabalin and weed which makes the high MUCH more intense compared to tram alone. Tramadol must always be paired with weed imo. I really feel the rush with it.

Some withdrawal symptoms I've faced are,

1 day after cessation : Slight depression and anxiety with a runny nose and teary eyes.

2 days : EXTREME depression sets in and feels like it's going to be only worse. Loose motion and loss of appetite is almost definite. Energy levels get ridiculously low so that I don't even want to walk.

3 days: Depression continues, almost suicidal. Energy levels are very low but quite improved. Cravings begin, thoughts of tapering and shit starts. This is the trick of the opioid, it keeps nagging all day so that I'm aware all the time that I'm in withdrawal and tramadol could fix this.

4 days: Depression subsides, cravings are present, this is the hardest time as I'd want to take tramadol again as I've endured the tough part of the withdrawal, little I'd know that it is a nasty cycle which keep getting worse down the road.

5 days : First feelings of serotonin producing in my brain without the help of tramadol. Sense of victory sets in but cravings are present.

10+ days : Withdrawal is completely gone but the cravings are present although much less.

15+ days : At this point, cravings should be gone, but a small excitement stays with me for life, it releases whenever I think about the high. I'd be just wanting it for one time, which is a lie and should be avoided. The cycle is ready to be rode now, it's actually my choice now rather than the compulsive need when addicted.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 11, 2022Views: 925
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