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The Magic Bullet
Buprenorphine (Sublocade)
Citation:   Sauceboss. "The Magic Bullet: An Experience with Buprenorphine (Sublocade) (exp115967)". Jan 21, 2022.

100 - 300 mg SC Pharms - Buprenorphine (liquid)
I’ve been struggling with opioid addiction for the last 2 decades, with maybe 2.5 years clean in that time. This last time in rehab, they began offering Suboxone maintenance and something new, at least to me; Sublocade maintenance.

I began asking anyone with information about the drug as much as I could possibly find out, and came to learn that not only does it block withdrawal and cravings, but it gives you an even dose over the course of a month and after discontinuing, there are no withdrawals unlike Suboxone/Subutex/methadone.

I am now on my third dose, the doctor has put me on ~200mg as a bridge dose between the 300mg and 100mg dose. The shot is given in a clinical setting, much like when being prescribed Suboxone.

I went to rehab expecting to at least test positive for some heroin, but it was nothing but fentanyl. The detox was among the worst I had ever experienced, because of precipitated withdrawal from fentanyl and how long the half life is, the doctors prescribed Librium, Catapres, and phenobarbital for the first 3 days of detox. Those drugs barely even took the edge off, I spent 72 hours in bed shaking, sweating, and hallucinating before finally taking the first 2mg Subutex dose. I immediately began vomiting before taking another 4mg, vomiting, and sleeping for a few hours. After that I began 2 days of 12mg in the morning, followed by a week of 16mg in the morning before getting the shot.

Sublocade has been a miracle. Since getting out, it has given me the energy to work out almost daily, I feel better now than I did when I quit all substances 5 years ago. I was able to get a great job and will be receiving 100mg/month until I decide to quit taking Sublocade all together. Though, just like with an opioid medicine, I take daily Miralax or other stool softeners. I try to shit daily, but sometimes after 2-3 days it hardens to the point where shitting is extremely painful and I have to force it out. Taking stool softeners lessens that discomfort.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115967
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2022Views: 981
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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