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Fun While on It, Not So Fun After
Citation:   Shaky joe. "Fun While on It, Not So Fun After: An Experience with Tramadol (exp115968)". Jan 7, 2022.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
  T+ 6:00 200 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
I must say that I likely took way too much, especially since it was my first time. The insufferable comedown may or may not be only as a result of that.

I had a few days alone without my roommates, and I figured I could use this opportunity to experiment with Tramadol, which I had always wanted to try.

Initially, I took about 200mg. After an hour or so, I started feeling it - I was feeling slightly light-headed, warm, and energetic. As the hours went by, I started feeling calmer and happier, but never felt the complete 'euphoria' that some users have described. All in all, at its peak I felt good, like I was wrapped in a warm blanket, having forgotten about most of my worries and troubles.

As I started to feel the effects getting quiet weak, roughly 6 hours after I first ingested the initial dose of 200mg, I figured I may as well take another 200.

As the second dose kicked in, I was feeling quite comfortable, and snugged into my bed. I could not sleep, however I was also feeling tired and had trouble keeping my eyes open. It wasn't a bad sensation at all, I was very content and cozy. I was having vivid thoughts and some imaginary visuals with my eyes closed, but it was a good experience. A few hours pass and I fell asleep at one point, high as a kite.

When I woke up roughly 8 hours later, I was feeling surprisingly fine. I lay in my bed for about 30 more minutes, when I decided to get out of my bed and get some food. That's when I started feeling very nauseous and sick. I immediately went to the bathroom and puked, but I was only puking stomach acid as I hadn't eaten in 14+ hours by then.

I rushed back to bed, and my symptoms were somewhat alleviated. However, every time I tried to get up, I felt sick and the need to throw up again. My head felt like it's burning, and shaking my head had me feeling like my brain was bouncing around inside my skull.

Eventually I decided this could not go on and that I had to somehow get some food in my stomach, so I ordered some pizza and waited in bed. When the pizza arrived, I got out of bed, was barely able to get my pizza and close the door before I puked again. I was puking nothing but bile and it was very hard to stop. I managed to get into bed, feeling awful, and trying hard to resist the urge to puke.

After my symptoms calmed down as a result of me laying down, I took a big bite from the pizza and put my head back on the pillow. This way, I slowly ate the pizza over a period of an hour. This was roughly 24 hours after I took my initial dose.

The pizza had made me feel a lot better, but I still felt quite bad. I could describe it best as a bad alcohol hangover, but I didn't feel like I was dying at that point. Just felt sick and nauseous.

I slept a bit more, and when I woke up, I could finally move around without having to throw up. Writing this 31 hours after the initial dose, I still feel shaky and slightly sick, but for the most part I'm okay. I definitely regret taking this drug, but maybe if I took only 200mg this would've been a different story.

Overall, the drug itself made me feel pleasant, but it was not worth the after effects. In the process, I spent pretty much an entire day in bed, because getting out of it was almost impossible without feeling dizzy and nauseous.

Next time I'm going to stick to my old reliable Valium if I'm looking to waste a whole day.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115968
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 7, 2022Views: 3,688
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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