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Enhanced My Life!
Propylhexedrine, Kratom & Alcohol
Citation:   WeAreGod. "Enhanced My Life!: An Experience with Propylhexedrine, Kratom & Alcohol (exp115974)". Jan 3, 2022.

T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine (extract)
  T+ 4:52   oral Alcohol  
  T+ 4:52   oral Kratom  
  T+ 20:46 250 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine (extract)
  T+ 25:24 1 Tbsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Benzedrex Lemon Juice. Soak Cotton in Lemon Juice overnight, Drink juice.
Woke up ~ 11:30 AM, Dosed ~ Noon on empty stomach. (Approx 250mg from one inhaler)
Resting HR ~ 75bpm . No Coffee or Kratom yet.

Ate a chunk of Cheddar Cheese (contains Tyramine which is a precursor to Dopamine, hopefully enhancing effects)

~13:00 Feeling effects. Sweaty, Speedyu, Good!
Mental & Physical tasks smoother & lighter.
Everything is a breeze. Thoughts racing. Denser Reality.
Daily Sudoku & Morse Code FAST. Thinking on many levels.
Set new personal record for level 3 Sudoku! 6 minutes

13:48 WAVES Full Body Tingles, some Jaw Tensions. Sore Balls.
Sweaty Armpits. HR~97bpm after cleaning med cabinet.
Very spontaneously productive. In Clean & Organize Mode

14:10 Effects Peaked. Feel beginning of comedown... Barely though.... Only compared to peak..
Squeeze Cotton & Rewash for last of it. Re-Dose remainder left in cotton juice.

16:22 Feeling Great Still! Slight over-stimulated confusion. Switching. But I've done everything on day list so far!
Dose of Kratom & Alcohol Pre-Workout.

19:32 Lip-lickinggg Insane unstoppable Jaw tension.
Amazing strength workout, High Power. (Definitely increased my strength ability)
Hour of Racquetball Cardio. Stuttering while chatting in Steam Room lol.
Still feeling it hard! (T+07:32)

22:24 Still Tweaking. Lip Licking, Restless, still momentum. Sipping Whiskey. Compulsion to Re-Dose & Masturbate

(Day after)

8:32 AM (T+20:32)
Holy fuck. Still High, Masturbation Irresistable. Just ate Cheese & Oak Milk. Got another Inhaler, let soak overnight. Might Redose 250 mg...

8:46 Redose.

13:24 Laid in Bed All Morning...
Stomach Ache & Blue Balls from retention.
Felt very ill, fever, malaise, diaherrea. (Likely related to eating a spoiled Hard-Boiled Egg this morning)
Rested a bit, Feeling better.
Feeling good stimulation sti.. Had another Kratom Dose 1tbsp Red Vein.
Sleep Deprived, Scatterbrained, Impulsive, Driven, Very Horny.
Mind buzzing with creative ideas.

16:25 Second WAVE! Flying High Again
Organizing Cryptos, Cleaning, Garage, Pallets, WOOOOO
Soon to Gym with Lady. How far will I go?

(written the following day)

Fucking Horrible. I hate being with her. Come home, stomach hurt. Tea, Dinner, Kratom, Whiskey, Recovery Shake.
Lay down around 23:00 (T+ 35 hrs original dose, T+ 14:14 hours since redose)
Masturbated for a while. Still retaining! Wow, haven't done this in a long time. (Semen retention)
Sleeep. Reawaken @ ~3:00AM (T+ 39Hrs T+ 18:14 since redose)
Talk with Angelic Friend about past memories. Great to reconnect. Back to Bed til ~noon
Wake up feeling GREAT! Refreshed!

Typing this a few hrs after waking up.

No noticable hangover. Got right out of bed feeling completely refreshed and ready for more. Had some Coffee, Kratom, sip of Whiskey. Crushing my daily routine. I feel like the Propylhexedrine really helped me to break the inertia of drowning in heavy chores that I've let pile up... I got ALOT done that I have been procrastinating for a long time.
I got ALOT done that I have been procrastinating for a long time.
I still feel the afterglow & momentum now today, now what to do with it? Keep going!

Vasoconstriction and Long-Duration... Dose early in the day... Prepare to pull an all-nighter. Maybe have a dose saved for following morning...

It absolutely boosted my productivity, focus, creativity, appreciation for life, sociability, physical & mental abilities, and sexual energy.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115974
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 3, 2022Views: 1,934
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Pharms - Propylhexedrine (389), Kratom (203) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Performance Enhancement (50), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Various (28)

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