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Psychosis and Convolutions
Cannabis & AM-2201
Citation:   Indigo child. "Psychosis and Convolutions: An Experience with Cannabis & AM-2201 (exp116034)". Jan 30, 2022.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
    smoked AM-2201
Take this as a lesson to never scrape other people’s pipes.

I got a pipe from my old plug and I got some weed off him. Me and my gf use the pipe to smoke the weed we had. We finished all the weed and decided too scrape the bowl to get one last smoke sesh.

Worst things could have done

I take about 5 hits and pass the pipe to my gf. By her second hit I could feel my entire body vibrating very fast and I said stop hitting that that’s not weed at this point I black out. I come to on the opposite side of the bed I was laying on it looking at my girlfriend and I’m freaking out my heart. I was very paranoid I felt like my mom was going to find out and I’m going to end up in a mental hospital or a loony bin.

About 20 mins in now

I’m looking around the room in a panic and it looked like I was in a nasty grease kitchen everything had this yellow tint to it, it was like I was in a alternate universe where everything was just slightly different. Everything looked terrifying not like they were monsters it felt more like I woke up tied up in a basement.

About 30 sum mins

Now I was hurting all over my head was in sm pain, I couldn’t stop shaking my hand would jerk around without me doing it. I asked my gf for food she brought me a pb n j sandwich but I would just jerk it around. At this point I black out.

I woke up hours later and texted my plug to ask what he smoked outta that pipe and he said AM-2201 a synthetic cannabinoi. It was dangerous and terrifying.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 116034
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 30, 2022Views: 803
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Cannabis (1), AM-2201 (529) : Small Group (2-9) (17), What Was in That? (26), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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