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I’m Going to Jail
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Indigo child. "I’m Going to Jail: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp116036)". Oct 1, 2023.

T+ 0:00
600 ug oral LSD (gel tab)
  T+ 1:30   hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
First acid experience. The drugs that I tried prior to this would be cannabis, cocaine, pregabalin, Xanax, tramadol, codeine, nicotine and caffeine and datura. The story starts with a really close friend of mine. I’m sitting in my best friends house, he tests his drugs in front of me. So I knew I was getting 100% LSD-25, now I’m really excited. This is my first time and I got clean acid. I'm excited, I know I'm not going to die from some RC. So I take the gel tab. It’s 1:45 pm.

It’s now 2:28 pm. First hallucinations, there was this kid in the backyard with me like playing around and he grabs a beach ball and throws it across the backyard, and I look at it and see 5 to 6 more beach balls following. They almost look like they were shadows following the ball in the shape of the ball but just a shadow following the object and I look at my friend and say “yo the ball just trailed across the room” and he said oh finally it’s kicking in, in a excited tone.

At this point me, my bsf and my other friend, ybur, leave so we can get ybur home. So we’re walking down the sidewalk and he face plants. I start freaking out and panicking "Are you OK? Do you need the ambulance? What’s wrong?" They stand up and say "I’m fine." They start walking a little bit and just face plant again. The only thing they did around me was smoke some weed so I am finding this bizarre that they look like their overdosing. So we flag down a cop to come over and we’re sitting here talking to the cop. He starts asking us what we’ve taken, do you know how much? and I said that we just smoked some weed so that’s why I’m confused why he’s doing this. The officer looks at me dead in my eyes and I’m looking at him dead in his eyes. There is geometry and what looked like the air moving around him, The Sacred Geometry.

So I’m looking at the cop and he’s looking at me and he says with the most grim look on his face, almost looking into my soul, he asked what else did y’all take today? At this moment I think I’m fucked and I’m going to jail. We say nothing
So I’m looking at the cop and he’s looking at me and he says with the most grim look on his face, almost looking into my soul, he asked what else did y’all take today? At this moment I think I’m fucked and I’m going to jail. We say nothing
and he asked if the weed was real or spice? I told him that I have a medical card so that I know 100% it was weed. He put my friend ybur in the back of the ambulance and takes off. I have nowhere else to go so I went back with my best friend over to his house after the stressful stressful experience.

3:16 We make it back. Me and my best friend decided to go to his friend's house so we walk over there. I still feel very panicky. My visuals are moving very fast, in would switch shapes very fast. It was quite a lot to take in. I’m looking around at the trees and they look beautiful. This is starting to calm me down. I’m starting to realize what it’s like to trip and how vulnerable my mind is on it. We walk into his friend's house and we sit down. We pack a bowl in the bong and pass it around once it got to me I reached out to grab the bong and completely missed it so I go again and my fingers barely touch it so I reach all the way up again and I finally grab it. My depth perception is obviously destroyed. I take a fat hit outta the bong and start coughing and dying and immediately after the weed kicked, my visuals tripled in intensity.

4:45 oh shit. At this point I am tripping really hard I’m looking in the middle of the room and there’s these beings like watching me. They look like pillars, on each side of their face, there’s a face. So three faces that I can see and they connect at top to bottom and stretch all through my visual field, a beautiful sight to see. More geometry, things look like they’re breathing, textures and walls move, carpet patterns move.

6:30 I leave the room to use the bathroom. It’s a tiny one bedroom apartment, but I walk into the room, the ceilings are like 300 feet up. The windows are huge and go all the way up the walls, beautiful furniture, luxury house. I’m like damn this person lives in a beautiful house. I look at the stairs to go use the bathroom and they stretch up into infinity and I’m watching them stretch more and more and more. I think to myself, how the fuck am I gonna climb up all those stairs? I get to the bathroom, I take a piss and I looked in the mirror. My pores and pupils look dilated. I could see in my pores.

I don’t remember much after this part. All we did really was sit and chill. I asked my friend for a ride home later that night and I’m just coming down off the drug. Even though the beginning was really stressful and scary, I think I had a good trip.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116036
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2023Views: 14
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Various (28)

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