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Euphoria and a Burn
Cannabis, Leonotis Neptifolia & Tobacco
by Dog
Citation:   Dog. "Euphoria and a Burn: An Experience with Cannabis, Leonotis Neptifolia & Tobacco (exp116055)". Feb 14, 2022.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked Tobacco
    smoked Leonotis nepetifolia
I do not have tobacco without cannabis, it makes me feel sick and depressed.

When I mix the two, I have about 2:1 cannabis to tobacco, volumetrically by eye. The tobacco makes the smoke thicker and heavier, and gives it a burn that's distinctive for tobacco. It gives a physical euphoria similar to some stimulants, and makes the cannabis high more pronounced and shorter lasting.
It increases my heart rate.
It can prevent me from sleeping.
In higher ratios of tobacco it can make me very nauseous and fatigued. it can make me feel like I'm on a muscle relaxant and very tired.
It can cause shaking and headache. It can make me feel hypoxic, dizzy, and disoriented.
It can make me feel like I'm melting, or like I'm having a migraine.
At best though it's just euphoria and a burn
Can last 5 minutes up to an hour
This is the baseline

Mixing in Leonotis Neptifolia
2:1 eyeballed, added a small pinch of petals, torn up fine, approximately as much as the tobacco
The smoke isn't much different other than smell, however there's this gagging reflex that felt like was being triggered when I smoked. No relation to flavor, just kind of happened.
The effects were very similar.
I felt hypoxic and dizzy for a second, which isn't out of the ordinary.
I felt the physical euphoria.
It physically felt a little different from the baseline. Like maybe the stimulation was less (woo smooth melting) and more (brain and body go brr) but quality is hard to describe and I am biased.
It made me shaky for a few minutes.
The effects faded mostly after about 15 minutes.

It seems to me like Leonotis Neptifolia petals have synergistic effects with the combination of tobacco and cannabis.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116055
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2022Views: 598
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Leonotis nepetifolia (371), Cannabis (1), Tobacco (47) : Unknown Context (20), Poetry (43), Combinations (3)

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