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Ego Death
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   RedRH. "Ego Death: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp116164)". Mar 24, 2022.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I am using mushrooms to finally fix my decades-long combat related PTSD. I started with . 5 grams and worked up to 3 grams and thought I would need more to reach the ego death experience where all denials, deceptions and truth are revealed and that one cannot hide from. Anyhow, it only took me 3.5 grams to get there.

I freeze dried the mushrooms I cultivated and powdered in a coffee mill. I used lemon tek to prepare and then consumed after 30 minute steep in lemon juice. I had eaten lightly 2 hours prior.

It is 6:00 PM

Setting: Dark room alone. Easy Star All Stars playlist going on my TV surround system.

30 min: definitely coming up with light closed eye visuals.

1 hour: the album cover displayed on TV has vibrant color and is distorting. Experiencing open eye visuals and intense closed eye visuals.

1.5 hours: I review my objectives and question if the intense visuals will distract me from experiencing the ego death
1.5 hours: I review my objectives and question if the intense visuals will distract me from experiencing the ego death
I seek to limit external stimulus, I turn off the music and room is black.

2.5 hours: I am at peak with the most intense visuals both open and closed eye. I begin to develop insights without seeking them. I wonder if I will remember my experience when I come down and begin to record my audible notes. Every question I had was addressed and I was forced to face my own denial and the box started unpacking in a very deliberate, but serial manner of one issue at a time. I was amazed at how rational the experience was!

3 hours: asking myself if I am beginning to come down. Turned on playlist and TV and that was answered immediately: Still intensely zooming!

4 hours: Definitely on the way back from the journey. I am satisfied.

5 hours and just about back to baseline: I review my audio log of notes and happy to report that it was still clear in my mind! I can honestly say that this one journey did more than decades of therapy and antianxiety meds.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116164
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 61
Published: Mar 24, 2022Views: 840
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32)

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