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Fractal Beings
Citation:   SantoS. "Fractal Beings: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116168)". Sep 27, 2022.

T+ 0:00
7 g oral Mushrooms (sclerotia)
  T+ 2:00 8 g oral Mushrooms (sclerotia)
  T+ 2:00 6 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
In July 2021, I had a mushroom experience, that I would describe as monumental. The previous journey I had before this one, was a 5gr trip of Golden Teachers, nine months earlier, which had also been intense.

At first, this time, I ingested, 7gr of fresh truffles, of a variety called Utopia, and went to lie down in my bed. But about two hours later, no effects were felt, and I was slowly drifting towards sleep. So I came out of bed, and decided to have the rest of the pack, another 8gr, it was 15 grams of truffles in total, and before it even started, I decided to add another 6gr of dried unidentified Cubensis. Unidentified, as they were from the past year, and I couldn't remember which variety they were as I didn't tag the jar in which I had stored them, but they were either Mexican or Mckennaï.

I decided to have these extra ones, as the truffles seemed weak, despite being rated as 5 stars out of 5 in term of strength.

Also, I wanted to have a proper experience, and not have to wait another 6 months to be able to do so. I prefer to wait at least 6 months in between each experience, according to the tolerance that one can develop when consuming Psilocybin too frequently.

Another thing is that this time, after ingesting them, I also rolled myself a joint of Cannabis, that I smoked during the time of the coming up. I did this, as at another occasion with mushrooms, after almost six hours, all the effects had fainted away, and after having two tokes on a joint, it restarted the experience at an all new level so maybe worth to consider one day, but only at the end... I realised that Cannabis could increase the effects, but now I realised as well, that it often brings thoughts, and too much mental thinking, while having to concentrate can be disrupting to the experience.

As often, the sensation came up strongly and rapidly, but surprisingly I handled it well, and the feeling was really pleasant. It was a hot summer day, with a storm coming up during this evening, as the substance climbed in me, outside, lightning and thunder were gushing. I opened all the windows and the wind was rushing in the room, a hot wind, it felt like a proper tropical storm. I really enjoyed the setting, being comfy, and sheltered.

I was lying on the floor of the lounge, on my thick and colourful rug, with a pillow under my head. I had two of my favourite albums for mushrooms trips set to play in loop, The first one is from Nadaka and called ''Lotus of the Quiet Mind'' a kind of modern Mantra instrumental music, and the second one from Maneesh de Moor ''Sadhana'' an album of Electronic/Ambient Indian Music. Which suits perfectly, as the various deep sound vibrations during those tracks seem to affect the visuals. It started with deep thoughts about myself, things I should consider about my life, such as my addictions, and various other topics. I was also aware of tensions that I had in my back, and to palliate this, while under the effect of the mushrooms, I went into some sort of yoga stretching on the floor, it was totally intuitive, and spontaneous, I was also trying to do some deep breathing. As I was doing so, with my eyes closed, all my field of vision was covered by visuals.

Then it felt like a break, and visions somehow stopped for a moment.

After a short time, what I could describe as being the second part of the experience had started, visuals came back with it. But this time thoughts were emphasised about people in my entourage, I had either visions about them, or things that I should say to them, some rather benevolent thoughts. As for example, at a time, through visions, I could perceive one of my colleagues from work, having a sexual intercourse with her boyfriend, but it wasn't like voyeurism at all, it was totally detached from those types of earthly feelings, it was more like a mystical contemplation of life replicating itself, as in that act, I was witnessing the conception of their child. If there was an image that could describe this vision of their Union, it would be one of Alex Grey's painting called ''Prenatal Bliss''. The year before, she had been pregnant, and to their great despair, they had lost the baby, during her pregnancy. They were sad, and were hesitant, for now, about trying to conceive again. But that vision felt like it was the moment where they would succeed, I could sense the merging of these two beings through their love, into the creation of a third being.

Then another thought came about, concerning another colleague, that practices meditation on a regular basis, and to which I should offer mushrooms, for him to reach a new sense of consciousness, which he would certainly attain through his deep meditation training.

Various others thoughts came, about more people that I know, but that felt randomly happening, with no connections to my recent daily life, as I had no contact with them, for weeks or months.

Again, I had a break from visuals, that happened between each part, but they would come back at the start of the following one.

Then came the third part, which this time was out of this world, there were no more references to reality.

I realised one thing that day, that, before this peculiar experience, I didn't knew anything about how to handle mushroom journeys, it was this peculiar one that helped me to understand the process of how to navigate, and how to operate within the experience.

With the little help and council from a voice...

The voice was telling me to concentrate. To concentrate on the visuals, as for me, visuals induced by mushrooms are quite weak, compared to those brought about by DMT. I was used to the vivid and powerful intrusiveness of DMT, while mushrooms visuals are lighter and more subtle.

That was until I used the concentration that I was told to apply...

As I concentrated on those visions, that were quite faint to start with, I understood that I could somehow zoom-in inside the visuals, it would then allow me to get deeper, and increase the vividness. It is strange to describe the process, but focusing made them more tangible. Colours, contrast, and sharpness were increasing, it suddenly became more serious, and took a sense of importance. At first I just went through different type visions, which I cannot all remember, but it became striking with the apparition of some incredible geometrical entanglements, then the voice repeated itself again, asking me to concentrate further, which I did, and that took me in deeper. I then found myself surrounded by fractals of all shapes and colours, expending indefinitely into the surrounding void. I had reached what I would call the fractal world. I finally ended up seeing what was, totally unexpected, I was astounded by wonder. The voice finally told me, “here you are, finally seeing us...” And I directly made the link to some of Terence McKenna's assumptions. Was I facing, what could seem to be, the now so called, Transforming Machine Elves !?

At that point when I finally saw them, I couldn't help but smile, it was tenacious and uncontrollable such as if my facial muscles were contracted into a smile. Which became overwhelming, I couldn't hold it any longer, and I ended up bursting into laughters, it is hard to describe but, they were laughters of joy and relief, relief as if I finally had a clue, that, after all, perhaps we were not alone, as of Humans, being considered as the only intelligible beings out there, out there, but not in the physical depiction of Space and Time, but rather within my own self, in the vastness of my mind.

I simply couldn't believe it, and for some time, I didn't knew what to say, what to answer, or what to ask, to those beings that felt more real, than reality itself.

I was speechless, thoughtless, as if deprived of any mean of reasoning.

As to describe them, first it was delicate to spot them, as they were somehow making one with the fractals, they were intricately linked to the fractals, as extensions of their bodies, and they would be coming out, and going back in, from a place to another, but only within the fractals matter, and not anywhere else in the surrounding void.

Concerning their appearances, I would say that their bodies were consisting of various pixels, of different colours, that would shift independently and unexpectedly, while remaining stuck to each other as held by a form of gravity, the pixels were constantly rearranging themselves, giving an always different shape to those beings. They were all constantly shifting, as if they couldn't hold their pixels, for longer than a few seconds, until some of the pixels that form them would spin, change position, and colour, such as in a Rubik's cube.

And sometimes, they had faces, although that wasn't applicable to all of them, faces that were resembling those of antique puppets, on which I could discern eyes and mouths, smiling faces, friendly expressions. Or was it as McKenna once tried to explain, an intent from those entities to give the observer a more familiar appearance, to something from which one could have references, basically human faces, something more relevant to the human reality … ? Instead of what seemed to be their basic primal appearance, complex shifting coloured pixels.

It felt like they had he ability to modified their appearance, it felt like they had great powers, when it come to shaping their world, they could influence the fractal patterns and directions in which those would extend, deciding how the fractal could look, and propagate.

I kept laughing, and crying, for a certain time, being in their presence, and at the beauty of their creations until I had fully assimilated the vision of their sudden occurrence.

While facing those hundreds or even thousands of beings that were surrounding me, The first thing that came to my mind, was to ask : ''How can we interact ?” and they answered me at once, without delay, as one voice : “We are interacting !”

The second thing that came to my mind, was trying to tell them, what was happening in my reality, and more specifically regarding the current crisis, trying to explain to them, that I felt some of my kind were trying to take control over Humanity. But it was like if they already knew what was going on, as if they already had read the entire content of my mind, and said : “Here too, there are some forces trying to take control over the space.''

At that moment the visions of them and their fractals world disappeared and I found myself in a totally different place, in the presence of others beings. There I received a sort of message, that came to my mind by means of a short vision, that would depict one of those beings, suddenly turning to a red colour and growling at me. It was to tell me to keep a distance with this new type of beings. But it was just to inform me that they could become aggressive, if someone would be getting too close. I would say that those beings had a more animal instinct or behaviour, with some concept of territory.

But they were rather peaceful when I wandered through their world, they were kind of curious and welcoming, as I visited them.

Those beings had the shape of Hexagons, they were made of a pale blueish colour, with a sort of transparency upon their surface, and a faint light within their centre. But now I knew that they could turn to red in anger, as a defence posture, if they felt one's presence as an intrusion.

Some were floating independently, but the majority of them were stuck together, such as in a bee hive, by doing this, they could then form massive structures and walls. But in order to do so, they needed some sort of external technologies, I saw a few of their appliances, but it is difficult to describe, due my lack of words, I would say some sort of organic machines, or organic engines, that were wired to them, hence allowing them to stick together and form those bee hive structures.

If I was to try to explain something about these beings, from what I felt and understood is that, the structures they manage to form allow them to colonise the surrounding space, and by doing so, it also permit them to build over the fractals that the previous beings had created.

But the fractals beings did not seemed to consider them as a threat, it seems that they were not really affected by them building their bee hives structures, as they could effortlessly recreate fractals at will, all over again. As if there was a sort of equilibrium to respect, between those two species, but the fractals were somehow in charge of keeping the balance, as on the other hand, the hexagonal beings would by instinct take over it all.

One of the differences between them, is that the first can simply create at will, while the others need some sort of organic machinery to do so.

After roaming their world for a while, the visions stopped once again, and restarted back with the Fractals. I then asked them : “Where are You from ?" Then again the visions stopped, and when they came back, I found myself floating through space, endless space, and far in the distance, I could see what looked like a galaxy, in the shape of an Eye. Intuitively I decided to head towards this one, as I was able to travel through Space, and it went relatively fast to move around. I soon reached that Eye shaped galaxy, to realise that it was a sort of nebulous cloud with a shining star in its centre, giving it the appearance of an Eye.

Once there, I came across a gigantic conical shaped spiral structure made of stones, or given the context, I would rather describe them as massive asteroids, but it was like if they had been cut into definite shapes, like blocks, they were rotating around the centre of that hollow structure, in a slow motion, they were kept in place, as if held by an inner field of gravity, making them float that way, with a regular intervals between them, forming that gigantic conical spiral, with a fractal pattern. Was that their answer, by directly showing me where they were from ?

I remained there for a short time, it was eye catching, but the vision stopped, and started again back with the Fractals.

I was then showed a heavenly world, that could resemble that famous painting, from Hieronymus Bosch called '' The Garden of Earthly Delights '' In that vision that I was given, Humans and Animals were living together, in Peace, in the setting of a lushly green Nature.

While visualising this place, I was told : '' There is also a Space for Human Consciousness '' Possibly being that world...

That was how the Journey ended up. I came back to myself, lying down on the floor, after almost six hours of intense experience. And I was left in wonder, regarding that last vision...

I make multiple references to the Voice, but I perceived it more as a thought, a sort of mind communication, or should I say Telepathy...

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 27, 2022Views: 286
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Mushrooms (39) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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