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The Strongest, the Briefest!
Mushrooms (sclerotia)
Citation:   SantoS. "The Strongest, the Briefest!: An Experience with Mushrooms (sclerotia) (exp116176)". Apr 1, 2022.

15 g oral Mushrooms (sclerotia)
February 2022

This time I didn't respect my rule, which consist in waiting at least six months between two Mushroom journeys. My last Journey on mushrooms took place only three weeks earlier. This time, it was a quiet evening at home, on my own, the full moon was rising. I ingested a bag of fresh truffles, a variety called Valhalla, in reference to the Norse mythology, the Eden of Odin. Those truffles were said to be a strong variety, causing intense visuals, I ate the full bag, which weighted 15grs. Considering my body weight, it was meant to be just short the amount of a heavy dose.

I was really apprehensive, thinking of what I would put myself through this time... As the previous journey, was really powerful, which at some point pushed me to the limit of panic, but I managed it well.

I had put some music, and went to lie down in my bed, but the music was just to start with, it wasn't meant to last long, twenty minutes or so, while waiting for the coming up. The intent this time was to have a journey in silence, and in darkness.
The intent this time was to have a journey in silence, and in darkness.

It took about half an hour to feel the first effects, with it I heard the usual buzz, and visuals started to appear, slowly but surely, and indeed visuals were really present, After a short while, I felt reassured, but also confident, at how to handle this journey. I would accept anything that would be showed to me, going through the visions, as I did during the previous experience, but this time with such confidence, suddenly I found myself surrounded by a halo of light, a bright pink light, I was lightened, that raised my strength, and at that moment, I wouldn't be scared of anything. I was bright, I was shining, and while passing through this world, I would show and cast my light to any visions, to any entities, that I would encounter, and I did encounter many. My pink light was allowing me to go through without being stopped, beings would just let me pass, and were observing me.

But I remember little about them, if not one, a particular one, it was massive, as big as a mountain, It made me feel so small being in front of Him.

I could describe Him as a giant wheel, with his face at his centre, I could say that, He resembled the Mayan calendar, the massive wheel body, had some sort of glyphs design on it, but I couldn't see them clearly, or I didn't pay much attention to them, as all that I was staring at, was his face ! A giant face, with a wide open mouth, such as in the Mayan calendar, and it felt that He was there to stop me, or to slow me down regarding the velocity at which I was advancing in that journey. In a certain way, his intent was to scare me off, or to impress me, and He did, when I saw Him, I had to stop.

I stood in front of him, and for a moment we were observing each other. I remembered my halo, and I made it brighter, and showed him my light. Thinking that as the others beings He would let me through, but He suddenly, started to suck everything in the surrounding, using his wide open mouth as a vacuum, and all visuals, lights, and Me, were starting to get absorbed by Him, but I could withstand the powerful attraction, and watched everything, flying through him. Behind Him, or it was rather part of him, as enclosed within its circle body, were propellers, that were now spinning at an incredible speed, which were creating the vacuuming suction, and everything that would go through his mouth, would be shredded into pieces on the other side.

Usually I would have tried to flee the suction, to get away from him. But this time I could resist, and was so confident, that I decided to let myself be absorbed, even more, I flew into him, directly towards his mouth, shinning my pink light, trying to be as bright as I could. I went in, came to the propellers, and was shredded into pieces, scattered in the surrounding space.

My consciousness wasn't affected by this, and all my parts, were surrounded by the bright pink halo of light, all pieces came back to fusion with each other, and I was one once again. Regenerated from the slicing, even brighter, and more determined to go further.

As I went in farther, the visions were multiplying and becoming more complex, but I didn't let myself being drowned into them. The more I would go through, the more visions would be made, as to hide from me the point from which they all emanated. It is hard to describe, but visions, all of them, are like vortexes of which we get to see only the inner wall of their wider end, but the path, or the entry into the vortex has to be found somewhere else, sometime hidden, it has to be searched, as it is intended, it feels, not to be found by the viewer, but I insistently searched for the vanishing point, or should I now call it the “Vortex point”, it feels more suited, as the vanishing point refers to a point on a two dimensional plane, while the vortex is a rather multidimensional place.

My goal now, was to find that hole within the vortexes, which would lead me to its originating source. And I plunged in them at such a speed, scenery after scenery, I could always find it, despite how much complicated and intricate visuals were becoming. I literally chased it down, every time aiming at it, and finding it I tried not to give any attention to the vivid surroundings, although, I have to admit that some of the visions were becoming utterly amazing, and at a few occasions, when the visuals would be so attractive, I got distracted and lost the focus, I couldn't help, but be diverted by them. Eventually I would give up on contemplating, and carried on.

At that point, visuals were literally thrown at me, as to stop me from going further, to stop me from reaching the source. I had some really strong auditive hallucinations, every time that a new visual would appear, I would hear something like sweeping winds wooshing passed my hears, my senses.

In my bed, my body would react to this, my closed eyed would blink, and wrinkle, my head would go backward into the mattress, as if I was receiving the vision straight in my face.

This was one of the strongest moments I ever had on any psychedelic experiences.

At some point it felt like whatever or whomever was behind all this wasn't prepared for my readiness, and my determination. I shone my bright pink light halo, and I dived into it all, trying to cut down on visions, to just get to the point. Searching to meet and have an interaction with the source of the visuals.

All the way from the beginning “ It ” was hiding behind it all, everything was created by it, the visuals, the vortexes, the surrounding space.

I managed in between two sceneries to get a glimpse of its appearance, but I can recall much about it, as it was so brief. That being was like a gigantic, static, floating structure, it was in part covered by some sort of clouds, and I could not see its definite shape.

I can only remember its strikingness, its outstanding nature, such a heavenly sight, to which I have no references. When I saw it, I said its name ! but I can't remember it, now. I called it by its name, and said “ … is that you ?! ” but I had no answer to my question. And as soon as I saw it, visuals were thrown back to my sight, this time with such an abundance, that I couldn't any more, get through them all to have a further view of it, It was hiding from me.

I then heard a Voice, a deep voice, saying : “ Don't ! ” That stopped me in my pursuit, it was like to call me back to reason, as my behaviour was becoming obsessional, by the goal of getting to the source of the visuals.

At the sound of that Voice, I felt like a child having a whim. I answered the Voice, and asked it, to encounter the being behind the visuals, that I wanted to interact with It.

But it was denied, I was told by that Voice : “ Not now, it is not the right moment yet ”

It wasn't the being creating the visuals, that talked to me, but rather someone or something else, that would act as an intermediary. I did not see it, just heard its Voice, It was like if it was omnipresent, not there, but everywhere at the same time.

I asked the Voice something else, something that I had in mind for quite some time now. If there was any mean for me, to interact with beings of my kind, (Humans) such as through telepathy. It answered me : “ Yes ” but did not tell me, or explain me how.

We had a few more verbal exchanges, but I can't remember them. I was standing there some more time, witnessing the quietness and calm of the visuals now, I was floating as part of them, the same feeling as in the previous experience, where I was one with everything.

I still felt the omnipresence of the Voice, but then, back to reality in my bed, I felt the urge to urinate, and had to open my eyes to get out of bed, I asked the voice, if I was to get out, could I come back afterward. And it said : “ You could ”

I opened my eyes, and as in the previous experience, I had my field of vision covered by some transparent visuals. I went out of bed to pee, and was really dizzy, my limbs were as numbed, I made it to the toilet, but when I came back to my room, it was it, I was back to myself, I tried to go back to bed, and closed my eyes again, but the intensity was gone, I couldn't get back to that state.

I remained in bed for some time, thinking of all that had just happened...

Then I stood up, still shaken by the experience, went to the lounge, and started to write those lines

It was the strongest Journey that I had on mushrooms, in term of intensity, but also the briefest, as it did last just over an hour.

It was almost comparable to a DMT trip, but lasted longer. Maybe was it that short, compared to my other Mushroom experiences, which usually last for about four to six hours, because of the tolerance to Psilocybin, as it had not even being a month since my last excursion. I do not know.

But I definitely never reached that intensity before, and it felt amazing !

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116176
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 41
Published: Apr 1, 2022Views: 503
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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