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Mild, But Sweet
4C-D & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Psychestim. "Mild, But Sweet: An Experience with 4C-D & Nitrous Oxide (exp116183)". Apr 1, 2022.

T+ 0:00
75 mg oral 4C-D (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:44 2 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 2:25 6 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)

4C-D, also named ARIADNE, is homolog of 2C-D and DOM, both of which I greatly enjoy.

Background information:
- gender: male
- age: 24
- weight: 77 kg
- setting: at home, alone

- set: I’m feeling fine today but have been a bit depressed the last couple of days. Maybe this trip will get me out of my rut.
set: I’m feeling fine today but have been a bit depressed the last couple of days. Maybe this trip will get me out of my rut.
I’m secretly hoping for it to grace me with some of its anti-depressant qualities.

- tolerance: probably not much, if at all. I took 55mg 2C-D five days ago but that shouldn‘t interfere much with this experience.

The fine powder is white and consists of tiny, sugar-like crystals. I am unable to retrieve a couple of milligrams from the baggy because it sticks to the sides.

I actually planned to take some DOiP today but as the weather isn‘t great and this particular amphetamine induces a lot of stimulation and bodyload I thought it would be better to choose a less physically demanding psychedelic so I can comfortably stay inside. My breakfast consisted of two eggs, some bread, peppers, olives, tomatoes and some cheese and was consumed two hours before my initial dose.

HR right before the experience - 71 bpm

4C-D (75mg, oral) / Trip Report:

T:00:00: Take my dose. It is 12:10 PM.

T:00:07: Slight tingling in the back of my head, possibly placebo.

T:00:20: Definite alerts. My extremities are cold and I notice something going on. I'm surprised that this substance comes on so quickly. Slight restlessness, warmth and jaw tension are setting in.

Heart rate measured - 85 bpm

T:00:50: I have goose bumps and a cold shiver runs down my spine. My mood is pretty much unchanged so far. After the quick onset of the drug, the come-up is now much slower. Nothing else to report on so far.

T:01:25: Effects are only very mildly pronounced. My mood stayed the same as before, but a subtle body sensation is spreading itself. Reminds me of the standard phenethylamine warmth that I know from related compounds. It’s possible that 4C-D causes visual hallucinations at higher doses. However, at 75mg I can only discern slight visual disturbances, at best.

T:01:40: Music appreciation is increased and now the mood enhancing component of this substance is becoming more apparent. A slight uneasiness in my stomach has been accompanying me for an hour or so. It is not strong or particularly bothersome, but noticeable. I understand why some people draw comparisons to MDMA but for me the euphoria is far less pronounced, at this dose at least. I wouldn't even say that I necessarily feel better than usual, but there‘s a definite pro-social aspect.

T:01:44: I did two nitrous cartridges just now. Woooooosh. Laughing gas definitely brings out the visuals of 4C-D more but even then they’re faint and reserved. 4C-D feels like what I imagine DOF or 2,5-DMA to be like, but it’s probably more physically pleasant and euphoric? It's clearly active but I struggle to name things that it does. There‘s a certain mood lift, but at this dose it’s weaker than that of MDMA, 4-FA, or other amphetamine-type drugs. I am also not sure if I would call it psychedelic, but I guess so? The slight uneasy feeling in my stomach I mentioned earlier vanished after I had those balloons.

T:02:10: Inhaled two more balloons in a row. Nitrous oxide synergizes very well with 4C-D, the geometry stands out on white surfaces. Trivial green and red mosaic patterns that almost scream at me. Now I’d definitely call it psychedelic. Without the nitrous I think I’d be a little bored just sitting here. Next time I would actively do something where the euphoria can come out more. Maybe taking it in a social setting would be fun.

Heart rate measured - 83 bpm

T:02:25: HOLY MOTHERFUCKING NITROUS!!!! It‘s like falling into the most beautiful abyss imaginable. The euphoric body-feeling after doing a balloon is just orgasmic. Also, the audio distortions and that warping sound are so cool when you’re listening to good music. Just did my remaining six cartridges back to back and now I‘m a little sad that it‘s over. But whatever, it‘s been a lot of fun. Great synergy, but I have yet to find a psychedelic that doesn‘t pair nicely with N2O.

After the fifth balloon or so, I had an odd epiphany that I was somehow an internet meme where I just sat on my couch with an empty balloon in one hand, and a nitrous charger in the other making weird faces. The thing is, in my head I didn’t even look like myself. I looked like a random 40 year old with black hair, wearing a blue shirt and I have no idea why. People seemed to love it though and I was an internet sensation because I was doing nitrous. Those were some strange 30 seconds of fame, that’s for sure.

T:03:05: The effects are coming down pretty quickly. Feeling quite hungry now, so I order some Indian food. There’s almost no bodyload or physical malaise with this substance, which is a big plus in my books.

HR measured at 73 bpm

T:04:10: Effects are in a comfortable plateau right now. Interacting with the delivery guy went smoothly and now I’m having a conversation with my roommate.

T:04:20: Food went down surprisingly easy and I feel happy. I am now reading through PiHKAL a bit and it goes well without being distracted too much. Rereading some of Shulgin’s reports fills me with a lot of joy and gratefulness. I can count myself immensely lucky that I was able to get my hands on some of the rarities he blessed us with. 4C-D might not be a challenging or earth-shattering psychedelic, but it is a nice day-enhancer which can be refreshing from time to time.

T:06:00: Still feeling very content and serene, but the high is coming to an end. My guess is that I will be back to baseline in about two hours.

Will stop making notes now.

T:12:10: After watching TV and doing stuff on my laptop for hours, I went to bed at midnight. Falling asleep took me a bit longer than normal but it wasn’t too bad, maybe 20 minutes or so.

The day after:

T:17:05: Woke up early (07:15 AM) from a set of various, vivid dreams. Some bizarre scenarios and interactions were displayed. In one dream my mom was sexually harassed by a midget that talked like Gollum and had diapers on. I then proceeded to awkwardly defend his actions because apparently he was a friend of mine that I deemed worth giving another chance. I somehow associated that with a past friend of mine, with whom I am no longer in contact with. Not that he did anything to my mother nor did he wear diapers, but every now and then I think about giving him a call, but never actually end up doing so because of some shit that happened between us.

In another dream my suicidal ex-girlfriend apologized to my family in a letter why she didn’t want to get help back when we were together and that she was doing much better now.

Pretty interesting dreams, I must say.

T:22:45: I‘m having a seriously positive afterglow.
T:22:45: I‘m having a seriously positive afterglow.
My mood is greatly amplified and I feel deeply contented even though the weather in Vienna is more than depressing today. I‘m just relishing my cup of coffee and the beautiful after-effects of ARIADNE. Great little substance, definitely worth checking out if you have a bit of money to spare.



Oh ARIADNE, a mild and benign psychedelic with an entactogenic touch. It is very clear-headed and friendly, and I would be open to revisiting this substance in the future but maybe at 100-150mg to see if it can become more psychedelic/entactogenic, or at lower doses to explore its pro-social effects. I imagine its subtle and mood-enhancing nature makes for a good social lubricant. 75 milligrams were a bit too little to just sit around and observe. Next time I would actively do something to bring out the euphoria more, like perhaps using it at a small gathering of friends, or going for a hike in nature.

Besides nitrous oxide, I can imagine it would go nicely with a low dose of LSD, or maybe a 4-substituted tryptamine like 4-HO-MiPT. Ketamine would probably also make for an interesting combination.

Too bad I don’t have any more of this to experiment a little further. I think this one needs a few trial and errors before one finds their sweet spot.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116183
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 1, 2022Views: 1,092
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4C-D (744) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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