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Extremely 'Stoned'
Citation:   Dr. Logic. "Extremely 'Stoned': An Experience with Nutmeg (exp11619)". Jul 31, 2019.

2 nuts oral Nutmeg (liquid)
Being a philosophy student on my winter break from school, I decided to delve my consciousness into some legal psychoactive substances. Nutmeg, being the most readily available legal high, was first on my list. I have already tried packaged pre-ground nutmeg with good effects, but heard that fresh ground produces more intensity. And believe me, fresh ground is the way to go.

The other day I went to a Co-operative grocer and picked up some organically grown nutmeg seeds. I decided to ingest 2 nuts (thinking this would not effect me much) I crushed the nuts into small chunks with a garlic press and then proceeded to grind the chunks finely with a pepper mill. (this was very laborious, I will use a spice grinder next time) I mixed the powder with some cold water, held my nose and chugged it! People can be real wimps when it comes to the taste. Its a spice for crying out doesn't taste that bad.

30 minutes -I could barely feel a mild buzz 'off in the background'

2 hours -same extremely mild buzz effect. This sustained for about 4 more hours.

5:30 hours -around this time the nutmeg hits me like a ton of bricks. I've become quite 'stoned' -very similar to if I smoked a large amount of potent cannabis. I have a dry mouth, lazy eyes. I also have a mild body buzz...its pleasant overall. pretty euphoric.

6:30-7:30 hours -This is the peak. I'm still very stoned and I am now getting mild visuals (trails, peripheral movement) I am pretty euphoric except for a quick wave of paranoia that hit me (worrying I had taken too much). My spatial and temporal perception are distorted...much like when on cannabis or better yet, psilocybin mushrooms. I still have a mild body high, but most of the high is concentrated in my head. EXTREMELY intense overall almost dizzying...nearly felt I would pass out or get violently ill, but I was fine.

9 hours -still stoned, but the peak intensity has subsided

11 hours -it has weakened significantly, but I am still pretty high.

13 hours - I abruptly become very tired and drowsy so I decide to sleep

24 hours -I wake up and I'm still a bit buzzed, but its pretty much over. The rest of the day was relaxing. Hang-over effects were very mild and thus bearable. (This surprised me, considering how messed up I was the day before) I had a few short, mild and sporadic headaches...that's pretty much it.

Overall, I thought the experience was very interesting. Regarding the overall comfort of the experience, it surely wasn't the best high I've ever had. But, it was definitely very intense. I sure did learn a lot about the intoxicating effects of Nutmeg. I will try it again but at a lower dose. Probably just 1 nut. I especially liked the nutmeg experience because it did not make me drowsy (the way cannabis does) and the high was relatively uniform in intensity for at least a good 6 hours.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11619
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 1,093
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Nutmeg (41) : Unknown Context (20), Personal Preparation (45), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), General (1)

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