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2M2B is Poison
by Rick
Citation:   Rick. "2M2B is Poison: An Experience with 2-Methyl-2-Butanol (exp116199)". Mar 30, 2022.

22 ml oral 2-Methyl-2-Butanol (liquid)
I wanted to try out 2M2B to see if it would be a legitimate replacement for alcohol. Something to effect euphoria and disinhibit, without the messy effects.

Dosed about 22ml of 97.5% 2M2B over the course of about 4hrs. The chemical is very volatile, and is somewhere between the texture/flavor/smell of a mixture of GBL, kerosene with just a touch of gasoline. Really gross stuff, but I found the more times I dose it, the body becomes more accepting of the "flavor". There were little to no effects for about 12 hrs, besides a very weak alcohol like effect. But some ~20 hrs in, I could neither stand nor think. I am uncertain of what all receptors this stuff acts on, but it definitely has effects similar to a strong gaba agonist.

I wake up, it's dark outside. I have missed an entire day pretty much.
I wake up, it's dark outside. I have missed an entire day pretty much.
My body craves water, both externally and internally. I must bathe about every 4-5 hrs, just some interior drive. My face has been burned from the inside out. I apply lotion to keep it from burning further, wondering what the stuff must be doing to my eyes...

For about 3 days I lapse in and out of sleep, wake, bathe, drink gallons of water. I did eat a couple times, but with that much sleep, there isn't a lot of time for that. My gf comes over about day 4, I dosed on a Friday about noon, and it's now Tuesday and my whole body still reeks of this stuff. Two weeks later now and she still tells me that I smell slightly of the substance. I can smell it on me still too.

The compound seems to adversely affect vision much longer than the other systems of the body, I assume. It causes a haze in the visual field, some pupillary alterations that seem unnatural. Things appear much as they do after using cannabinoids, but certainly only due to some possible macular damage or something, likely not from action on the cannabinoid receptors direct. Two weeks post dose, and still have not had vision return to 100%.

The most dangerous thing about this substance isn't necessarily the adverse effects it appears to have on numerous systems of the body, but more the fact that one can dose this substance for multiple hours, feel completely fine, able to drive even, and then be completely incapacitated suddenly.

Personally, I am unwilling to play roulette with compounds like this, and haven't used any true mind altering substances, even alcohol, since dosing on the compound. The sleep helped me overcome a fairly horrible addiction to kratom as I slept through 75% of the withdrawals. The stuff has its own withdrawal though, for days on end, I abated a bit of it using soma and lyrica, but it is a pretty rough go. The product hangs around in vivo for an eternity. Even if some of the effects were pleasant, and I actually felt like sleeping for 3 days at a high dose, knowledge of the possible damage it is doing to the eyes and dermal structures would prevent me from ever wanting to use this stuff again. Be safe.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116199
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Mar 30, 2022Views: 1,826
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2-Methyl-2-Butanol (496) : General (1), Health Problems (27), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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