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Literally Pretty Sure I Almost Died
Citation:   Dennis. "Literally Pretty Sure I Almost Died: An Experience with DOB (exp116208)". Erowid.org. Mar 31, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116208

  oral DOB (liquid)
I was at a festival camping for the weekend and we’re planning on finding some L (LSD). It was a super small festival and for the first time in my life I couldn’t find some for the life of me. I was with my buddy and his girlfriend for the weekend. At that time they both had issues with Percocet. We were really bummed and my boy says I got that vial of DOB with me.

I become instantly interested and ask him if he’s tried it. He said he had tried it and it didn’t work. He said he took a hit and it didn’t really do much to him so I said well we might as well try it. Now what happens next was one of the worst experiences of my life. The kid he got it from was my buddy's brother and he didn’t know too much about it. He said it was around 8 doses in the vial. He hands me the vial, and I was thinking that it was really weak or something and I just had to take a larger dose. I squeezed the dropper, and got it a little more then half full. Instantly without hesitation dropped it on my tongue. My buddy wasn’t paying attention and then looked at me right as I was dropping it. He looked at me with such fear and concern. I will never forget his face as I spit what hadn’t absorbed onto my hand. It was like half a shot full. I instantly knew I had really fucked up. He starts telling me that this stuff can be lethal in high doses and obviously I began to panic. I asked him am I gonna die? He was like,”I don’t know dude, that was a lot”. He grabs the vial from me because he wanted to make sure him and his girl still had enough to get high after I basically ingested almost half what was in the vial. We start discussing how dumb I am and they decide they want to do a couple 30mg Percocet. I didn’t do any obviously wasnt trying to take anything else.

About 20-30 minutes passed and all of a sudden I start feeling a burning in the back of my neck. Like right where my spine meets my head. I now knew for sure that this stuff wasn’t bunk and I could be in trouble. I started getting violently hot and had to blast the air conditioning in my car. I started going from hot to cold over and over, sweating profusely to the point where my shirt was wet and then I would get super cold. Blasting ac for 5 min then heat for 5 min. Then my buddy decides he wants to do his thing and starts crushing up his Percocet. I can tell that I’m coming up very hard and it’s gonna be super strong because I hadn’t even started tripping yet and I was having like body spasms and shit as well.

About five minutes after my buddies sniffs the Percocet both him and his girlfriend puked. We were about 30-45 minutes into this and I was starting to trip so I thought it might be from the DOB and I’m really fucked. They had taken like four hits after me each. I start chugging Gatorades from the backseat trying to keep up with this constant terrible burning in the back of my neck. I drank like 6 or 7 bottles in like 20 minutes. I start to trip/roll super hard. Like blackout hard. I only remember a few pieces from the whole experience. It was a super dark trip and really hard to see anything at all. Finding the bathroom was a huge ordeal. I literally couldn’t speak English anymore and would mutter these ridiculous dumb things and I was speaking straight gibberish.

I was lost in this nightmare trip for 3 days straight. I couldn’t drive yet on Sunday because I was still high. I truly thought I wasn’t gonna come back normal. I thought I was gonna be stuck in that dumb ass state for the rest of my life and be a vegetable. For 3 days I had these thoughts. Truly fearing for my life through most of it. If anything I take it as a life lesson, just a real hard one. I feel very grateful for being alive after. They say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and I agree wholeheartedly. I believe I grew from this experience but I probably also endured some irreversible brain damage. I chalk it up to being young and dumb. I hope somebody can learn from this experience and not have to go through that hell.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 116208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 31, 2022Views: 959
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DOB (19) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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