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First Overdose
DXM & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   HANS. "First Overdose: An Experience with DXM & Diphenhydramine (exp116238)". Mar 21, 2022.

100 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  500 mg oral Diphenhydramine (capsule)
First of all, I apologize briefly for the spelling or writing errors that this file may have, my native language is Spanish, but I do my best. This is just a personal anecdote, without the purpose of promoting or condemning the use of narcotics, discretion is recommended.


I am 21 years old, 152lbs, without any clinical condition detected (yet) I follow a regular diet and [two weeks ago] I experienced my first overdose (within 1 week of my last recreational use of any substance). without major complications other than a terrible trip and bradycardia that lasted at least 2 days.

After previous experiences with doses higher than 300mg DXM and 700mg Diphenhydramine (never combined and no bad experiences). I decided to carry out a trip of both during my Saturday rest. (with a reduced dose that was not enough) I left my entire area spotless, snacks, lots of water nearby, a couple of notes in the mirror in case of disorientation (due to a previous experience of delusions with the antihistamine). And everything was ready.


Saturday 7:30pm--- Take a dose of 500mg Diphenhydramine in 20 capsules of 25mg and then a whole bottle of 100mg and 100ml of DXM. With the hypothesis that DHM. potentiates the hallucinogenic effects of DXM. and I was right.

The sleeping effects of DHM were not a problem, after several trips my body tolerated it.

Saturday 8:00pm--- Getting out of the shower I distinguished the effects of DHM acting faster than DXM, dizziness, easier breathing and lighter arms, DXM in that quantity does not usually give me physical sensations, only visual and sensory.

Saturday 8:30pm--- Listening to music I realize how it stimulates me more and more, typical of DXM, a signal that began to suppress my CNS, so I decided to turn off the light, lie down and cover only my eyes with a handkerchief, the darker my field of vision, the more pronounced the visual effect.

The rhythm is more enveloping and quickly I begin to feel my body sinking and as if the bed floated out, like going on a stretcher in an ambulance and the doors open making you fly out, I have never flown out of an ambulance, but it sure must feel So.


Saturday 8:45pm (approximately)--- I quickly began to feel that something was wrong, although the visual effects were much more satisfactory, my heart rate slowed quite a bit and my breathing was deep and slow.

However, the surrounding atmosphere and the euphoria from the hallucinations made me ignore the signs, 3D structures, flashes like lightning, changing colors and 2 very bright and annoying beings that appeared on the periphery of my visual field, are some of the things that I saw that stood out the most.

I want to talk a little more about these 2 very particular beings, since it is not the first time that they appear, they seem to be made of light, they are very bright. They stand on my periphery and when I try to see them they disappear, they are very small, I would say barely an inch, but what surprises me most is the fluidity with which they move and make their gestures, they seem inspired by Looney Tunes, because they interact in a funny way, small objects are thrown, they seem to go up and go down stairs among other things,how to simulate playing instruments that sound in the song I'm listening to, however its brightness is usually annoying for long periods of time.

Saturday 9:20pm--- Back to the important stuff, by this point I was getting dehydrated, I had a slight fever, my mouth was dry, with thick foamy saliva. I got up to drink water, but it wasn't enough.

I was too weak and "drunk", even picking up my phone to see the time was difficult, I tried to walk but I couldn't, I felt like I would collapse at any step, so I lay down again.


Muscle failure, weakness, delirium, dehydration, and apparent bradycardia, as the physical discomfort worsened, the trip also got worse, I could see silhouettes above me trying to reach me, suffocating, I knew I had to do something but it was very hypnotic, I was stunned, while my insides were flooded with a clear sensation of poisoning.

Saturday ??:??pm--- I'm not sure of the time, nor how long I was like this, I just remember a strong spasm through my spine and a pain in my chest, like a stab.

I felt I couldn't breathe and with difficulty I got out of bed by mere impulse, just at that moment a liquid rose up my throat and I foamed at the mouth.

I struggled to stay on my feet and even harder to get to the bathroom, as my airways cleared little by little.


From here everything is fuzzy, I only remember fragments where I am sitting trying to take my vital signs as if it were going to help me.

Heart rate: 40bpm
Respiration: 9bpm

At least that's what I wrote next to my notes, but it's hard to trust that information considering my state.

I remember leaning against the wall and hearing many voices whispering, seeing a sock on the ceiling and shadows moving around every corner.

I guess I tried to avoid lying down, but at some point I fell asleep.

Sunday 5:20am--- I woke up with headaches and some dizziness, disoriented but with better mobility, I was drinking a lot of water, but my mouth was still dry and my saliva foamy, so I decided to go out and buy some serum on the other street in a 24/hour store.

When I came back, I noticed my heart racing, and my pupils trembled, but I was too tired to worry about it, so I left it for later.


And well, that's how it ends, with a bad experience and an important wake-up call, but above all something learned, the 2 days after I had a fairly weak heart rate and on Monday I had a general check-up without negative or relevant results, I say goodbye with the expectation that this reading has served you or been interesting.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 21, 2022Views: 3,097
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DXM (22), Diphenhydramine (109) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Entities / Beings (37), Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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