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Don't Close Your Eyes on DMT!
Citation:   Ijdfoiodi. "Don't Close Your Eyes on DMT!: An Experience with DMT (exp116241)". Apr 22, 2022.

  repeated smoked DMT (freebase)
I wish there was a new Terence McKenna with this sentence as his main advice! ahahahaha

This is not only a trip report. The report itself, about two recent experiences, is at the end. This is also a reasoned mini-essay about the power of open-eye DMT experiences.

I am generally against talking about drugs in the second person (i.e. “if you do X you are going to have Y effect”), and I know that Erowid itself discourage that way of writing. However, I consider that form of expression as the most powerful here, as I am not just explaining my trip report but also trying to figure out good and new ways for using DMT as an exploration tool, especially for Geometry. Anyways, you may take my words with a healthy degree of skepticism.

Just for some background I’d say I am experienced with DMT. I have done around 130 trips (the vast majority of them being multiple (i.e. several repetitions, sometimes several breakthroughs)). However, I am just beginning to learn about its potential. Each experience is becoming exponentially more rewarding an interesting to me. I have come to the conclusion that DMT is more a huge learning process than a fixed set of experiences. It is ridiculously deep. Almost endless.
I have come to the conclusion that DMT is more a huge learning process than a fixed set of experiences. It is ridiculously deep. Almost endless.

From now on BT=Breakthrough. OEV, CEV= Open eye visual, Closed eye visual.


My main point is that DMT is visually infinite with open eyes, almost better than with closed eyes.

The thing about closing your eyes on DMT is basically that you are missing a half of the visual experience of DMT. My last trips (especially the first one I report), had SEVERAL TREMEDENDOUS BREAKTHROUGHS with MASSSIVE VISUALS, INFINITE OPEN EYE VISUALS. I mean the house was basically exploding with 3D geometric shapes, the walls were melting and morphing and expanding and everything covered and filled by visuals, appearing more and more and more of them.

A powerful truth that I have “discovered” with so much experimentation is that, contrarily to what some people say, THERE IS NOTHING IN DMT ITSELF that blacks you out. I mean there is NOTHING that overwhelms me in such a way that I have to close my eyes and enter in the internal BT even the dose is high. That is just a behavioral association* that many people do. If you educate and train your mind to hold on the initial push of DMT and hold on with your eyes open (you can even keep on smoking) what was going to be (initially) a BT becomes a layer of visuals or a layer of transformations, another new layer in your eyes/sight/visual field and that keeps evolving (especially if you smoke more) and more and more OEV’s explode again in a virtually indefinite number of times with your eyes open, in a massive spectacle, potentially infinite.

(*This behavioral association occurs because they become initially uncomfortable with the heavy and sometimes violent modification of their visual field, the strong bodyload, or especially, with the intense general feeling/fear of the come-up.)

However, nothing happens if I keep on smoking, as long as I've overcome that fear. That fear can be overcome in the same way one does when the vertigo/rush of the come-up happens.

I know that there are already a lot of people that keep their eyes open, or open and close their eyes during the experience but I just want to stress the point of the title. Specially if we want to get the most out of the DMT experience. I think it is important not to allow the mind to become lazy and just associate the DMT hyperspace just with a visual (and hallucinatory) state achieved once your eyes are closed. I think, and have experimented and checked by myself, that the experience of open eye DMT hyperspace with massive, geometrical OEVs escalating and multiplying infinitely is at least equally rewarding than the closed eye experience.

I would go further: I think people just aren’t missing half of the experience of DMT by closing their eyes. They are missing even more. They are getting satisfied with just a film (although it can be hyperdimensional), a unique layer once their closing their eyes. If I do this technique in which I keep my eyes open and the initial BTs don’t end as BT but become new visual material for new, cumulative, OEVs, I can accumulate n (being n potentially infinite) layers of hyperdimensional visuals which totally block out the visible environment or replaces it or mixes with a transformed version of it or fill up the space while reality stays as a translucent canvas.

I guess that some people would say that the open/closed eye question is somewhat redundant as “once you smoke enough either the CEV/OEV become the same or it is impossible to know if your eyes are open or closed (or even if you have eyes!)”. I partly agree with them. That is a common occurrence. However, it is far from being true in every case. In some of these occasions it’s hard to say if my eyes are open or closed but in others I can really remember if I have reached the final state keeping my eyes open or closing them. And sometimes there are some worthy, stylistic variations between the two cases. Another possible advantage is that the elements of the environment, i.e. inside/outside, what is around, can play also a role in some parts of the experience

I have done lots of BTs, some of them very deep, with closed eyes, but still new, amazing things happen when keeping my eyes open.

To illustrate one open eye experience which feels new: in one of my BTs during a recent trip (stage 4 of the first trip below) I kept on smoking and the 3D OEVs become so crazy, so transformative and kept on filling the space of the room in such a way I couldn’t believe it. At some point I asked myself “If reality is something you kind of register as inputs in your brain but it can be filled and modified visually in an undefined way, potentially infinite... what the hell is reality?” That experience of reality being torn apart so infinitely, of SEPARATING ITSELF INFINITELY FROM WHAT IT WAS INITIALLY, was outstanding for me, it was totally unbelievable...


So, just for illustration I explain here my last two trips, in which I have used this “technique”


-Dosage is unknown, and I did several repetitions

-Freebase DMT from my GVG

Some of the incredible stages and their OEVs (in chronological order):

1.1) First stage- The front and side walls of the room become basically 3D cinema-screens.

I had two monitors in my desk with psychedelic visualizers and I can project the images of the monitor into the air and then it transformed in semi- guided way in other geometric variations and filled the walls and then the air of all the room. Not like some faint light but full 3D, totally solid. My walls were fucking 3D- screens. I could see whatever I wanted on them.

1.2) Second stage-The 3D geometrical shapes filling the room

In front of my face endless OEVs composed of layers of geometrical shapes covered my view.

1.3) Third stage-The Mayan-gears multiple OEV.

A 3D layer of Mayan-like mechanic gears and shapes were forming in the air and come towards me. I wanted to close my eyes so bad. However, I resisted and felt how the BT was ”aborted” but the visual info didn’t disappear. I immediately took another hit, new visuals started to appear and the previous Mayan gears OEVs combined with the new one like a product of manifolds and other combinations. For example if the first pattern had mostly circles and triangles and the second had circles, straight lines and squares the final pattern had torus (circle x circle), cylinders (circle x straight line) and new arrangements (for example more complicated gears with circles in the center and triangles and squares as their teeth). Just from this description you can see how the dimensions of the new layers (i.e. walls of geometry) tended to increase and contain more and more information each time.

Not only that: the room was also being deformed and transformed in crazy ways. The front wall was melting, drifting and expanding outwards, and the floor was vibrating, stretching and becoming a giant hyperbolic chamber. The bookshelves were changing with crazy perspective distortions, expanding in a rhomboid way from the center to the four corners. Sense of reality was fading away. However, the strongest part was yet to come

1.4) Fourth stage -The room exploding in hyperspace 3D, 4D geometrical shapes.

This probably was the most intense point. It was like a combination of stages 1 and 2 but the visuals become much more hyperdimensional and furious, and the situation was way more hallucinatory, although I kept mentally extremely clear-headed (one of my most clear-headed BTs).

The OEVs started to be created in my walls (cinema screens), then filled almost all the room (only my desk and the left side of the room was more or less visible). But it didn’t stop there. Instead, new visuals were created and they felt like an army I was invoking. They “screamed” and flew/moved around my room (towards the only part that remained visible), like overpowering, conquering it. I was visually drunk, exhausted. Visuals were exploding through my eyes, literally. At some areas they were quite dense, saturated and seemed hyper-real. Also, the OEVs seemed to expand in an ampler space not confined to 3D (4D?) but still they seemed to be located in my room.

I’d like to be more detailed here about what I remember of the visuals:

How these OEVs looked like?

Well, the OEVs in this trip and in many others are basically geometry (in the sense of the Psychonaut Wiki): geometrical shapes and patterns interlocked forming more patterns, usually extremely intricate and with small/fine details. They contain tons of geometrical and visual information, and they are usually very structured and organized. These geometrical shapes are 3D and form dense layers or more precisely, thick and massive walls of geometry and visuals. Sometimes, not all of them are patterns, some of them are objects, although quite mechanical and geometrical like gears, machinery or mathematical toys. The geometrical shapes vary a lot and are both straight and curved ones, with lots of 2D and 3D grids, polygons and polyhedra/polytopes. It’s “geometricity” is so flagrant, that there are times is really hard to believe your mind is really creating that. It seems that you are assisting to class of advanced alien geometry. For example even in a moderate trip, a golden icosahedron materialized in my right hand and projective lines from its vertices towards the end of the house appeared in the air.

The colors of these OEVs are quite brilliant in a strange way. They start as translucent and become quite neon and dense. They have a shiny, mechanic, robotic, denser than reality but at the same time holographic quality and become denser and more intense until they block, fill or substitute entire sections or the external 3D reality. The colors are quite varied and I think they strongly depend on the light or the place. In this trip with the yellowish light of my room they were quite yellow, orange, golden and neon white. Also black, green and red. Anyways, in general, during my DMT trips every intense, metallic, neon color can be present. Even colors never seen before and what I call “hypercolors” (With this term I mean to the experience of seeing “multiple colors at once” like a color flashing/changing very quickly into another one but without the eye-damage you usually have when you see an aggressive flashing light in real life. The change in that case is so unnoticeable/fast that you think you are seeing both colors simultaneously).

With the smoking technique I describe, there is an equivalence almost exact between levels of Geometry (in the sense of Psychonaut Wiki) and BT. Usually with a moderate dose the OEVs start to be quite strong and raises quickly to level 5 geometry and often even level 6. As and example of level 6, I did something recently that end as a “half-BT”: around 60% of the world was blocked out by geometry. As I said the equivalence geometry-BT tend to be very precise: on that occasion around half of the world (mostly the middle and right part of my room) was blocked by 3D geometry AND at the same time the right part of my body didn’t felt part of me. It seemed like a robot/spirit that was possessing me, starting the right half of my face and controlling my movements. Anyways to conclude with the scale: BT with open eyes involves either upper level 6 or level 7 geometry and other OEVS in strong way (heavy tracers and after images, scenery slicing, dramatic transformations, and less often, strong melting/morphing). Once the BT-like level is achieved (either with small repetitions or at one or two big hits) the level 7 geometry is virtually unlimited.

Why are the visuals hyperdimensional?

DMT visuals usually have a (very convincing illusion of) hyperdimensional quality.In my experience this happens even more often in CEV (as there the mind is totally free from any reference from the very beginning), but it is also dramatically clear and sometimes even violent/dizzy in OEVs. The explanation for this phenomenon would require more than a trip report to be explained. To have an idea: most of my 100+ trips with this substance have been devoted to use the involved hallucinations it creates to obtain glimpses/parables of how the sight of a higher space would be. In fact, I am writing a research essay/paper summarizing the whole thing (I am a mathematician/physicist). By higher space I mean not only higher dimensional manifolds/varieties but other complicated and more general spaces of Algebraic Geometry like schemes or (higher and derived) stacks.

So, I won’t get into detail here. The general idea to me is that there are several perceptual phenomena (like entering in an “ampler space” or “perceiving/operating at several distinct directions at once”) that combine in such an ineffable way that suggests you are really experimenting/moving inside of some kind of 4D+ space.

In this concrete trip, for example, not only the shapes/structures/content of the space-time seemed extremely intricate/hyperdimensional, but there was another key element: the own space-time was deformed in heavy ways: there were parts of reality which seemed hyper-dense, impossible directions created, some space become ampler in a four-dimensional way, and new (hyper?)-volumes of space appear in the middle of the room or in the middle of the wall stretching and (perception -like) deforming the space and the air round them

So, coming back to the trip itself: as I said, the OEVs continued increasing and at the end of the whole process I broke through: my house wasn’t real anymore, reality didn’t have sense and at the end there was a period of time, in which, with open eyes I was only seeing 3D (and 4D?) geometrical shapes, 0 tracks of my room.

1.5) Fifth stage The infinite tracer effect.

This was one of the most ”explainable“ ones, although still quite complicated and infinitely intense, maybe as intense as stage 4. I was basically seeing “n” copies of my room (all the objects) superimposed over the original and over the previous copy, rotated several degrees with respect each other. I couldn’t tell exactly but “n” should be around 8 or so. I say 8 as an initial guess but the number was really larger, almost infinite in the sense that if I focus in some object and its copies (or some area of the room) I could distinguish more and more copies. I couldn’t believe how much visual information I was perceiving and hallucinating at that time. What I certainly remember is that that effect was affecting at my sense of view as a whole. Everything in my vision was copied n-times and that made the whole view exhausting.

When this last effect subsided, I concluded the trip, amazed and afraid of the endless DMT OEV power. The experience of seeing reality separating itself infinitely from what it was initially, was a bit...well... sincerely I don’t find any word to describe that.


Effect analysis (in the sense of Psychonaut Wiki).

Stage 1: Geometry (level 5 and 6), Transformations

Stage 2: Geometry (level 6)

Stage 3: Transformations, Geometry (level 6), Morphing, Melting, Breathing, Perspective distortions, Changes in gravity,

Stage 4: Geometry (level 7/8), External Hallucination, Autonomous entities, Changes in gravity, Spirituality enhancement

Stage 5: Tracers, Geometry (level 6 (or 7/8?)), Spirituality enhancement



-Freebase DMT from my GVG

-There was enough time between stages for the effects to subside before the following one.

Even though they usually mix in the same experience, there mainly exist two logical possibilities for level 7 geometry OEV. Either the geometry fills/cover/block out the external world or the world breaks down/transforms/distorts/disappear into geometry. Both are extremely heavy experiences. While the first trip (stage 4) is an example of the first option the last stage of the second trip is an example of the second option.

2.1) First stage (fail)

The trip started with a first stage in which I hallucinated somewhat disappointing stuff. As I said I have done lots of trips on DMT, so when I trip, I am quite “demanding” with the quality and strength of the experience. Visually, I wanna see things at least as spectacular as the most spectacular thing you can see in real life. What I got in that stage was a not totally defined 2D geometry, with some scene going on, and everything CEV because I closed my eyes because some dizziness or fear. All of this was far away from a BT. So, I got a bit angry and talk to the DMT: “I am giving everything to you, and I want it ALL. I know (see the first trip) what are you capable of, so don’t give me THIS. THIS IS JUST RUBBISH, A COMPLETE PIECE OF SHIT, I DON’T WAN’T THIS”

This can be sound exaggerated or selfish, and certainly the stuff I was seeing wasn’t objectively low-level, it was pretty. However, it was nothing compared to what I know DMT can achieve. It was like seeing Maradona (the football player) when he was overweight in the 2000’s and compare it to Maradona playing against England in the 86’ World Cup. Both are Maradona. But the first one is almost insulting (as a football player!) compared to the original

2.2) Second stage

So, I just cleared my mind, relaxed a bit and gave another try starting with a low quantity with the intention of doing several repetitions. That didn’t work very well too, although I started seeing some OEV geometry going on. I said to myself: “OK, not everyday your mind is so awake and creative as the last one, just give a last try. In any case, it would be OK”. Anyways, I was quite confident about the infinite DMT geometrical power so I gave a last try, smoking a full BT dose.

2.3) Third stage (MAIN ONE)

I was certainly right to trust in DMT’s geometrical power...

Because almost immediately the world fucking started to explode and broke apart!!!

I knew it was happening, I knew that I was living a GLORIOUS BREAKTHROGUH and I was exultant, ecstatic. The initial push of DMT was super easy to overcome this time, not because it was small but because I felt so strong, so POWERFUL. I was super stimulated and lucid. But while I was like that the world wasn’t precisely the same. The world, the whole 3D external environment was breaking apart, being smashed in an absurdly beautiful way.

There is an ineffable, primal pleasure in witnessing the disintegration of the whole world. When I told this experience to a friend of mine, he asked me if the feeling wasn’t heavy or almost frightening. It is completely the other way around. It is heavenly. It is literally seeing how this damned world explodes and disappears to give rise to something better and purer, just beautiful Geometry. The real nature of the reality, the underlying beauty I love so deeply.

And how was all of this concretely, and visually? Well, it is quite hard to describe, and usually as in many DMT experiences, important details quickly degrade in one’s memory.

I remember a combination of extreme scenery slicing, and geometry (both as defined in the PW) and maybe drifting and transformations. Basically, the scene started to divide in 3D slices (like walls composing the scene) in the sense that these slices started to go up into the air and disappear/explode giving rise to trails and little geometrical pieces (golden prisms an triangles) at the top part of each slice. This happened in such a way the old slices of reality were going up, breaking, and new ones being creating continuously. No part of the environment remained. The whole process was extremely intense and immersive.

At the same time there was a strange change in felt gravity in such a way that my house and all the buildings around mine were free falling and the sensation that we were in some kind of aquatic world or an airy ether, and all the neighborhood was going up inside of it. So, was the world was being destroyed and failing into a new one???? (I love the radical ontological shift that DMT induces!)

Anyways as this happened, “I” was exultant in my chair, witnessing everything, full of rage and pleasure and exclaiming, “Yes!!, you see?! this is a fucking DMT breakthrough, this is what is all about!!!.... the other thing...(the light CEV of the first stage) is just a crappy joke, totally useless! This is how DMT must be done. FUCK YEAH!!!!”

Apart from this madness there were also the usual high-level geometry and heavy tracers (or double/triple/.... vision?) of my DMT OEV experiences. Although these phenomena weren’t the strongest this time and the peak was dominated by the slicing/destruction thing.

As the peak subsided more usual and less intense OEVs dominated and the euphoria remained for long time, as it happens in a strong BT for me.

Effect analysis (in the sense of Psychonaut Wiki)

Stage 3: Scenery slicing, Transformations, Geometry (level 6 ¿and maybe 7/8?), Changes in gravity, Drifting, Tracers, External Hallucination, Emotion Enhancement, Cognitive and Physical Euphoria.


Anybody who had heard about DMT would notice than I have focused in just one of its two trademarks effects: namely the visuals/geometry. The second main effect is the transportation to other "hyperworld" (DMT hyperspace) and specially the contact with the DMT entities.

Traditionally I have been more interested in the first effect. However, to tell the truth, the visual aspect of DMT almost pales compared to the POWER OF THE OWN EXISTENCE OF THE DMT WORLD/ENTITITES.

Lately I have had an experience so *REAL*... that I am considering the possibility of their truly existence, even being (almost) physically impossible. I still convinced at 99.9999% they are just a creation of your mind, that it is just a psychedelic.

But it would be disrespectful from a intellectual point of view, not to give at least a 0.0001% probability to their existence...

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116241
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Apr 22, 2022Views: 1,152
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