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Mild K Buzz and Introspective Thoughts
Ketamine, Alcohol & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Damion1567. "Mild K Buzz and Introspective Thoughts: An Experience with Ketamine, Alcohol & Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp116247)". Erowid.org. Jun 19, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116247

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis  
  T+ 0:15 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Ketamine 100(ish)mg
Penis envy 0.2
Alcohol - Less than 4 drinks (finished an hour before consuming K)
2 Joints

Hung out with a friend had some drinks. Crushed the K after he left and cut out a small piece of P.E. mushrooms. (should not consume with alcohol. Can increase effect and has adverse effects on health when using with alcohol). We had been chatting about K while we were hanging out so the urge to do so won over the risk assessment of the situation. This is not something I would suggest mixing. Or something I plan to repeat.

He had asked for a trip report on another substance (5 meo DMT) when the time is right and I explore it, but that lead me to where I am now.

Put crushed amount into 3 small piles.

1st pile - Minimal change. Odd sensation or feeling slightly detached. Like a shade of a pleasant fever dream. Just a hint of it.

2nd pile - 15ish minutes later. Watching youtube. Fingers are longer than they should be. My head and chest feel light. Almost feel as if there is no friction to any movements. Music is becoming everything. It bleeds into every other sense.

3rd pile. yeehaw.


Can't explain or even begin to put into words the feeling. Very pleasant but almost as if reality folds into itself with me in it. Like a scene from Dr Strange or Inception where reality bends and folds. I know it makes no sense in text. This feeling doesn't stay long. But since I have no concept of time it is almost as if it never happened and took an eternity. Like I've fallen off the map in a video game. Or I've entered "Noclip" mode. Music becomes my existence in some weird way. It is such a level of beauty that I cannot describe. Hearing (music) becomes the most important of all my senses. Weird but positive feelings about the nature of reality.
Hearing (music) becomes the most important of all my senses. Weird but positive feelings about the nature of reality.
Feeling very detached from it. As if it's a movie of a movie but I am in complete control.

I start to feel like a willing contestant on the Truman Show. Introspective thoughts are welcomed instead of pushed out. Zero gut reaction. MDMA seems to have an almost similar outcome with the level of openness. But it is as if I embrace the thoughts with love on MDMA, whereas on K I have zero attachment to them. No gut reaction or excess of emotions at all. They just flow very freely and I almost see myself as someone else sees me. In metaphorical terms my reality goes from first person to third person. This is much more mechanical. I really realize I am an animal. Just a human being. It feels as though the introspective thoughts are focused on someone else. I'm aware I am that someone else. But at the same time the person thinking them is not me and has zero attachment to me. Zero bias positive or negative. Clinical and mechanical.

-END K SPACE TIME CONTINUUM (100% googled how to spell continuum)

-1:30 AM
I can feel reality creeping back in. My fingers are so long. I talk over every line four or five times before it gets put into text. My thoughts aren't racing. I feel free and airy. Every thought and movement feels effortless. But in the duration of a single song I would have so many thoughts that by the end of the song I expect that an hour has passed.

Check time, 3 minutes passed.

I'm very critical of myself in my thoughts but in a very open way. Almost like MDMA but without the emotional attachment to each thought. Currently watching youtube videos on the war on Ukraine with little to no emotional attachment. Still a very strong sense of morality just no knee-jerk. (I am a squishy person, generally these videos would have an emotional impact on me.) I feel airy but mechanical. I'm dancing in my chair. I have the need to move to the music and I am very light. Almost weightless. Not floating however just mechanical and smooth. If I had to coin a term for the feeling it would be "glassy". My face is completely emotionless while I'm dancing. I am fully enjoying it but it's as if my face doesn't need to emote so my brain shuts off the function for bandwidth.

Now 2:25 AM
Not sober but definitely back in "first person" player mode. Read through this a couple times. Makes pretty much 0.0001% sense. Going to eat a caesar salad consisting of the maximum amount of bacon bits allowed by the laws of physics. Physically speaking.. all of the bacon bits I currently own. Starving.

Music isn't all there is to existence anymore but it still sounds better than it would sober. Wonderful trip. Feeling very refreshed.
Time for bed. Will report the morning after also.

Woke up around noon. Tired as per normal but still retaining that refreshed feeling. Time for some coffee. Zero hangover. Perfect mood. Ready to get out of bed and put on some music.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116247
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Jun 19, 2022Views: 405
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Ketamine (31), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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