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MDMA Similarity
3-Fluoroethamphetamine & 2-Fluoroethamphetamine
Citation:   Sarcan. "MDMA Similarity: An Experience with 3-Fluoroethamphetamine & 2-Fluoroethamphetamine (exp116252)". Apr 2, 2022.

120 mg oral 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (pill / tablet)
  40 mg oral 2-Fluoroethamphetamine (pill / tablet)
    repeated inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites  
2/3-FEA Experience, MDMA Similarity

My roll partner and I are working our way systematically through the currently available research chemicals. She is 60 kg, I am 65 kg. Both aged around 50 yo. This time we chose to explore 3-fluoro-ethyl-amphetamine.

T=0. Circa 8 pm. For both participants:
Each consumed a single yellow pentagonal pellet marked with bitcoin stamp
3-FEA 120 mg
2-FEA 40 mg
T = 2-5 hours: amyl nitrite / poppers inhalant

As usual for our experiments we rented a nice hotel room for undisturbed time. We debated taking half or whole pellet each and chose a whole pellet. This was a good decision, as the dose we took felt like the exact right dose for a good roll; less would have felt unsatisfying and more might have gotten overwhelming.

After ingestion, we began with oral sex on her, followed by intercourse while my vasodilation remained manageable.

T=30 min; we noted start of come up.

T=90 minutes; fully rolling, peak reached. Peak duration 3 hours. At this point, our interest in intercourse ceased, before my abilities failed. This drug has some sedating qualities, and we were not motivated to dance or wander about. Couch locking seemed a much better idea at the time.

At peak/plateau, 3-FEA is a VERY roll-ey experience closely related to MDMA. We were, in fact, quite surprised by how similar the experience was to MDMA. Eye jittery-ness was extremely pronounced, incredibly dry mouth, visual blurriness, profound euphoria and ecstatic sensitivity. The social intimacy felt perhaps less forced than MDMA, where you want to pour out everything to anyone around. But since partner and I are emotionally close, we easily entered the rolling intimacy space. For at least 45 minutes across the peaking, she gently performed oral sex on me, resulting in an experience that can only be described as mind blowing. We focused the inherent euphoria onto that intimate act of closeness. One of the highlights of our explorations so far.

Across the peak, we used inhalants (poppers). Amyl nitrite synergises very very well with 3-FEA. The shift in our consciousnesses was smooth, resulting in profound and deep eye gazing. This combination of 3-FEA and amyl nitrite induces some limited closed and open eye visuals (but only in me, not in partner).
This combination of 3-FEA and amyl nitrite induces some limited closed and open eye visuals (but only in me, not in partner).
Example: When looking into partner’s eyes, her eye corona first split into layered tubes of blue, and then floating blue stars in a black background. Later, all smooth surfaces to me appeared corrugated, including partner's skin, which was quite a sight.

T=4.5 hours. Gradual come down, clear headspace returned. Popper use could re-access the peak roll for a few minutes at a time, but the stimulation steadily settled down.

T=6 hours. 2 am. Lights out, and we went into easy, fast, deep sleep without using any benzos or antihistamines.

T=16 hours. Next day I feel tired from lack of sleep most likely, but not at all depressive from serotonin depletion.

TL;DR 2/3-FEA is a high quality, clean acting alternative to MDMA with quite pleasant entactogenic qualities. We will order more for our enjoyment.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116252
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Apr 2, 2022Views: 1,932
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3-Fluoroethamphetamine (786), 2-Fluoroethamphetamine (895) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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