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An Invisible Blanket of Pure Essence of Love
Mescaline sulfate
Citation:   TheOrigiinalMrT. "An Invisible Blanket of Pure Essence of Love: An Experience with Mescaline sulfate (exp116294)". May 3, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 g oral Mescaline (powder / crystals)
  T+ 10:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 10:30 1 tablet oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Mescaline Is Love

Trip report: Mescaline sulfate, 1g

I dosed at around 11:00 am about a week ago, I parachuted the entire gram at once as phenethylamines don’t ever give me issues with nausea.

T+ 1:00- I’m beginning to feel the first little inklings of effects. If I had to describe mescaline, I’d choose to portray it as an invisible blanket of pure essence of love that’s first draped around my body at around 1 hour to 90 minutes after ingestion. Both times I’ve done it, I’ve felt compelled to clean my room as I feel it starting to kick in so I have a clean and healthy place for my experience.

T+ 1:30- I have to go pick my kid up from school. This was not at all anxiety-provoking, nor do I have any issues maintaining my composure in front of other parents and teachers. While I’m waiting, I have my first vision of the trip. A very vivid dream I’d had the night before whooshes right into the forefront of my brain, and even without closing my eyes I’m transported right back to the dream and I get to relive it. My kid comes out from her classroom to meet me and her mom drives us home.

T+2:30- I often tell people that “mescaline is love.” This is about the time I remember why I always say that.
T+2:30- I often tell people that “mescaline is love.” This is about the time I remember why I always say that.
I find it physically impossible to think bad thoughts or get caught up over things that would normally make me very anxious to contemplate. Visuals on mescaline tend to be on the mild side for me, but “visions” are coming on stronger and stronger. I look around my living room and I’m in love with every single bit of it. I look at my dog, and my roommate, and my kid, and it hits me like a ton of bricks how amazing they all are and how much I love them. I decide to take my dog for a walk around my complex, and being outside is absolutely wonderful. I take an extra long walk with my dog and come back inside to find something to watch on TV.

T+3:30- I decide to watch the new Pixar movie “Turning Red” with my family. It was absolutely amazing. I watched a Pixar movie the last time I took mescaline too. The movie was absolutely gorgeous. The animation was exquisite and the end of the film made me extremely emotional to the point that I wasn’t quite “ugly crying” but I was pretty damn close. My major takeaway from the movie was that I’m not nice enough to my mom, and I immediately resolve to work on that and try to strengthen my relationship with her in the future. The invisible blanket of pure spiritual and physical love has completely enveloped me by this point, and I doubt I could’ve had an unpleasant thought even if I’d wanted to. Visions continue to find their way into my conscious mind, and each one is more spectacular and mind-boggling than the last. The body load is pleasant and calm, not overwhelming in the slightest. By the time the movie is over, I’m at the peak. I grab my dog and start cuddling with him, and I continue to be overcome with feelings of love and gratitude for everyone and everything in my house.

T+5:30- I decide to sit down and try to draw. I find it somewhat difficult to concentrate on such a task given all the beautiful thoughts and visions passing through my conscious mind and after about a half hour I give up and decide to take my dog outside again. I see a friend from my complex while I’m outside and all I can manage to say to him is, “I love you, bro.” This friend is aware of my love for psychedelics and figures I’m probably tripping, but he gives me a hug regardless and it was such a wonderful experience. I bring my dog back inside and I decide to log onto the Farm to share details from my trip in real time. Visuals are still somewhat mild, even at the peak, and the headspace is both calm and serene and overwhelmingly emotional. There is not a single thing I don’t absolutely love right now. I text my mom, and tell her I love her. She’s not a fan of my psychedelic use so I didn’t tell her I was on mesc, but she seemed happy to get a random “I love you” out of nowhere and I’m happy I could make her happy by expressing my love.

T+7:00- I’m approaching the end of my peak. I decide to put some music on. The first song I put on was “Redbone” by Childish Gambino and it was like I was hearing it for the first time. The beauty of the song brought me to tears. I then decided to put on Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” and I listened to the entire thing from cover to cover. Music is such an amazing gift to human kind, and I can feel each guitar note and lyric deep inside my soul. By the time the album is over, it’s been around 8 hours since I dosed. I’m definitely starting to enter the comedown stage, but at the same time I’m still tripping pretty hard. I take my dog outside one final time and I end up just standing right outside my front door looking at the lemon tree outside my apartment and thinking, “wow, this tree creates fruit that humans can eat. How nice of the tree to do that.” By the time I walk back inside, I’ve picked at least 20 lemons and I just bring them inside and dump them on my kitchen table. When my roommate asks why I’ve done this, I don’t have a good reason but I also knew I needed to bring those lemons inside for some reason.

T+9:00- I’m definitely on the comedown. I haven’t had a vision in about an hour, and I feel myself becoming more and more sober but at the same time I definitely still feel residual effects. I message a couple of old friends from my original hometown across the country, just to tell them I’m thinking about them and I value their friendship. Then I just crawl into bed, turn on my black lights, and vibe out by myself in my blacklit room and reflect on the amazing day I’ve had.

T+10:30- For all intents and purposes, I’m sober again.
T+10:30- For all intents and purposes, I’m sober again.
I still vaguely feel the body load from the mesc but the visions and overwhelming sense of love have almost completely faded. I smoke a bowl of cannabis and take a Xanax bar, as I plan on going to sleep within the next hour or so. Once the bar kicks in, the last of the effects fully dissipate. I’m once again sober, and I consider myself lucky beyond belief to have access to such a special compound that can produce such intense feelings of love and gratitude.

Post-trip thoughts: Mescaline is by FAR my favorite drug in the world. There isn’t even a close second. It’s different from almost all other psychedelics in the sense that instead of trying to open your mind to new realities, the point of mescaline is to make you love and appreciate the reality you live in every day. It is not overwhelming in nature: on the contrary, it’s one of the gentlest psychedelics I’ve ever tried. Mescaline visions are also unlike pretty much any other type of psychedelic hallucination and I find them beautiful and very emotionally meaningful.

Overall experience: 10/10, a perfect day.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116294
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: May 3, 2022Views: 2,073
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Mescaline (36) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4)

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