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I Took Way Too Much
Cannabis (oil extract)
Citation:   Ellie. "I Took Way Too Much: An Experience with Cannabis (oil extract) (exp116325)". May 8, 2022.

  repeated oral Cannabis (extract)
I Took Way Too Much THC Oil

Last friday, I was at work and it was a long ass day especially since it was that time of year to count all the inventory. It was reaching around 4:30 when I took my break, got some food and used 2 or 3 syringes of this THC oil I bought, not sure of the dosages, but I know since it was also mixed with CBD oil I would need to take more to get high. I was off work at 6:00, so I knew I had to wait two hours ish for it to kick in and I had about an hour and a half bus ride home so I like to get high and just immerse myself in my music til I got home.

I only recently started trying oil instead of cartridges so at one point I started going overboard. I think at around 5:30 and 5:50 I took 2 more syringes because it was almost time for me to leave and I haven’t felt anything yet. I know if you eat it'll take longer for the THC to be absorbed so I thought that was the case. My bus came at around 6:25 and I recall taking another syringe on there. I started to feel a little more tingly and at about 7:10 when I took one more syringe in between waiting for my second bus. So this was about 6-7 syringes so far.

When I got off my second bus and began walking home, it was about 7:40, and the sun was starting to set and the sky looked immense, full of colours, and it was so trippy to look at. I felt like I was in a picture book, with houses popping up and everything is full of color. I started to panic when I started to unlock the door, knowing I’ll have to face my family and have that “How was work” conversation. They were in the middle of having dinner so I just said hello and proceeded to go up to my room. I really had to use the bathroom and when I wiped I saw blood and started to freak out ( it was my period ) I felt like the walls of my bathroom was getting larger and narrower, and that something in the corner of the mirror was present.

After I washed up I went to bed, tried getting undressed out of my uniform and into some pjs but I only managed to switch out my bottoms before I started feeling uneasy and had to sit down. I pulled out my phone to let my boyfriend know I got home from work safely but the light was so bright and it felt like the font was jumping at me so I set my phone down. I looked down at my hands and they felt all cartoonish and bloated. I knew my family would eventually come up after their finishing dinner and want to chat with me for a bit about my day, but I was too worried I was so high and couldn’t hold a conversation so I tried to fake sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I started seeing and imagining things. I was so high my head was pounding, and me not being a spiritual person, began whispering prayers because of how terrified I felt. I knew I was having a bad trip but I couldn’t calm myself for my breathing to slow down or to think straight. Eventually I woke up at 12am, so thirsty, still feeling pretty high, and ate some left over dinner while everyone was asleep. I checked my phone and my boyfriend was really worried since I hadn’t texted him at all. I reassured him that I was fine and I fell asleep shortly after, and managed to wake up late for work the next day but made it in time.

I felt so weird the next day but after interacting with people that day I felt less uneasy. All I’ve got to say is watch your dosage with THC oil just because you don’t feel the effects right away.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116325
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 8, 2022Views: 872
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Cannabis (1) : Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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