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Could Be Alright
Nutmeg (smoked)
by MDL
Citation:   MDL. "Could Be Alright: An Experience with Nutmeg (smoked) (exp11636)". Jan 5, 2002.

1 bowl smoked Nutmeg
I just smoked some nutmeg, the second atempt after no effects from ingestion of about 25 grams in some apple juice. Yes, you can get stoned by smoking nutmeg, but don't expect anything intense in low quantities. I only smoked one bowl, and I can feel a decent buzz, and I think with some more, one could get really good and stoned. The feeling is similar to marijuana, but causes a little more 'swimmyness' in your head.

I've read a lot of the reports on this site, and the one consistency about nutmeg smoking is that the smoke is quite thick. This is most definitely true, however the taste isn't too bad. It has a real 'wood-like' taste (I can't explain it any other way), with a similar smell.

All-in-all, it could certainly do something decent with a little more (I just didn't have enough).

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11636
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 5, 2002Views: 6,967
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