Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Sitting, Eyes Closed
Citation:   Ima Freeman. "Sitting, Eyes Closed: An Experience with Ketamine (exp116373)". May 25, 2022.

50 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Sitting, Eyes Closed on Ketamine

Recently I got hold of a gram of Ketamine.

After experimenting with Ketamine in several settings the days before, like watching videos, listening to music and using it on a rave, I got more serious this time and consumed it just before a meditation session.
I got more serious this time and consumed it just before a meditation session.
I might have had a slight tolerance at this point, but the dosage was my second biggest one too.

I do not meditate consistently at the moment, so the specific effect of Ketamine for this purpose is highlighted, I think.

After preparing my body for an extended time of sitting I took 50 mg nasally, than I went to my bedroom, got into position and closed my eyes.

Slowly and comfortably the effects set in. The main effect on me was not mentally, but physically. Eyes closed, Ketamine has a very prominent body load for me. The experience of space is distorted. The distance of my extremities warped to be closer together or further away. My body rested very firmly in its position without feeling an itch or discomfort somewhere. I felt very relaxed and comfortable, much more than usually when meditating. The pressure from the ground or in my back was almost unnoticeable. This is no surprise, since Ketamine is used as an anesthetic.

The distortion of sounds was prominent as well. The sounds of passing cars in the back where pulsating and sounded more like waves hitting a shore. At the same time I got a light tinnitus sound, the loudness of which correlated with the intensity of the trip.

Mentally, Ketamine gave me a little euphoria at first, which did not hold for long. It slowed down my thinking process, but not in an very significant way. Time progresses slower than usual. Ketamine has a little psychedelic hint to it, but I did not have visual hallucinations.

The most prominent effect was the experience of introversion. I was sort of in a different realm and did not feel connected to the outside world at all. Together with the warping of my physical sensation this stopped abruptly after opening my eyes.

For some reason I got the urge to think about problems in my life after the peak has passed. Maybe because I was expecting more antidepressant effects and now wanted to force something. But thinking against the grain of Ketamine's mind-slowing effect did not yield much.

After 30 to 40 minutes the effects started to become a little uncomfortable. I noticed my heart rate increasing as did the pace of other physical sensations. Opening my eyes I noticed how everything I looked at moved up, like when you are very drunk and cannot focus your eyes on anything. I then proceeded to lie on my back as I came down from the substance.

Ketamine's main effects only last for approximately 45 minutes for me, which is rather short, but the after effects can drag on for hours. Right after the Ketamine trips I did, I got hungry and slightly melancholic.
Right after the Ketamine trips I did, I got hungry and slightly melancholic.
This seems a little odd for me.

Mentally, Ketamine is a little disappointment for me. It neither lead to deep mindfulness, nor did it gave me a strong antidepressant effect. Ketamine did help to slow things down, enable my body to stay in sitting position comfortably and gave me a very introverted experience. But it did not lead a deep meditative state on its own.

Being on Ketamine with eyes opened is very different from the experience of it having the eyes closed. The first being like a different kind of drunkenness the latter more resembling a “trip”.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116373
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 25, 2022Views: 663
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