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The Real Unknown
Ketamine & LSD
Citation:   AAyron. "The Real Unknown: An Experience with Ketamine & LSD (exp116412)". Sep 29, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 hits buccal LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:00   repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: Claims of measured microgram dosages for LSD are usually unsupported. Quantitative measurements for LSD are very difficult to do and cannot be done casually. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that most statements of microgram dosages of LSD on blotter or in microdots are either misinformed or overstated.]
Long time LSD user (10 years plus). Other experiences include Mushrooms, DMT, Mescaline, MDMA, Cocaine, Amphetamines.

I hadn't tried Ketamine until 1 month before this. I had been curious though for quite some time.

I'm not a social drug taker (anymore) I much prefer solo with my psychedelics these days. My first K-hole really impressed me with a new substance so I decided to combine with my favourite, LSD.

Over the years I've become more comfortable in controlling my thoughts and dosage diving into the unknown so will generally dose quite high for the full experience.

I waited for the opportunity that I was home alone before trying my little experiment. I've done this a few times now and I do not recommend for the inexperienced.

I'm home alone, I break off 6 tabs of 150ug LSD from the sheet and place in my mouth, the LSD has the familiar slight sting when munching on this much.

The come up is strong. words on my PC screen are already beginning to dance around

The tabs are mushy in my mouth, my thoughts are going into tangents. Thinking about people I know creating narratives with imaginary scenarios in detail

I'm wondering how I've kept these pieces of cardboard in my mouth I pace up and down my home office thinking about all the work I still need to do. I write a 3 sentence email to a client thinking about the 5th dimensional possibilities of how my words will affect their lives

I proofread my email for the countless time making many edits and finally send. For a brief moment I laugh to myself and stand up looking around the room seeing vivid colourful images of a distorted face smiling inside my head.

The floor looks dirty so I start vacuuming, while vacuuming I find myself completely lost in the trip. Making motions that are outside my control for a brief period. I catch myself and smile as colours and visions flood my perspective.

Around this time I remember the Ketamine. I have 450-550mg left in the bag. It's at this point I remember the purpose of my mission.

I retrieve the bag from my secret hidey spot. I use my weekend car key as the universal measuring device and scoop up 4 key bumps. I place them on my office desk while doing this I found myself wandering into the garage and staring at the feat of human engineering

I find myself back into the office and pull out my credit card to separate the approximate 450mg as there was basically nothing left in the bag

I need a means to get this up my nose. I'm in the kitchen now frantically coming up with ideas. I found a juice box which I detach the straw from and contemplate the chopping/shortening of this straw with some scissors as I do this I think about all the potential damage I could do with this sharp object and think back to people in the medieval ages using such weapons to fight for life and death. I'm standing in the kitchen defending myself against imaginary swordsman before I catch myself as to what I'm doing and finally snip the straw. This went on for a good 10-20mins.

I'm in the peak of the 900ug LSD trip now. I can barely make out what's in front of me but I manage to get the straw up my nose to snort the Ketamine. I do one big line and get up for what I estimate to be about 5-10 seconds before sitting back down to do another fat line. I estimate this to be about 200mg.

I stand up again. I walk to the living area. I'm standing not sure if I'm whispering to myself about the client I had emailed earlier or only thinking about it. It seems too confusing so I lay on the couch as my feet feel wobbly.

As I lay there I begin to sink. I close my eyes. The hallucinations are intense. I think of the fluffy pillow I'm laying on and suddenly become it. As I become it I see the details as I slowly migrate into being a tiny piece of fabric on the corner of the pillow. I'm at peace now. The pillow fabric is who I am now.

My eyes are closed although I am not certain of this. I see a dog sized animal with rainbow fur approach. It's okay I tell myself I'll just stay still so it doesn't know I'm here.

It climbs upon the couch. I feel safe. I'm so small it can't see me. It lays on me. Why wouldn't it? I'm a comfortable pillow now. I tell myself not to move so it can get some rest. It's fur pushes against me as it tries to sleep. I wait ever so still with its body pushed up against me. I can no longer see the room.

I wonder what its skin looks like. So I zoom in and find a futuristic city between its hairs. This is what 8k graphics looks like I tell myself. The city is beautiful and so detailed I can't believe what secrets it was keeping. I walk around this foreign place so impressed with the details. I'm flying now. The details of these sky scrapers are so impressive.

How did I get here? I wonder.
Have I always been here? Is this my life now?
Have I always been here? Is this my life now?

I'm okay with this, as I reminisce on my life leading up to this moment.
My family is gone now, It's just me alone in this place. I pause and think about how impressive my brains graphics card is. I think about breathing and why I even need to do it.

Drums, drums start in the background and tell me to open my eyes. I do so. Reality snaps back. You're on the couch still a brief moment of sobriety hits me. I'M ON THE COUCH.

21:30 (I think)
I get up immediately
What the fuck was that? I got to take a shit.

I walk to the bathroom. Amazed that my legs are operational. I sit down and do my business. Can't believe the toilet is taking this. I wipe and inspect making sure it's all clean. It better be. The toilet takes this like a bitch I think. I stand up and call my toilet a fucking fairy for being so compliant with me. I pause. I laugh. I'm in hysterics that I just called my toilet a fairy.

I flush, and I walk out. I wash my hands while staring at myself in the mirror wondering how I've obtained this human pile of meat.

I remember the other two lines in my office desk. As I exit the bathroom I pause in the hallway while standing, close my eyes, and put my arms out.

I'm a death robot. I'm in a war. I use my arms as guns as a I fight a war for humanity against other robots, it was an epic battle. I open my eyes this time feeling satisfied with my victory and make my self back to the office.

There's another 2 lines sitting on my desk. I feel like the K is dissipating as I catch myself in a glimpse of rational thought. I tip the rest of the bag out onto my desk and combine it with one of the two lines remaining.

I check facebook and messenger app is poking out at me like a 3 dimensional entity. I attempt to type a message to someone. I spent 5mins typing a message to a friend "Everything every where at once is nothing in an infinite blackhole resulting in the big bang" while believing is was the most important message they would ever receive in their life.

I've got more K to do I think to myself.

I do the rest of the K in 2 huge lines. I cough, it burns. In a good way. Enlightenment is coming. Oh fuck. I think. I need to make it to bed.

I'm in the hallway my legs are moving as I approach my bedroom. I'm not sure how I'm doing this. Somehow I have arrived.

My bed is a green oasis in a bright white room (the lights were off). I make it to the side of the bed while I prepare to get in.

Suddenly as one arm and leg rests on the bed I'm in a forest. This forest is so luscious and the trees have exquisite detail. I go towards them admiring the intricacies of nature. For some reason I think about world of warcraft and myself as a night elf. One with nature. I'm not alone here in this place as voices in the distance ask me to take the quest.

I snap out of it. Fuck. I'm halfway into bed. C'mon you can do it just lay down. With all my might I make it. I lay on the bed.

I'm in bed now. I'm laying down. I'm not really here. A pleasant feeling of pulsating goes through my body. A bit like rolling a ball bearing over your skin except from underneath in a massaging motion. I'm sinking now. I'm going some where else.

I'm falling through infinite space. I'm understanding life. Life always finds a way. I'm staring at atoms forming the building blocks of survival. I'm here now. My thoughts are clear. I'm okay with this. I convince myself I'm dead and this is my after life.
I'm here now. My thoughts are clear. I'm okay with this. I convince myself I'm dead and this is my after life.
It's a happy place. I've lived a good life. My family will be okay without me. They will remember me well.

Suddenly I sink further. I see dirt and muck and death and filth and horror. It must be hell I think. I can handle this. I'll fuck it up. Tiny bugs and mosquito like creatures fill my vision as I hear the sound of horror fill my vision. This goes on for a while. I realize it's my own breath being distorted as I come to life and appreciate the fact that I really am alive and I'm here right now in this world with the opportunity of experiencing it.

Suddenly the visions shift to glory and victory as I'm awarded the ultimate gift of existing. I'm so happy. everything compresses into a singularity of complete satisfaction. I am truly complete in infinite glory. My memory gets a bit hazy in this period but it was life changing.

The Ketamine is mostly gone. The LSD is beginning to decline (still tripping hard!). I get up to find my phone and take it back to bed to watch some youtube as I reflect on the experience. I lay in bed watching videos until 3-4am until finally going to sleep.

I wake up at 10am, feeling refreshed with new perspective.

I don't see too many LSD + K combos. I would say that it's comparable to the intensity of DMT with a twist. Not recommended to people with low level experience in psychedelics. If one can handle it though it's truly mind blowing.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116412
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 29, 2022Views: 721
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LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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