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Ketamine & Cannabis
by MHD
Citation:   MHD. "Ribomorphogenesis: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp116443)". Dec 21, 2022.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis
  60 mg insufflated Ketamine
Last night I insufflated 60mg ketamine hydrochloride and biomorphosed into a ribosome.

I danced at a claustrophobic dance venue, pitch-black, with no source of visual stimulation. The music: electronica fused with some Trinidadian beats and droning bass lines (this is not my usual musical forté). I had just smoked a hefty joint and immersed my body in the musical flow. Each move of dance corresponded to a thought - beckoning my hands forward one over the other in an iterative series, perfectly reflected my conception of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. I danced the synthesis of DiPT, with each move feeling calculated, mathematical, precise. Mathematics became tangible and real - the digitized psychoscape of ketamine complemented abstract thought perfectly.
Mathematics became tangible and real - the digitized psychoscape of ketamine complemented abstract thought perfectly.

I closed my eyes and saw a polymer of nucleotides dart towards my belly button at terrifying speeds! I was in mortal peril! It penetrated through me. I looked above and saw amino-acyl tRNAs stamp the top of my cranium, aligning with the mRNA molecule zipping through my belly button. I became a part of protein-building machinery - a ribosome. I danced the shape of the nascent protein being spewed out of the ribosome whimsically, twisting and turning my hands like alpha-helices, jagged motions of my legs reflecting beta-pleated sheets. People stared at me in disbelief, whispers of "What the fuck is he doing?" muttered around me - little did they know that I was embodying the molecular construction of a helicase...

My friends asked me:


I replied that I had just turned into a ribosome. They gave me a congratulatory pat on the back.

This experience was an intellectual awakening. It left me with a feeling of resoluteness about my academic abilities, and that the power of dance can be transmuted into intellectual energy. I have never experienced such clarity when thinking about the Abstract. I applaud ketamine and its influence on the human mind - God speed.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116443
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 21, 2022Views: 254
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Cannabis (1), Ketamine (31) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Combinations (3)

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