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Now I Had Nothing to Do
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Blazed. "Now I Had Nothing to Do: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp11649)". Sep 22, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
It was Friday. A friend of mine was supposed to get me a gram of goodness, some mushrooms and 2 ecstasy pills that night. I gave him $100. I paged him, and he called back with the news. Apparently, he wasn't able to get the shrooms, but I was happy anyway… he got the pills! I got the directions and drove to get the stuff. Once I pulled up, the kid that lived in the house opened the window and I told him that I was there to see my friend. They were smoking a blunt, so he was relieved and called my friend over to the window. I walked up and was introduced to all the others. The 'stuff' was wrapped up in the money he didn't use ($40). He said 'Have fun.' I laughed, said thanks, shook his hand, said peace and left.

I hurried home to give this one girl a call. She was going to some basketball game at her school at 7, and it was already sometime around 8:30. I wasn't even going to do the pills that day. I had plans to go out with a nice and pretty girl that I just met 2 days before and a bunch of her friends. I did want to look the pills over though. They were small (about the size of a Certs breath mint). The light probably distorted the actual color of the pills, so I wasn't sure about that. They looked slightly orange. They may have been white. The smiley face on each of them was kind of cute. Anyways, I called her cell, and she picked up. We talked about what was going on, and she told me that they were going to Friendly's. I could hear her friend in the background, and she had a little attitude going. My friend was saying 'Blaze is going to meet us there.' The other one said 'Whatever. Let's just go.' I found that funny.

I got there first. I stood around for 3 minutes and walked back to my car. I couldn't take being looked at all those people inside. I think one girl was staring. I wasn't comfortable at all. Added to that fact, I had only a vague idea of how the girl I was supposed to meet there looked like. She sent me 2 pics of herself, and I sent her one. I only instant messaged her one night because she hung out with some of my friends, and I wanted to talk her. At the end of that conversation, she told me to give her a call the next day. That led to all this. I waited in the car for about another 2 minutes and left. I didn't want to wait around.

Now I had nothing to do. It was 10:12… I looked the pills over again and took one. I've been taking Xenadrine since Wednesday, so I already had a big gallon bottle of water with me in my room (which was a furnished basement). I wasn't scared about being on ecstasy around my mom and step-dad. They were in the living room, and I knew I didn't have to say anything to them about anything. They'd go to sleep soon, and I'd go to sleep in my room. It was night and they were watching TV, so the house was dark… my big pupils wouldn't be noticed.

About 10 min later the effects started to come on. I could feel something. I haven't done x in a long time. Must have been more than ˝ a year since my last time. It felt pretty good. I developed little shivers around my chest area. It felt normal so far. Around 11, I didn't think anything was happening. I checked my eyes in the mirror in the bathroom upstairs… nothing. Pupils were normal. In fact, they might have been smaller. On my way back, I checked up on the parental units. They were watching TV like almost every night. I didn't feel like staying home, so I got into the car and drove off. It didn't seem like anything was happening, even though I had a slight buzz going.

I drove around for about an hour. I slowly began to realize that I wasn't staying in the lanes. It seemed like everything I did took a long time to do in order to do it correctly. It was a good thing that there weren't that many cars on the road. Some roads were empty. This gave me the chance to drive around crazy for fun. It didn't take long for me to stop. My driving and the loud stereo, which was slightly shaking the car, made me feel sick. My stomach began to feel like the pills weren't agreeing with me. It felt like gas was building up inside me and didn't want to come out alone. It wasn't going to be a burp, it was going to be puke. I slowed down and felt better. The only reason I decided to come back home was to get a drink of water and take the other pill. I figured I'd get rid of both pills on one night, since I didn't really feel like going through a stomachache again on another day.

I got home and took one. It was about 12:15. I listened to some music on my computer. At this point, I would only listen to music that had some emotion in it. I downloaded Colorblind by the Counting Crows earlier that day when I was on the phone with the girl that I was going to meet. She loved that song. I pressed play, and I couldn't stop listening to it. It seemed like the song was too short, and I was forced to play the song over and over to enjoy it.

When I felt my stomach hurting again, I turned off the lights and stretched out on the futon. I fell asleep around 1, before the pill even hit. At least that's how I felt. If it was the x that I was familiar with, it would of hit, and I wouldn't be sleeping.

I woke up a few hours later around 6. My mouth was dry, so I got a drink of water. Then, I walked upstairs to my bedroom. When my body hit the sheets I wasn't even sure of anything anymore… I had no idea exactly how messed up I was. It wasn't enough that I barely got to the bed, but the cold sheets felt good on my skin for the first time in the new house as well (my bedroom upstairs is cold, because it's over the garage). It felt so good when the sheets cooled me off. I rolled up into them and fell asleep again. I kept waking up every hour, looking at the clock and going back to sleep. Around 9:30 I woke up in 30 min instead, so I finally got up. I still felt tired, but I couldn't sleep anymore.

It had been so long since I had that wonderful chemical infect my body. Did it this time? Maybe it was the reaction to Xenadrine? It's not like I took Xenadrine and x at the same time. There was a 7 hr difference. I'll probably never know for sure. This does not mean I won't ever take x again.

[Erowid Note: While it may be that the substance described is pure MDMA, Ecstasy/Molly tablets and powders are notoriously impure, misrepresented, or adulterated. Ecstasy sold in retail contexts such as festivals or parties often contain chemicals other than MDMA.]
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11649
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 22, 2020Views: 816
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Various (28)

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