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Fractalizing with Pantherinoides
Amanitas - A. pantherina
Citation:   Harmony. "Fractalizing with Pantherinoides: An Experience with Amanitas - A. pantherina (exp116517)". Sep 26, 2022.

1.6 g oral Amanitas - A. pantherina (tea)
Fractalizing with Amanita Pantherinoides

🍄My pantherinoides journey🍄

I just had some amanita pantherinoides last night... Boy oh boy. Those are POTENT. I've had 7-12 grams of guessowii or muscaria in tea, I had 1.6 grams of this American pantherinoides in tea last night and I was having an experience that would be like 30 grams of muscaria. 1.1 grams caps, 0.5 grams stipes.

Took it at 9:30pm, I had a very pleasant experience after an hour or so, I had a fire outside and eventually went inside to play harmonium and tibetan singing bowls and did an instagram live video.

I went back outside an hour later, and had a profound heart healing experience with a personal issue. I went to sleep at 1:30am, and was feeling groovy, I woke up peaking at 3:30 and was tripping intensely from a dead sleep.

I drank my urine 2 and a half times during this whole night, last time was at 12:30, and I decided it was best to throw half my pee in the grass (good call), so my experience was way more than simply my original dose. I had never "tripped" with amanita, I was close once on a 120 gram fresh guessowii tea, but I would consider this last night to be one.

My mind was not looping, but spiraling, forward, in thought space and mental visual concepts. I woke up from a dream "spiraling/fractalizing" and could differentiate between my left hemisphere and right hemisphere of my brain, and was actually having physiological changes in sensation, pressure, and the visual experience of "spiraling/fractalizing" from my left or right hemisphere was congruent with the "feminine " and "masculine" sides. Left side was more fluid, ephemeral, spacious, timeless. My right side was compartmentalized, ridgid, symmetrical, cube-like.

I had concerns of my heart rate, which was speeding up when I became nervous, and I had concerns of a stroke or seizure happening as I was feeling slight tremors.

It reminded me of the TED talk, "A stroke of insight" in which a neuroanatomist had a stroke and could differentiate between each side of her brain that was shutting off and becoming active. So I concluded that my mind was compelled to "spiral/fractal" whether I liked it or not. As soon as I would just "go along" with the perpetual reframing/spiraling I would be at ease again, it was basically like resisting a river or just floating downstream. It was quite incredible, after the first 5-10 minutes of waking and struggling I had embarked on a journey that was quite pleasant and enjoyable. I could shape or mold the experience visually however I liked, I could bend the fractal direction/speed/size, I could choose which brain hemisphere would be generating the spiral (it was either left or right, and a couple times I could see double spirals when I engaged both hemispheres), and I could choose the "theme, topic, essence" of the fractal. I was in nature sometimes, I was visually inside of my brain other times. I could manifest whatever the fractal was to be, but I HAD to spiral, or else resistance would create disharmony. 🐚

I understand Paul Stamets pantherina story so much more now, wow...😮 The comfort and ease that came from the "looping" I understand now. I was strapped in for the ride, so I just enjoyed it for some time and eventually fell back asleep. Luckily I was in a safe place and I am an experienced psychonaut. This may have been a new venture for me but it was wonderful, and shockingly potent.

During the earlier part of my experience I was able to confront some difficult emotional issues in my life, amanita helped me feel options without emotional attachment, and lean into my Hearts desire without being afraid. I am grateful for the subtle but profound heart healing qualities of this mushroom.

Also, earlier in my experience amanita was doing fascial/somatic surgery on me in problem areas, I could see neon red lines disappearing in my body and then they felt like those areas were healing. I had little electrical twitches like neurons were being reconnected. I could feel visually and see mentally my mylein sheathes being repaired and protected.

Moral of the story: do not doubt any amanita potency, have respect for the mushroom, and only drink your pee if you are willing to possibly double or triple your active compounds in your system. When you resist, problems persist. Drop in and go with the flow baby.🌊

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116517
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 26, 2022Views: 554
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Amanitas - A. pantherina (71) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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