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The Wind Capsule - the Scariest Psychedelic
Citation:   Frida Volta. "The Wind Capsule - the Scariest Psychedelic: An Experience with DOB (exp116528)". Aug 14, 2022.

  oral DOB
This was my most intense experience with psychedelics.

It was getting very popular in Brazil we called it the Wind Capsule (capsula de vento) because it came in a transparent capsule and the dose is so small that the capsules would look empty.

I got one with 2 of my friends, it was just a very little spike of dust inside it, we added it in a water bottle and each one got 1 third of a dose. It tasted like MDMA and took around 90min to kick in.

It was early in the morning and it was very potent, sometimes we would feel overwhelmed and sometimes greater than ever. It felt like a mix of mescaline and MDMA but not too visual, more like a body high but extreme. The visuals was like everything was melting to the sire [side?], like if the wind was melting everything.

I thought I was high for maybe a couple of hours when I noticed the sunset. We were in a rave party that was about to end, we were about 14 hours on it and we didn’t even reach the plateau yet.

When the party was over someone told us about a free party 4 hours away. We got a ride and went to it. Many people in this rave were on it because the normal drugs were not available this day, by this time we were a group of 10 or 12 people. We were unable to eat anything or get any sleep yet. We were not very “dancy” but we where very social during the times we were not overwhelmed. We were all in a good shape overall.

We drove to the other party in three cars and the trip was annoying because it was not cool to just sit and not do much. In a blink of an eye the second rave was over. So we went to a beach city close by.

Now 30 hours has passed by and everyone was still super high.
30 hours has passed by and everyone was still super high.
We stopped in a all-you-can-eat restaurant and had a nice meal. I joined a friend that had an apartment in town and took two other friends with me, she was shocked to hear about our experience and said we looked like junkies, even though we felt great; we chilled there and laughed a lot. We were very giggly during this second day.

She was going to a pop concert and we went with her (48 hours after taking 1/3 of the capsule). We went back to her apartment when I finally got some sleep – after about 52 hours of tripping.

I woke up 3 hours later to encounter my friend (that took half instead of a third) still awake and crazy to go out do something; so we went to the mall, we did a shopping session where we got the craziest clothes we could find there, we didn’t have a good financial situation so that was stupid… but not as stupid than driving under the effect of this drug. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Yeah, we drove around the city and decided to get matching tattoos to never forget this crazy long weekend – like if it wasn’t already forgettable. We were able to eat again after 24hours of our last meal at the restaurant and I was able to have a full night of sleep after this.

To resume: The effect was like a mix of crystal meth and fentanyl with a pinch of LSD. Very stimulant but not like “I need to run a marathon” it was like we never got tired, ever. I was VERY high for 74 hours (even if I got some sleep at some point). My friend that took half was high for about 90 hours. Although it was a good trip, none of us wanted to take it ever again.

In about 70 hours into the trip I started to have furuncles on my crotch and on my armpits a few days later. It lasted 6 or 8 weeks until the boils stopped popping on my skin and I’ve never had them again. None of the other got this as I know of.

“Fun fact”: a guy that I know took two full capsules as soon as we got to a 7 days festival. He was very high for 6 days, he didn’t sleep at all during this time and doesn’t remember anything of his trip.

Overall I would never recommend trying this. Is too dangerous and too powerful and I know of many people having bad trips on it. I am glad this stuff got out of the market and since I moved out from Brazil in 2008 I’ve never hear of it anymore. It became a legend and somehow I liked having this experience and at the same time I regretted since the boils were very painful and scarred my skin.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 116528
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 14, 2022Views: 651
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DOB (19) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1), Multi-Day Experience (13)

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