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Carts Should NOT Be Your Intro to Weed
Citation:   worldsworstopsec. "Carts Should NOT Be Your Intro to Weed: An Experience with Cannabis (exp116533)". Jul 29, 2022.

1 hit vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Living in a non legal state, my only experience had been with small ~3 second hits with mystery oil carts. I didn't feel much from them so I didn't think weed was that strong. Fast forward like 8 months and I buy my own carts online. Once they arrive, I'm quite excited to try them. I screw it onto my battery and try to take a hit. Nothing. So I keep fiddling with it. Then I feel something entering my lungs. I take a damn near blinker (7 second hit I would say). Cough so fucking much from it. Instantly cold and hot, sweating but dry. Not a good feeling, but probably from coughing so much.

I go to take a shower. While I'm in the shower, I develop a headache. I'm not even sure if I would even call it a headache, it was like my brain turned into a CRT TV. Very uncomfortable. This is when I start panicking. I realize my thinking has now changed.
This is when I start panicking. I realize my thinking has now changed.
I'm staring at my phone trying to figure out some more information, if this is cut with shit, etc etc. Then, everything around me starts to move. Going back and forth. Side to side. Up and down. Everything in between. Imagine a 200bpm metronome. As this is happening, my vision starts to go. I can't really understand things anymore. I'm looking at my phone with just 1 thought at a time in my mind. It starts echoing around. I realize that this is gonna be a bit intense and also I "felt" that I was in the shower long enough so I stepped out, dried off, and went to my room.

Now with everything moving, static vision, echoing thoughts, and RGB split visuals I decide, shit! I should really fucking lie down. That should make things better. Whenever I closed my eyes, the visuals and feelings would get 10x more intense. I was in a literal dream. On a roller coaster, metronome, paint shaker, and everything in between. That's what it felt like. I try to open discord on my phone and find a friend that could maybe help me. Only takes me a solid 10 minutes to figure out how to use my phone.

I couldn't get much help. I tried joining a discord server to get help there. I was staring at the verification channel trying to figure out how the fuck I get access to the server. After 10 minutes I gave up and lied back down.

This is probably about the peak I'm at now. Completely fucked. I can't think at all. Every thought that could have appeared slips out of my mind seconds later. I sit up from my bed looking for water to drink, which I eventually find. I put it on my lap, drink from it, breathe like I'm a fish out of the water, put it down, then lie back down. I swear that entire sequence took 30 whole minutes. Of course I smoked on an empty stomach too because I didn't know better.

I lie down for an hour or two, and then go back on my phone to try and get into the discord server. I didn't understand how but I managed to figure out the verification. I asked for help and some infographic popped up. Telling me to lie down eat sleep listen to music etc etc. I'm still panicking out the ass ofc so I just keep drinking water and lying back down.

I eventually managed to fall asleep some fucking how, and I slept for maybe 2 or 3 hours. I get up, vision still fucked, thoughts still echoing, brain still staticy, but I felt sober enough to do something. I got something to eat, went back to my room, and finished it. I didn't want people being suspicious of me so I went on my computer chair sat down and put on youtube. I was just staring at the screen, thinking to myself. This is where it finally started to get somewhat enjoyable, 5 hours in. Just sat there youtube videos playing for an extra 2 hours until I finally sobered up enough. Went on the site where I bought the cart, gave the seller a 5 stars saying it rocked my world. I was just used to the cut shit around here.

Anyway, I smoke weed every day now despite the terrifying first time. I just smoke about 1/10th as I first did.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116533
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 29, 2022Views: 548
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), General (1)

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