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Guliable and Niaeve
by Andy
Citation:   Andy. "Guliable and Niaeve: An Experience with ETH-LAD (exp116543)". Aug 5, 2022.

100 ug oral ETH-LAD (blotter / tab)
Set and Setting - At partner's house, cleaned house and made food to eat prior, had set night aside for being open to art, dance, intimacy, singing or whatever expression came up and out.

I did reagent testing on the tabs which had the print of structure on one side and ETH-LAD on the other. They tested to be the real deal or close enough to it to be safe.

We do not mix drugs and allow at least a week for reflection/integration before tripping again to give a chance for the full effects to be experienced. I tried 50ug a week prior and had good concentration and decisiveness in what I was doing, also needed to wee a lot.

This time we had 100ug each. Since I had tested, tried a small amount and felt safe.

Two hours in, I felt very self absorbed and wanted to be alone really, I felt more disconnected from things than connected, no visuals, no awe over anything, uncomfortable urinary feelings and felt quite emotionally unmoved.

Four hours in – I feel much the same as two hours ago, only my body temperature is changing without good reason
Four hours in – I feel much the same as two hours ago, only my body temperature is changing without good reason
, chills with goose bumps then 20 minutes later, I am in a sweat. There was more bodily discomfort than pleasure or mental/spiritual experience.

Five hours – We were both not really having the type of experience we would on LSD. She made a pretty good effort to be funny, I did laugh easier than normal and had tears in my eyes, which I did also when I had the 50ug for no reason. Not laughing, just tears, like in the way your nose might run with hay fever.

Eight hours after taking, I fell asleep quite easily. Woke the next day feeling emotionally numb, which is in opposite to what I would have on Acid.

To conclude, This is not like LSD at all, or like other pro drugs of acid. I found it more physically demanding and uncomfortable than useful mentally or spiritually, From my/our experience ETH-LAD does not have the risk for reward ratio to make it worth taking again either 50ug or more.

I learnt not to buy so much of something new, and not to expect other people’s experience and positive write ups to be what I would experience.

LSD and 1P-LSD work well for me, not ETH-LAD. I would agree, ETH-LAD is not for human consumption unless you want to take it before work to chuck a sickie and have the day off.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116543
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Aug 5, 2022Views: 529
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ETH-LAD (688) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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