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LSDOM: A Wonderful Combo
Citation:   TheOrigiinalMrT. "LSDOM: A Wonderful Combo: An Experience with DOM & LSD (exp116594)". Sep 28, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 mg oral DOM  
  T+ 0:00 300 ug   LSD (gel tab)
  T+ 13:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
Trip report: 300ug yellow pyramid LSD and 6mg DOM

I took 6mg DOM and 300ug LSD at the same time at around 10:00pm toward the beginning of the month. I was prepared for an all-nighter as well as a fantastic time, as DOM has a special place in my heart.

T+1:00- DOM is a very long acting compound and it takes hours to fully kick in. At this point, the only thing I’m really feeling is the 300ug LSD. I tend to only take lower doses of LSD, as I’m not a huge fan of the headspace and it often gives me anxiety. However, when mixed with the stimulating euphoria of a phenethylamine like DOM, I find the usual anxiety non-existent. Typical LSD-esque visuals begin to flutter around my bedroom, mildly at first and then more intense. The art on my walls starts to all swirl in on each other, and dance ever so slightly back and forth on its canvasses.

T+2:00- The DOM is starting to make itself known. I jokingly refer to DOM as “2C-B extended release.”
I jokingly refer to DOM as “2C-B extended release.”
I find the difference in effects to be negligible (DOM possesses slightly more of a body load than 2C-B but all the hallmark phenethylamine traits are abundant in both compounds). The main difference is that DOM can last up to 18 hours as opposed to 2C-B’s 6-8. I begin to feel physically stimulated with MDMA-like euphoria, although much more mild than actual MDMA. For an amphetamine, DOM is remarkably calm and serene. It’s street name, STP (Serenity, Tranquility, Peace) does the compound justice. I notice a slight libido boost, and a desire to leave my bedroom and go hang out with my roommate.

T+3:30- The effects of the DOM are now officially more powerful than the effects of the LSD. Most of the objects in the room have taken on a beautiful purple and yellow hue that varies in intensity and appears to flicker on and off. I can’t help but think that this would be an amazing compound to go to a concert or a festival on. The effects of the LSD are still present as well, and the tapestries in my living room swirl in and out of their borders and bring a sense of serenity to the room itself. My roommate is watching TV and we decide to watch a movie. I honestly don’t remember what movie we picked, and I paid minimal attention to it as by this point I was logged into the Farm telling people about my LSDOM experience in real time. Still, the presence of my roommate was welcome and soothing.

T+5:30- The movie ends. By this point, I’m actively peaking on the LSD and beginning to peak on the DOM. I still notice beautiful hues of purple and yellow everywhere I look, combined with the swirlies that have come to define LSD for me. The headspace is definitely unique, mixing these two chemicals. DOM tends to be mostly body load with a more neutral, slightly analytical headspace while LSD is, well… LSD. I felt no anxiety, but I know that if I wasn’t also on DOM, that likely wouldn’t be the case. The physical and sexual stimulation typical of DOM starts to creep back in, but it’s not overwhelming like 2C-B and MDMA can be. Pretty much everything about DOM, every time I’ve done it, does justice to its STP pseudonym. It is indeed quite serene, tranquil, and peaceful despite also being somewhat stimulating. I feel pretty fantastic at this point and I’m very happy I decided to give this combo a try.

T+7:00- I decide to try and draw. I’ve had success creating art on LSD before, but I’ve never tried drawing on DOM. I’m reaching the end of my LSD peak but the DOM is still getting stronger even seven hours after dosing. Damn, this shit lasts for a long time. The colors I’m using primarily are, you guessed it, purple and yellow. I now see these two colors in practically every single thing I look at. I attribute this to the DOM, as LSD has never had this kind of effect on me before. I drew for about two hours, and eventually without finishing my drawing I get bored and decide to find something different to pass my time.

T+9:00- I’m definitely in the comedown stage of the LSD, and I’ve finally plateaued on the DOM. I’m still actively posting in various groups and explaining my trip in real time. It’s around 7am by this point, and I still feel wonderful and stimulated yet tranquil, with no desire to sleep due to the DOM. I decide to accompany my roommate as she drives the kid to school, and afterwards we stop at Carls Jr and get milkshakes. Even outside, the colors purple and yellow dominate every aspect of my vision. Even my own skin appears yellow, while the sky shows brilliant streaks of purple. I start to wonder if maybe these colors might mean something that I’m overlooking, and as we pull back into our complex I really start to think how amazing these colors really are, as I’ve never had this particular type of visual hallucination before. We get back inside, and I decide to take my dog out. Walking around my complex was pretty cool, but I found myself turned off by the presence of other people and went to great lengths to avoid them during the walk.

T+11:00- The LSD and the headspace that accompanied it have all but faded away. I also feel as though I’m approaching the end of the DOM peak, mainly because the purple and yellow that dominate my vision are starting to dull. This makes me indescribably sad, as the constant presence of those two vivid colors were easily the coolest thing about this trip. Psychedelics tend to not last as long for me as they do for some other people. Most reports put a DOM trip at around 18 hours, but I doubt I’ll get anywhere close to that. I’m also finally starting to feel the effects of the all-nighter I pulled, and the idea of sleep sounds good for the first time since dosing.

T+12:00- I’ve definitely reached comedown stage from the DOM. The colors are all but gone, I no longer feel that welcome phenethylamine stimulation, and I’m starting to realize just how tired I am. It’s now around 10:00am and I decide to give it one more hour before taking a Xanax bar and at least attempting to take a nap.

T+13:00- I take a Xanax bar, and the effects of the DOM are all but non-existent. Within moments of taking the bar, I drift off to sleep and stay asleep for about four hours. Surprisingly, I wake up feeling well-rested and content with my LSDOM experience. This is definitely a fun combo.

Post-trip thoughts: I have a brand new respect for the colors purple and yellow. They were my spirit guides through this strange but fun and expansive trip. I always have a good time mixing LSD with a phenethylamine and this was no exception. However, this was definitely more of a recreational trip than an emotionally or spiritually significant one. If I try this combination again, I’d likely stick with the 6mg of DOM but add another 100-200ug of LSD on top of the 300ug I took for this trip.

Overall experience: 8/10, I’m someone who believes that each trip should teach you something and help you along the path to self-betterment. This trip didn’t offer either of those things. It was just an amazing way to kill 12 hours. I’m not saying this experience wasn’t awesome, I’m just saying it doesn’t rank high amongst the most “important” trips I’ve taken in my life. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this!

-Mr. T

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116594
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Sep 28, 2022Views: 597
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LSD (2), DOM (20) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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