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Whimsy - Mind of a God
Mushrooms, Chocolate & Cannabis
Citation:   basicB. "Whimsy - Mind of a God: An Experience with Mushrooms, Chocolate & Cannabis (exp116599)". Sep 23, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1.6 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
  T+ 0:00     Chocolate  
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis  
Before I begin, I would like to share a little about my relationship with psychoactive substances. Skip to “Day of the Trip” if you want to read the actual experience.

I’m a regular weed smoker, I mainly smoke strains that are sedative to reduce my anxiety and help me sleep better. Reading more about weed and psychoactive substance led me to the book, “The Cosmic Serpent”. I won’t go into much detail about the book itself, but I wanted to try psychedelic drugs which seemed to be completely different in how they affected the mind, compared to weed or alcohol. Reading trip reports online only made the desire stronger, I wanted to have these mind-bending trips and deep spiritual insights that people seemed to be having on psychedelics. I tried a couple of psychedelics (LSA, LSD) before but my experience with them remained disappointing, either the body load was too much that tripping became unbearable, or the dose was too little to trip.

I had recently switched to a new weed dealer and one day he texted me saying that he has shrooms (powdered and mixed with chocolate) if I would like to try. I was slightly skeptical because of my previous experiences but I agreed. He gave me 6 pieces and told they contained about 1.6 grams and that I should maybe take only 3 pieces for my first time.

Day of the Trip
Preparation (T – 5:30 hrs.): I just tossed the chocolate into the fridge and waited till Friday because I had a work meeting on Friday morning. I get through the meeting and take the rest of the day off; I got home at about 12 PM and smoked a few bowls of weed and began to clean my room and the rest of the house. I removed all mirrors from my room and the living room. I just had coffee and a pastry in the morning before the meeting, so my stomach was pretty much empty that day. I also made a short grocery run to get some fruits and Gatorade and drank one can of coconut water to up my electrolytes before consuming the mushrooms. At about 3 PM I got done with all my prep. I wanted to wait a couple more hours so that it would be slightly darker, It was August, so it was very bright outside. As I was waiting, I smoked a couple more bowls, I thought I should have a nap, but I was too excited to sleep.

Almost 2 hours had passed since I smoked the weed and it was slightly wearing off (I had a high tolerance to THC at this point).

Mushroom Dose (T + 0:00 hrs.): At about 5:30 PM I decided that I should just take the shrooms. My roommate was in the house and told me that he would help me if things became overwhelming, but he couldn’t actively trip sit me because he had work to do. I was okay with that, his presence in the house made me brave enough. I pop the chocolate cubes (with shrooms) and went to my room. I scrolled through Reddit to pass time. At about 20 mins in, I began to feel slight tingling in my legs and could feel them getting heavier, I also began to get a heady sense of euphoria coursing through my body. I was having mild visual distortions, the shadows of the blinds on the wall seemed to undulate, the smoke alarm wires seemed to twist like snakes. I was confused if it was merely a trick of light or whether they were actually happening.

Weed Dose 1 (T + 01:00 hrs.): I walked out to the living room and sat on the couch because the visual distortion was mildly disconcerting in my room. I switched on the TV and watched Indian classical music videos. At this point the colors seemed to be brighter, I began to see the camera panning even when it wasn’t, I began to see vivid colors, but I kept thinking that the TV was trying to fuck with me, like it was pulling a grand joke on me. At this point I should mention that I was having mild nausea and physical discomfort. At about 6:30, I feel the nausea was a little much and decided to smoke weed and continue watching the music videos. Minutes after I smoke weed, the colors begin to pop even more, I begin to see everything in even more astounding clarity. The bowl on my bong seems much larger than it is, and I could see fairy lights in the room begin to shimmer and change in size. I begin to see a greater depth in the music videos, initially I felt angry that the performers were trying to “steal” the sound, but then I was enjoying the music so much that I “forgave” them for doing that, because of the sheer beauty of the music they were creating.

Mushroom Peak (T +01:30 hrs.): The music videos kept playing, each video, each singer generating a barrage of thoughts. One of the musicians in a video was playing the Rudra Veena, an instrument said to be created by Shiva (God of Destruction, Rebirth, and even psychoactive substances in Hindu mythology). As he was playing, I felt as if Shiva was playing it himself. I could see different aspects of masculinity, like the innocence of a boy, the tenderness and the care of a father, the sensuality of lover began to manifest in the musician. Then the video shifted to another, with the same musician but now he’s performing along with his wife. I could visualize the blending of masculine and feminine energies they were bringing to their music. As I was at the peak of this enjoyment, I suddenly remember that I should inform my brother about this and let him know I’m safe. I text him and let him know I’m safe: I also text a couple of other really good friends and let them know that I’m tripping and I’m safe. I don’t know why I did this, but watching the video made me feel as if I was 10 years old again, safe and warm in my parents’ house without a care in the world. This is when I decide to smoke weed for the second time, this is where things began to get crazy.

Weed Dose II (T +02:00 hrs.): I smoke weed again for the second time. This time when I exhaled, I began to lose myself in the patterns created by the smoke. The patterns created by the smoke would twist and turn and undulate, and in the dim light cast by the fairy light strips they seemed to never end. I closed my eyes and the music playing in the background began creating this kaleidoscope of colors and patterns behind my eyes. It got a little too much, so I come back to my room. This is where the thoughts began to hit. Suddenly everything made sense, every piece of social conditioning I had disappeared. I wasn’t worried, I didn’t fear anything, and I had this astounding mental clarity which allowed me to see through anything and everything. The sheer audacity of existence, the whimsical nature of existence was at the base of it. At that point if you asked me at about anything, I would have said “They just are”. This single statement, the whimsical nature of it felt like the secret to the universe, secret to understanding people and the source code of reality.

Comedown (T + 04:00 hrs.): At the peak after the 2nd weed dose, I felt like I had touched the mind of a God, and the name of the God was “Whimsy”. The God revealed to me the true nature of the universe is to just exist, audaciously exist, whimsically exist. I marveled at how people waste their time trying to “understand” creation, why couldn’t they see that creation just is, that it has no other reason for existing than to just be. I felt like a veil was lifted off, I could see the causal nature of every single emotion I was feeling. I don’t know if it was the total lack of the usual worry or anxiety, I did not feel like myself, I did not remember my name. I then had to pull together the “rules” of reality in which I exist and apply them to myself before I began feeling normal again. I was scared that I had a psychotic break, because why wasn’t I worried and anxious like normal? Then I chided myself for needing the burdens of fear and worry to feel like myself. As I felt I was losing it, I called my brother and kept talking to him. This brought me back to reality, I felt a little better. Finally, I was tired and all the weed I had smoked seemed to push me to the bed and at about 11 PM (6 hours after taking shrooms) I dozed off.

Postscript: Overall, I would say it was a phenomenal trip. I felt like I had gotten what I wanted at the beginning of the trip, mind bending visuals and insights. The simple insight of “Things just are” on shrooms helped me a lot as an anxious person.
The simple insight of “Things just are” on shrooms helped me a lot as an anxious person.
Before I took weed, I would try very hard to control the outcomes of everything in my life, uncertainty was extremely anxiety inducing. But the realization I derived from the trip has helped me ground myself even better and let go of things I don’t control; I’m trying to integrate the message even more into my life. I didn’t go looking for something that would cure my anxiety, I just wanted to see what the mushroom would give me if I took a high enough dose, and that by itself has been a tremendous help.

[Reported Dose: ''1.6 g (Mushrooms), Unknown (weed)"]

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 23, 2022Views: 838
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1), Chocolate (182) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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