Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Lemon Tek Works! Just Be Prepared...
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by Toad
Citation:   Toad. "Lemon Tek Works! Just Be Prepared...: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp116672)". Nov 8, 2022.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Cannabis
My buddy A and I decided to go skating at this big park area with a bunch of museums and art work everywhere. Well on the way down at 4:15 I took my broken up gooms and 2 ice cubes of lemon juice and broke them up and melted it so the gooms were soaking in it. It’s like 4:45 my buddy decides to get some food so I’m thinking perfect I’ll just take the gooms now.

Within 10 minutes I started feeling a bit giddish and started feeling this sort of lightness but at the same time when I’d actually move my legs I'd feel the weight as if it was slightly dragging behind me. As my buddy and I skated through the museum area the color/lines fading off the sides of the statues looked crazy. Every dark spot on the statue had some line coming off of it fading into different colors. Once we skated past the museum area and into this jungle area things started to hit me hard. So just as a statement know your body and recognize when the time to stop has come. So we’re walking through this jungle area looking for a spot to smoke. So we walk down the barn a bit further which was crazy seeing all these kinda “exotic” looking plants all around us and the crazy colors all over them behind the insane fractals I was experiencing. We sat down on this log and A pulls out some weed and asks for my bong.

After giving him my bong I’m looking out at some big old plant leaves blocking the sun and a hill just in front of us. I felt like I could see every single sun ray coming around the plant leaves and my fractals/ mandala type patterns were very yellow and orange. All of a sudden I started feeling really hot and a bit nauseas so I drank a bit of water and shortly after puked up the gooms. From here on my life was horrible for the next hour and a half… basically I have epilepsy and I felt like I was on the brink of having a seizure for the next hour and a half…
I have epilepsy and I felt like I was on the brink of having a seizure for the next hour and a half…
so after puking I felt a bit better so me and my buddy went up the hill to the park again and skated over to this grass field. My balance was off the whole time and I felt just fucked up the whole way over the the field. Once we hit the grass field I probably had the craziest feelings I’ve ever had while tripping, I’ve drank the bottom of a vial of LSD. So basically I’m laying there on the grass and I close my eyes and basically start to feel strings being pulled from my body. Starting in one spot then splitting into 2, moving further down my legs, arms or torso. Then just fading out I started to feel really bad again so I decided to sit up and drink some water after drinking the water I sat there with the bottle in my hand and closed my eyes and basically felt as if my body was being melted/spiraled around the center point which was the bottle. So I shot open my eyes and told my friend I think I need to go home man. After talking we decided to relax in the grass for a little longer then I’d just skate back with him to the car.

The park is by the city so the traffic would’ve taken like 3 times longer. So as we’re waiting there I’m doing everything I can to fight these feeling of my seizure, talking to my friend, deep breathing, everything I felt to do at the time. Whenever I close my eyes I felt just worse and worse like it was just gonna take over and I was going to have a seizure right there. So I decided to skate back with my friend and go home.

Mushrooms have taught me a lot. Today I learned a lot, you don’t need drugs to feel good you can feel great through accomplishments. I learned to never mess with mushrooms again cause I spent 2 hours in hell because of them ( know your body). I also learned that lemon teking works for sure because I’ve never tripped so hard on mushrooms just to put out to the psychonaught community… be careful though.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116672
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 8, 2022Views: 611
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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