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Everything Seemed Faster
Citation:   UristTheDopeSmith. "Everything Seemed Faster: An Experience with 4-HO-PiPT (exp116684)". Sep 29, 2022.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral Cannabinoids  
  T+ 1:00 30 mg oral 4-HO-PIPT (capsule)
Piprocin, A Novel Experience

A few weeks ago I had tried 20mg piprocin (4-HO-PiPT) and made a post on it in r/obscuredrugs. It was a decent substance, good bodyload, a ton of tactile euphoria but mild visuals. Last night I decided to try 30mg in the hopes I would get to see what the visuals were like and I wanted to try a real dose. I would compare the strength of 20mg piprocin to maybe 15mg psilacetin but it's hard to compare them given the differences in the relative strength of physical, cognitive and visual effects.

The drug lasted too short for my taste, I took 25mg of THC and CBD orally at 21:30, which is a decent dose given my tolerance. At 22:30 I took 30mg piprocin in a gel cap. I noticed the initial effects at around 22:30 and peaked at around 23:00 so an hour in. I noticed the effects began to wane at 0:00. At 1:30, 3.5 hours in I went to sleep, the effects definitely weren't gone but they were quite weak by now. Given the effects I would have really loved for it to have lasted maybe as long as shrooms, 6-8 hours, next time I'll try staggering the dose to see if that helps. The effects also waxed and waned a little, it wasn't as extreme as the surpression and enhancement cycles of psilacetin or ethacetin but they were definitely there.

The cognitive effects were strange, it's hard to write about them. There was definite memory surpression but it was different than with other psychs, it was meditative like my head was empty, there were no thoughts in there and I could feel it. Maybe it was mild cognitive disconnection, like the thoughts were there but they weren't mine I was only observing them, but I can't know where that feeling came from until I try a higher dose. I felt very interospective but not in a religious way. There was definite stimulation and sedation coming and going with the enhancement and surpression cycles. One minute I feel like I have all the energy in the world, I want to run and jump and just move, the next minute I'm so tired I need to close my eyes for a few minutes.
One minute I feel like I have all the energy in the world, I want to run and jump and just move, the next minute I'm so tired I need to close my eyes for a few minutes.
There was definite cognitive euphoria but no "baseline" euphoria. By this I mean that with some drugs like psilacetin or acid there's baseline euphoria where I'll just be sitting there and I will be euphoric, but this stuff is different, I feel pretty normal only it enhances the natural euphoria of some things to extreme extents. Something that barely makes me giggle makes me laugh for 10 minutes. Things like yawning and stretching made me so happy it was wild but these things just seemed like the greatest things in the world. Touching anything soft, or hugging anything is the greatest thing ever on this drug. Everything was fast on this drug, when I moved or typed or did anything it felt like I was doing it at an incomprehensible speed, this effects also came out in the visual effects and bodyload to an extent and mixed very much with the more vibratory effects of the drug. The cognitive effects as a whole really reminded me of ethacetin, they feel mild but they aren't. I feel mostly sober when I'm obscenely high.

The physical effects were incredible. While there was no baseline cognitive euphoria it was impossible to not feel amazing by just focussing on the bodyload for a second, the bodyload was very vibratory and I wanted to match the bodyload by vibrating myself, like when you're sitting and your leg is bouncing, doing that was just incredible. The bodyload was like waking up under a lot of heavy blankets on a cold day, I just felt so warm and cozy. The tactile euphoria was intense in the best possible way, as I said earlier textures were incredible and hugging something soft just felt like heaven. Just like with the cognitive effects there was both physical stimulation and sedation, not always matched up though. I had certain parts where my body felt stimulated but my mind felt sedated and vice-versa. They both felt a little forced, the sedation made me feel like I couldn't move at all because I had no energy and the stimulation made me stretch and spasm a little just so I could feel the movement. All in all I would say the physical effects are the most incredible part of piprocin, I think I undersold it here just because I can't emphasize enough how powerful and amazing the tactile euphoria is.

The visual effects were mild compared to both the headspace and the physical effects, in my future experiments I want to take more but I worry that at the point where the visuals are strong enough for me the bodyload and headspace may be too strong for my tastes. Which is really a shame because n propyl tryptamines have the best visuals and n isopropyl tryptamines have decent ones too. Anyways the visuals were not colourful at this dose, more enhancing than anything, darks seems darker, brights seem brighter, much mire contrast than usual, everything was vibrating but nothing was moving. I felt like everything was on the verge of fast transformations like I usually get on DPT. I think that's another reason everything seemed faster, the vibrations were just so quick. Geometry was on the verge of coming out but it never did, next time I do this I think I'll go for a walk, my visuals tend to come out more when I walk at night.

Finally the religious and sexual effects. There was not much religiosity in this drug at that dose, but it felt like there could have been, I feel like because of the euphoria coming from every little thing and the memory surpression, at a higher dose going out in nature could be a very very spiritual experience. Sexuality was enhanced on the drug. The tactile euphoria really helped with that. Touching my boobs was just incredible, I felt beautiful and loved the whole time. It's a weird mix of feeling an incredible amount of love and warmth while also feeling like it's the most depraved sexual experience of my life. At the end of it my orgasm lasted about one and a half minutes which is significantly longer than usual for me.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116684
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 29, 2022Views: 629
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4-HO-PIPT (931) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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