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Not a Good Time
Cannabis (edible)
by Cam
Citation:   Cam. "Not a Good Time: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp116697)". Oct 2, 2022.

1.5 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Approximately 3 years ago, My friend's gf made the suggestion of trying cannabis edibles. I had only experienced cannabis one other time in my life before this, And it wasn't a bad one either. So I agree to the experience.

We all go to my friends house and we are gathered around, She pulls out the bag of these edibles, They are red gummies molded into cannabis leaf shapes, She mentioned that her aunt made them, even warned that they would be strong. Ignorant me thought since my first experience was fine this should be a piece of cake. I was pretty confident, I ended up taking 1 1/2 of these gummies.

0:00 We take these gummies and so we wait, just hanging around whatever teenagers do.

1:00 Others are starting to feel the onset. But for me nothing had happened yet.

2:00 Finally around the 2 hour mark, I started to feel like I was melting into the bed I was lying on. It actually felt nice. But then shortly after panic started to set in. The first time I had a panic attack was this experience, and to be honest I wasn't a fan. My friend and his gf asked if I was alright, I replied "Yes, I just need to lay down." So my friend escorted me to the spare bedroom, I grabbed my clothes and toothbrush and went to the bathroom. The bathroom was quite the blur, I brushed my teeth, but I couldn't really feel my mouth or taste the toothpaste. I then headed to bed.

As I lied down the effects only got stronger, I started to get auditory hallucinations, like things that were in the room with me sounded like there was a wall in between. My throat felt swollen and my eyes felt like a pin cushion. like there was a stinging all over my eyes. I felt a tactile enhancement in my mouth. It seemed like the inside of my mouth was zoomed in and in 4k. I couldn't relax at all in bed. So I decided to walk to the bathroom again, but this time while I was walking there I ended up lying on the floor. Not sure why but I did.

After this point I cannot remember too much what happened, Other than thinking I would never do cannabis again.

Spoiler: I ended up doing it a few more times, only one was positive. But overall I found it a hellish nightmare. I only didn't know how much THC I really took that night.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 116697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 2, 2022Views: 323
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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