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Relief From Overachieving
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "Relief From Overachieving: An Experience with Olanzapine (exp116746)". Dec 21, 2022.

20 mg oral Pharms - Olanzapine
This drug is useful for slowing my mind down when I don’t have anything healthy to spend my focus on. It is a tranquilizer that lasts into the next day or two.

As someone who is told I am smart, I developed a habit of seeking achievement. Eventually I run out of things to do when I achieve my potential. Now that achievement muscle has no comfortable outlet. Now stimulation must be controlled, or my achievement muscle will produce thoughts that don’t result in doing anything useful. It’s like the quote from the end of American Psycho: there is nothing new to learn, nothing new to do.

This is where Zyprexa is useful, especially after a high energy day, to slow myself down to the point I can relax in engagement with low bandwidth activities.

I got this drug after multiple referrals to mental healthcare. These referrals were caused by me making trouble in the community trying to explore and solve unsolvable problems.

It also helps me see my thoughts from a third-person perspective. As if my thoughts remain floating in front of me after I think it.

The negative is loss of pleasure, weight gain, and feeling like I'm going to choke in my sleep unless I drink lots of water. The loss of pleasure for a few days is worth it when my engine is spinning for no good reason.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116746
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Dec 21, 2022Views: 254
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Pharms - Olanzapine (260) : Unknown Context (20), Medical Use (47)

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