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A White Pill on All of Our Tongues
Citation:   AliBaba. "A White Pill on All of Our Tongues: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp116751)". Oct 21, 2022.

300 mg oral Methaqualone (pill / tablet)
After my Army service I settled in a new exciting town, Ft. Lauderdale FL. I made friends quickly and one guy who was tuned into the music scene. He invited me to meet his people excited to introduce us to a new prescription medication.

He was really into "setting the stage". About 10 of us went to see The Andromeda Strain. Before we entered the theater he placed a white pill on all of our tongues swallowed down with a swig of rum and Coke. He asked us all to say "Hey O" when we got off on it. Most of us said Hey O within 15 minutes.

I had never experienced any RX drug like this. I LOVED IT! Afterwards he showed me the pill and the pharmaceutical bottle. It was Rorer Quaalude.

I have a genetic liver condition which leaves my eyes a little yellow in the whites of my eyes. The next day my eyes were so white that my mother noticed. There was no typical downer hangover. I told my mother's doctor about this and he wrote me a script. This was 1970. My script cost $3.00 [equivalent to $22.95 USD, inflation-adjusted]. I always had them until 1976 when word got out about their popularity.

Discovering a medication that got me "high" and corrected a condition that I had was unexpected and it resulted in my attempt to communicate my findings with the medical community. The doctor I told about my findings was my doctor for a while also but he thought that the yellow in my eyes was because I contracted hepatitis while stationed in Turkey. But drinking made my eyes worse so I was admitted to the hospital in Turkey and had a liver biopsy. They also thought that I had contracted hep. But I had a congenital disorder called Gilbert's syndrome. They assured me that it was benign. That said, no one showed the interest in my self experimentation. Since then, I noticed that there have been a few other discovery's that I've made and doctors are routinely uninterested!

I also discovered that I had limits to how much I could take before experiencing diminishing returns. To me, I was cautious about my consumption. I also noticed that while I was on the Q's I really didn't like taking any other drug. So my alcohol consumption went way down. I loved smoking pot but I did not like pot and " Qwackers" which was one of many nicknames that Quaaludes got over the years. My friends in Ohio called them Sopors. Later finding out that it was just a different manufacturer. I had them also and they were a peach color.

One more interesting piece of information at least it was for me. I was never a great student. Tried college twice before the Army. After the Army I decided to try one more time paid for under the GI Bill. I was taking the Q's by then and I manged a 4.0 GPA. Ludes gave me boundless energy and ambition.
Ludes gave me boundless energy and ambition.
In fact my third semester I took a double load and my GPA dropped to 3.9 It wasn't the work load but it was a disagreement I got into with the science professor and his B dropped my GPA.

If ANY of the experiences that I was having are completely true then IMHO the medical community along with crazy misuse of Ludes spoiled the chances of finding other uses for the drug. Maybe that happens more than we know. And over the years I have met a few people who were so fascinated by my experience that they picked my brain for hours.

Exp Year: 1970ExpID: 116751
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Oct 21, 2022Views: 597
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Methaqualone (218) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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