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It Began as an Idea
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   IrishElf2022. "It Began as an Idea: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp116760)". Oct 29, 2022.

4.2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
DMT the Programming Language of the Universe

It began as an idea, a dream of taking shrooms and becoming enlightened. I wanted to see angles, aliens, and I did. I had 4.2 dried grams of psilocybe cubensis magic mushrooms Amazonian strain with me. I decided to try a Lemon Tek, to releave the nausia caused from the chitin in the fungus cellbody.

I got 4 or 5 organic lemons and juiced them with a citrus juicer. I then used my scale to measure 4.2g of dried Amazonians and blended them in a blender until the shrooms were dust. I then placed the shroom dust into a tea-bag and sealed it, to prevent powder leakage. I then rode my bike to a local park, hoping to shroom in the grass under a tree.

I added the shroom t-bag to the lemon juice in a glass bottle, and used a wooden chopstick to submerge and soak the shroom t-bag under the surface of the lemon juice.

I then let the lemon juice and shrooms soak for 20 minutes, then discarded the t-bag and drank the lemon juice. Organic lemon juice tastes really good compared to standard concentrated bottled lemon juice. It would be fun to do the lemon tek with a miracle berry, so the sour lemon juice would taste sweet.

I noticed the shroom coming on almost instantly
I noticed the shroom coming on almost instantly
, which I realized was due to my empty stomach and the pre-digested psilocin being ready to absorb thanks to the lemon juice acidity.

I rode my scooter to a grassy hill and sat down on a stone boulder. I felt the Shroom/Alien/DMT enter my cerebral cortex, or neocortex. The aliens were building my neocortex to become more complete. I could sense a very energized, elf-like, gnome-like energy, I could see geometric DMT-entities which looked like Elf's made of crystals of many colors.

Then, I saw about 3 different types of UFOs. I saw a UFO circling the earth as a Black Triangle, very similar to the US Militaries TR-3B black triangle spycraft spaceship. I was able to mentally interact with other people, over vast distances, I could hear my friends cheering, they realized I had broken through and was now an atmospheric observer, seeing the earth from space. I'm not sure if I was looking at a live re-creation of the Earth, or the actual Earth itself, was I seeing a model, or representation, or the actual Earth?

I then saw a Little Green Alien in a UFO, it seemed to tell me to "let me in" so I did. And the alien began pushing buttons in its UFO. I could see inside this aliens UFO. The Green Alien was the classic variety, it had a big green head, and large almond shaped eyes. It told me to get better at math after preforming a brain analysis. I was feeling pretty good, extremely dehydrated even though I had drank about a half gallon of water just minutes ago. I do realize hydration can take hours from the moment you drink water until your cells are nourished.

I then saw my entire family, including relatives that died on Earth. I saw them alive, in a heaven-mind scape. I saw my grandma cooking pancakes, and this was a live scene, it wasnt just a recorded memory, she was talking to me and asking me questions. I can only concluded that my Grandmas Spirit was communicating to me in the afterlife. I then saw a golden alien space-ship, with what I can only describe as Pleadians, or golden hair, blonde, white skinned aliens. I think that these Blonde Aliens are the creators of the blonde races of humans. The blonde aliens, brought intelligence, calm, and balance to me, telling me not to worry, etc. I saw the classical Ayawasca DMT-snake purple-woman of the river holding the Earth type of entity. I also saw into multiple alternative timelines, one where I was a doctor, one where I was a long distance truck driver, and these visuals felt more like real alternate realities. I could feel my work uniform as the trucker, feel the car seat and the suspension of the seat as I drove long-distances. I could see myself having dinner parties and working on patients as a doctor.

I then saw the most mind blowing aspect of this trip, I felt data being downloaded into my mind at massive bandwith into my brain. I saw data flow from above me, into my brain, massive amounts of data, knowledge. The data was being downloaded into me from an alien spaceship, and from my ancestors. They were telling me I should leave the big city and start a farm, to exercise more, to live each day happy because time is existence, not a notation on a callender, time is how you feel at all times, so we can be happy, be greateful, now.

I realized how I am happy just being alive
I realized how I am happy just being alive
, I don't need a fancy car or big house or designer clothing, I need good quality clothing, a decent home (could be a tiny house), and some good friends whom I genuenily trust.

I realized the universe is a supercomputer, made by God and aliens. DMT, is like a programming language, like a conductor of electricity, DMT is a key that unlocks the abilities of the computer (the universe, and us, being the computer). I saw myself as a binary number 1, I was "The 1" and so on, meaning I was active, on, alive.


I think DMT is somehow necessary for human consciousness, and the universe is a supercomputer. Aliens and God made the supercomputer universe, and shrooms are more a tool, than drug, and should be legalized worldwide.

I learned to be more respectful of other people during this trip, I learned that other people have much wisdom I can learn, or at least to be their friend.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116760
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 29, 2022Views: 379
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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