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Ultra Bad Trip
Citation:   AntiPsilo. "Ultra Bad Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp116762)". Oct 30, 2022.

1 oral Mushrooms (fresh)
    oral Benzodiazepines  
Ultra Bad Psilocybin Trip

I was hanging out at Art Dept at a University. My boyfriend at the time, a Pre-Med student, was away. I was at my ex-boyfriend's house; his room was at the basement across from a lab that had shelves of jars in which psilocybin mushrooms were growing -- a project my ex-boyfriend had with his Mycology-Major friend.

I pulled out one good-looking finger-size mushroom and chomped it down. I started blowing noses -- it filled the entire room as though snow had fallen showing no trace of carpet underneath. Then came the most excruciatingly painful headache; it felt like two walls were closing in on me crushing my skull -- literally. I needed to pee; I managed to get to the bathroom; then it felt like the peeing will go on eternally. Everything I did seemed elongated to eternity.

Somehow I managed to get up and was washing my hand; I didn't recognize the face in the mirror -- so distorted. (I had once overdosed on pills that helped to stay up to study, which was popular when I was going to High School -- it might have been Speed; I had rough teen years including suicidal attempts and it was one of those days; I saw my face in the mirror -- it was ash-gray.)

Just then my ex-boyfriend returned home (just having rescued someone at a car accident that took place where he was passing riding motorcycle); it so happened he was carrying Benzodiazapine and it pulled me out of the Eighth Hell, which I visited again, believe it or not; my ex-boyfriend then told me that I am one in thousand person who is allergic to psilocybin and should not take it; what one hell of way to learn my lesson.

- - -
After I turned 60, I experimented with dried Amanita Muscaria which I purchased online; I did not adhere to the recommended dose (3 stalks) and munched away -- 6 or 7 or maybe more. I fell asleep; fell out of my bed and bruised four parts of my body including sprained ankle. But I had an interesting dream; I was with my beloved cat (that had died 17 years earlier) and she and I won the Olympic of jumping over the wire fence -- yap, we clawed up to the top and flipped over to the other side. I woke up.

Exp Year: 1980ExpID: 116762
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 30, 2022Views: 506
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Benzodiazepines (434), Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Bad Trips (6), First Times (2)

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