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Definitely Didn't Feel ''At Home''
DMT, Gabapentin & Alcohol
Citation:   Al Pastor. "Definitely Didn't Feel ''At Home'': An Experience with DMT, Gabapentin & Alcohol (exp116807)". Dec 2, 2022.

900 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin
  1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  3 shots oral Alcohol - Hard
  10 mg vaporized DMT
I am sober and very anxious. I measure out 35 mg and put it in my Aegis Geek Vape but I lost a lot when trying to load it up – and after I loaded it up a small hair fell into it and then after I removed the hair from the loaded vaporizer I lost even more DMT – so at this point I would say I had around 28 mgs loaded up. For music I put on the Maha Mantra.

I inhale the smoke and hold it in my lungs for 40 seconds and then blow the smoke out my window and then rest my head on the pillow. All of sudden everything vibrates very violently and then I am in the DMT dimension but it was a lot less visual then I expected – but the main thing I noticed was the vibe – there was no vibe of love at felt very sinister. The only thing that was comforting was the Maha Mantra playing. I felt like a little baby being protected by the Mantra but all around me was this dark sinister vibe. At about 10 minutes of tripping I opened my eyes and breathed fresh air from the window and the trip was mostly over but I still felt a few subtle lingering dark vibes until I stared at a pentagram on my wall – the pentagram dispelled all the remaining lingering dark vibes and then the trip was over. Since I didn't break through I reluctantly decided to try one more time but first I would have to make more DMT.

A few days later after I was done making more DMT from Mimosa Hostilis I was ready to try again...well sort of...I felt far more anxious than the first time I tried it. After my unsettling trip now I felt unsure if I wanted to go back there...I really didn't feel like going back there at all – at least not sober again. So I took 3 gabapentins and then I had a glass of wine and at least 3 shots of brandy. And after that I still didn't feel ready to try 35 mgs again – I decided this time I will only do 10 mgs. So after I loaded up 10 mgs I held it in my lungs for 30 seconds and this time the most surprising thing happened – it was way more visual then the first time! I not only smoked much less this time but I also drank and took gabapentin – I was not expecting it to be this visual – but it was only closed eye visuals.

The visuals can be described as being in a room where the floor is a vast grid and each square on the grid is white and the lines that outline each square are purple and each purple outline that frames each square has a menacing looking face on each corner. Also in the room there are pillars and the ceiling looks similar to the floor but the only difference is that the ceiling has shades of tan instead of the white/purple look. In this room I was in there was no feelings of love and certainly no feelings of being “at home” whatsoever – it felt threatening and when I opened my eyes I could see the setting sun outside my window and that was the most comforting thing during the trip. The Sun is incredibly comforting. I would close my eyes again and see that weird menacing looking room and each time I opened my eyes I saw that beautiful sun that was a great source of comfort during my trip which lasted about 5 minutes.

I don't care to try DMT ever again. It is nothing pleasant.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116807
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Dec 2, 2022Views: 449
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Alcohol (61), Pharms - Gabapentin (183), DMT (18) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), General (1)

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