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Impossibly Powerful
Citation:   Themadpsyentist. "Impossibly Powerful: An Experience with 5-MeO-MET (exp116820)". Dec 1, 2022.

5 - 10 mg vaporized 5-MeO-MET (powder / crystals)
I have done numerous psychedelics over the course of my life. Tons of LSD and MDMA and other random drugs. I have only taken 5-MeO's in the form 5-MeO-DiPT in pressed pills, and I was pretty impressed with the effect. After trying 5-MeO-MET orally with minimal effect, I decided to vaporize a tiny chunk.

My 5-MeO-MET came in the form of large chunks of solidified crystalline powder, which is sticky and melts at slightly over body temp. Working with a 40mg chunk, I carefully dissected it into about 8 even pieces. I pick off a piece that is roughly 5mg. (My scale isn't accurate enough to measure under 10mg). My 5 mg chunk is roughly just under one cubic mm. I'm talking microscopic. Literally, imagine the ball inside a ballpoint pen, that size, maybe a tiny bit larger. I take the chunk and a piece of foil to my garage, I roll some foil into a tube and place the chunk on a small square sheet of foil. I heat it with a lighter and inhale the smoke, the chunk quickly melting and dancing on the foil. Seconds after exhaling I start seeing pulsing waves of light in my vision, my body is ramped up beyond belief, and I start shaking profusely.

Full come up within 5 minutes, the intense pulsing high only gets stronger and stronger. My body becomes totally disconnected from my brain, everything is the wrong size, and I feel a lot of panic.

I'm just wanting it to be over, I was hoping for a light experience but this is physically and mentally taxing. I'm totally dissociated, panicking, and the whole house looks terrifying, it's a combination of things melting and also just looking horrifyingly intense.

Over the next hour I lay down in my bed, drenched in sweat, and just waiting for to be over. At the 30 minute mark things start to become less intense, and by one hour I'm almost back to baseline.
At the 30 minute mark things start to become less intense, and by one hour I'm almost back to baseline.
Full baseline at 3 hours.

The worst part by far was the panic, also my legs got insanely tense which was very painful, my toes got insanely cold from vasoconstriction, and I almost threw up several times.

The most interesting part however is the afterglow, the very next day I didn't really feel very different, however on day 3 after the trip I have started feeling a lot better in my general life, I suffer from PTSD and autism, and my main issues are being social, and I've found I am less frustrated in general after this experience. And others have noticed as well.

Perhaps this type of drug serves better as a healing experience and less of a recreational drug.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Dec 1, 2022Views: 484
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5-MeO-MET (910) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Difficult Experiences (5)

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