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And We'll All Float on Ok
Citation:   Damion1567. "And We'll All Float on Ok: An Experience with Ketamine (exp116857)". Dec 27, 2022.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
12:30 AM
First psychedelic experience in a minute... or... like months. I survived Black Friday call center madness. Time to defrag. I want to float but my head is spinning.

* I start preparing a dinner plate with about 10 little lines... I wouldn't even call them that, they are that small *

I'm not really sure if I want to trip or not, but here goes nothing. Time to try turning it off and on again. Yee haaaaa....breath in... float out. Danced on my bed for the first hour, maybe two hours. Really didn't keep track of time. Tiny ittie bitty bumps, every 10 to 20 minutes. Basically anytime I remembered to open my eyes and stop moving my arms.

At this point I hadn't fully embraced the Ket. I was having fun. I was feeling it. But I was very anchored to my senses. Fully enjoying myself. Dancing felt effortless, and motion flowed through me freely. I have headphones in. Music sounds better than it should. Stuff I normally enjoy (somewhat of an alt rock connoisseur) doesn't do it for me. I can pick out every defect in the song. I gravitate towards beats. Especially anything super intricate. It's almost like I can see music. I've ranted about this before, and as a musician I think it's probably one of my favorite things about Ketamine. The only word I can find to describe it is "synesthesia". As if music becomes a sense like touch or taste.

2 or 3 AM.
I haven't been paying attention to time. I'm getting lazy. And rather than being present I'm starting to find that place where you aren't there but the music is. I knock out a couple more bumps. If I had to guess at my total consumption I would estimate around 150 MG to this point. But I put what I estimate to be 25mg. Not much, but enough that this last hurrah will be noticed.

I finally have had my fill of moving. I lay on my side. Start adding songs to a queue in spotify. Then it hits. Music has sensation to it stronger than my sense of touch currently. My eyes are closed. I can't tell what way my feet are pointed, I'm just a floating, massless breeze. I'm moving through space in perfect rhythm. I can visualize every single note and beat to the track I'm spinning. I understand it completely and can dissect every element of the song. Whenever my brain wanders from the music at all I see motion. I feel motion. I have no concept of time, and I'm just softly flying through 3d space.

And in what seems like an instant I open my eyes and I'm almost sober. I always find it strange just how fast I sober up from ketamine. It's not instant, there is some haze and when I stand up my balance is off. It's like I've just ever so slightly forgotten how to walk. My total trip was about 3 hours. Absolutely starving now. Food. Maybe shower just to reflect while it's all still fresh.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Dec 27, 2022Views: 344
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Ketamine (31) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Alone (16)

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