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The Unexpected
Citation:   Spencer. "The Unexpected: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11692)". Dec 18, 2020.

7 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I have been a regular user of weed for a little more than a year now. I generally try to smoke once every week or two weeks with my friends, but never alone. Until this recent event I had never experienced any feelings on weed but the usual hunger, disorientation, euphoria, and slight loss of self control. And I have smoked up to 2g's of ok weed in one session.

When I arrived at my friend's house we waited about 15 minutes then sat down at a table in his backyard and packed 1 gram of some very good weed into the bowl of his bong. I took the first hit and gave it to my friend who took a hit and passed it to a third person who was with us. I was able to get about 6-7 good hits from the bong before it was all gone. After the 5th or 6th hit I began to feel the weed kicking in as usual. Things continued as normal for about 30min and then they started to elevate onto a new level.

The strange events started to happen when I did not get hungry as I usually get after I smoke. I began to force myself to eat food even though my body told me it was not necessary. The next thing I can remember is sitting on my friend's couch with my head in the pillow. He was sitting next to me telling me about shrooming. The idea that there were other drugs in the world besides weed scared me and I thought about how shrooms must be totally different than what I was feeling at the moment.

This caused an intense thought stream where I kept thinking about what shrooms must be like. I shoved my head far into the pillow and closed my eyes. I saw a purple tunnel that I was moving through at light speed, twisting and turning. I had lost all sense of reality and control of my actions.
I saw a purple tunnel that I was moving through at light speed, twisting and turning. I had lost all sense of reality and control of my actions.
After seeing the purple tunnel I thought of more things that shrooming could make me feel. I became obsessed with the thought and imagined weird computer like images and sounds. Even though I had never done shrooms at the time the idea seemed so perfect. This strange idea stream lasted for about 2-2.5 more hours and was interrupted a few times by my friends, and by me trying to write down my ideas (it was extremely hard to write one sentence).

By the time I went to bed I was still feeling the weed a little which was about 6-7 hours after I had smoked it. My friends had a totally average (but strong) high, but I had one that changed my perspectives on weed forever. Although strange I want to try and obtain this new level of high again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11692
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2020Views: 603
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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