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Aurora Borealis Is My Bedroom Tonight
S-Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Damion1567. "Aurora Borealis Is My Bedroom Tonight: An Experience with S-Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide (exp116960)". Jan 31, 2023.

  repeated insufflated S-Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    vaporized Nicotinamide  
305mg S-Ketamine in eleven 20ish mg lines
Weed, Nitrous oxide
Start time 9 pm

Ketamine was crushed up super fine. Layed out in 11 lines. As evenly split as I could muster. I usually do a bigger bump at the end of my trip. So this time the plan will be to just do 2 lines.

This is my first hurrah with Nitrous being part of the equation. I've had breakthroughs when mixing it with mda and mdma, so I'm not sure what to expect but according to online sources they mix together nicely. Excited to explore.

Lights in my room are set to a pink and teal, dimmed so the room is barely visible.
Comfy sweater on.
Mac Miller spotify radio on my headphones.
Slight delay getting ready but good to go.

9:15 first bump.
Very little taste.
Sitting on my bed dancing.
Set up my aurora projector light.
My whole space is a swirl of teals, blues and pinks. Spotted with green stars.
Nothing yet. Just anticipation for the trip ahead.

9:25 bump numero 2.
Slightly more taste.
Glad that after a couple bumps that goes away.
It tastes like crushed Tylenol.
Effects aren't very noticeable yet.
Effects aren't very noticeable yet.

Still just dancing and admiring the swirl of colors in my room.

9:35 cracking a can (nitrous balloon) for the hell of it.
Toe in the water.
Readying my psyche for the experience later.
As expected. The usual buzzing and whirring.
My fingers and toes felt fuzzy.
Quite euphoric.
Colors seemed very vivid after it went away.
I feel ready to get trippy now.
Toes are wet.

9:41 bump 3.
So much drip from this one.
Ick. Not my favorite taste.
It's not as bad as mdma or other substances. But still not exactly a culinary treat.
Unless you like Au Ju de Tylenol.
Starting to feel fuzzy.
Music is starting to sound better than it normally does.
Starting to get a hint of that beautiful synesthesia I'm drawn to.
I can still feel my headphones.
So I'm not there yet by any means.
But it's creeping in.
Dancing on my bed.
The vibe is nice in here.

9:56 bump 4.
Motivated by a good song coming on.
Feeling fuzzy.
Eyes open, dancing while sitting on my bed.
Movements feel smooth. Almost weightless.
Not floating. Just takes no effort to move and flow.

9:59 for the sake of science.
Filled another balloon.
At 10 on the dot I'll see what this adds at this level.
(High on 60mg as the previous 20mg hasn't had time to add to my buzz yet)

Colors became super vivid.
My vision buzzed for almost a minute, maybe less.
Very euphoric.
Enjoyed it very much, no nervousness about mixing these two substances anymore.
Still going to be very cautious. But so far all positive feelings.
Once I came out if it had to pee.
My coordination is still perfect.
I'm not fumbling like a cartoon character yet, so the ketamine definitely hasn't fully embraced me yet.

Still just fuzzy.
Very present still.
Sitting on my bed dancing.
My nicotene vape adding haze to the swirls in my room.

10:15 bump number 5
I enjoy doing them on even numbers.
(I'm very aware 10:15 is an odd number but I'm hoping any readers can understand what I mean by it)

Screw everything I said about even numbers.
Another balloon.
These substances mix together like peanut butter and jelly.
Very personal or solo experience though.
I dont mind typing on my phone after coming down from the nitrous, but I don't see this being a super social experience.
My vision whirled and buzzed.
Straight euphoria through my body.
Not overwhelming.
No breakthrough.
Entirely pleasant but
Present the entire time.
I'm still only about half way into Ketamines embrace.
But I think if I had have been deeper into k-land/ville/world
That hitting nitrous would instantly throw me into another universe.

Set phasers to flow.
When the time comes I am 100% ready.
Until then. Eyes open dancing on my bed.

Back to even times again.
Bump 6.
Headphones are still there. They haven't melted into me yet.
But its coming.
Still not there.. but not fully present.
No taste anymore.
Coordination functioning at 75%.

Filled another balloon for science.
Buzzing and whirring.
But the song playing had some "bubbly" sounding effect in its beat.
Whatever phaser synth sound was happening was hard to distinguish the audio track from what I was feeling.
It was a very euphoric experience.
Still present. No instant khole.
But was quite fun.

Waited for that even number again.
Bump 7. I think.
Still present.
But fuzzy and my vision lags behind my movements.
Barely noticeable. But enough that I'm aware of it.
I feel as I've coined before "glassy"
Movements feel absolutely effortless.
Every movement is smooth and frictionless.
Eyes still open. Still dancing.
My headphones are beginning to feel like a part of me.
Not fully. But music fills my entire being rather than just coming from plastic in my ears.
No closed eye visuals yet.
But Madam ketamine's caress is pleasantly present.

#balloon for science.
After all, why shouldn't I?
I dont even hear the cannister Crack and hiss over my music.
Headphones are required I think.
I had concerns that the noise would be jarring when I'm under the influence, but (in ear buds) headphones seems to have completely negated my concern.
Non issue.

All of my fingers and toes rejoice in unison.
Buzzing. Whirring. Usual song and dance.
No instant khole yet.
Present the entire time.
100% enjoyable.
Will do again.


#another balloon for science.

Crack hiss. Holding balloon.
(All I heard was beats, in ear headphones for the win)
Rather hard to type on a phone holding a balloon.
But I'm a sucker for dem even numbers doe.

11:00. Ready set go.
(Edit - added in after the fact)
Total euphoria.
The stars and the aurora lights in my room buzzed for a solid minute.
My fingers and toes felt like bees. No stingers all buzz.
These substances mix together well.
My nervousness of mixing them has been relieved.
Still not at K hole level so I'm going to remain cautious when I get close to that. But on a moderate ketamine buzz it really melds well with the feeling.
Very present the entire time.
Nothing like mda and mdma and nitrous.
That was mini dmt.
This is just a solid minute or maybe 2 of pleasant buzzing and whomping.
The music is present the entire time. No loss of time or anything else that I had anticipated.

11:02 bump 8.
No taste at all anymore.
Can't even tell I did a bump.
Fuzzy psychedelic aurora solo dance party.
Slow, flow and smooth dancing still.
Getting lazy.
Good sign.
Miss K is going to take me on a magic school bus ride soon and I'm inching closer to it.

About to do bump 9
But again, as I always do.
I've over estimated the amount of ketamine I've layed out.
I can tell tonight will lead to me fumbling with a scale and a bottle of powder.
I dont believe in deities but I hope they believe in me.
I'm not looking forward to the gamble of trying to line out more ketamine.
Cross that bridge later.

Coordination at 65%
But Coordinated enough to try two cannisters in one balloon.
Track hunting, typing while holding said balloon.
Burst of dancing.

Here goes. Exhale.
Inhale euphoric bees.

That was sooooommmmmeething.
I laughed loud.
Music and time stopped for a second. But synchronized.
When they came back I was in another world.
In this room but this room was elsewhere.
The sweaters on my door turned into people I haven't seen since high-school.
My face felt like my toes did earlier.
Entirely pleasant but very powerful.
Strongest point in my trip thus far.
Like a slingshot flung me into my memories.
Again pleasant. But slightly jarring.
Balloon was still in my hand so I didn't let go of it.
It was like a trip in a trip.
Quite enjoyed it.
But definitely won't underestimate the potential of these substances at this dosage.
Just wow.

Very fuzzy.
Headphones have become part of me.
Weirdly not lazy anymore.
Like the nitrous has given me a burst if energy.

Time to take a bump. Number 10.
I didn't do the last two together as I anticipated doing.
No closed eye visuals yet.
Typing is quite hard.

Did a double balloon (for science ofc)
What a ride.
My face feels like my toes did earlier. Like euphoric bees.
My face feels like my toes did earlier. Like euphoric bees.

I melted into my bed when I exhaled.
After that was just colors.
Very red. I could still see the stars that my projector is casting on my walls. But I didn't feel like I was here.
It felt like I fell into soup, warm and fuzzy soup.
The music persisted the entire time. I didn't miss a beat.
My vision feels laggy.
My whole body is tingling.
Very lazy and comfy.

Did a single balloon.
These substances mix well on the nitrous end. But it's almost like they give me energy and pull me away from the magical k hole.
I come out of the nitrous feeling very present.
Not expected.

Last big bump of ketamine.
I saved the biggest bump for last.
I'd estimate 25mg.
Here goes.
Very surprised that I haven't really k holed at this point.
Readying the can to fill a balloon.
Getting covered in blankets and comfortable.
Will report after.

There is it.
Not as gentle and warm as R ketamine.
Closed eye visuals, claymation, fractals.
Falling. Sometimes I'm flying through them.
Whatever the music dictates at that time.
Flowing through tunnels made of clay and psychedelic colors.
Where as R ketamine felt open and free this feels close. Like I was small.
Positive feelings but instead of a bird I felt like a mole.
Instant teleport back to my room when I open my eyes.
My phone is both super close and super far away.
As if two different perspectives trying to type at the same time.

Another balloon. For science.
Amazing. Euphoric.
But knocks me out of where ketamine wants to lull me to.
I've read extensively on how these substances mix well.
And they do.

But after I come back from the whippet I find I am two steps back from closed eye visuals and a dissolved state. The nitrous gives me too much energy after its effects wear off to fall back into the ether of ketamine. I think these would make a ketamine trip manageable on a social trip. But when solo tripping to dissolve, they bring me there for a minute but leave me two steps back afterwards. It's entirely positive. But the whippets almost take away from the ketamine after they leave.

1 more balloon for science.
If you're not trying to k hole. These substances mix together perfectly.

I am functioning at 75% coordination.
Might finagle another bump or two of S-isomer ketamine.

12:50 (will make 275 MG total)
50mg put into 4 bumps

Bump 1
Only the aurora projector is on in my room now.
The stars look amazing.
When I close my eyes every lyric has direction to it.
I can't explain this but it's a tangible feeling.

12:55 bump 2
I have to pee. Surprisingly coordinated.

Last 2 bumps.
I always try to end my night teetering on the ether.
The stars are beautiful.
But eyes closed.
Music on.
Going to the upside down.
Or whatever direction mr Mac Miller decides to swirl me into.
Will report on the other side.
As I slink into my blankets I can feel my toes dissolving.
To infinity and beyond.
Insert meme here..

I was in spectator mode on a pc game.
There was no feeling of motion like R ketamine. As if my vision(s) were at the center of my perspective.
But I was moving. Sometimes quite fast.
But instead of feeling the motion it was animated around me.
I was peering through cobwebs.
Chocolate Roman armies, there was a garage with power tools.
All blocky but moving around me.
Minecraft vr.
My eyes are very open now.
They were when I was visiting other places too.
But the aurora projector light feels like it is the real dimensions in my room rather than the walls in my room.
Ofc I know the difference but the it's amazing how real it looks.
It looks as if my room is measured in square kilometers.
My spacial awareness is severely "ketamined"

30mg bump. (If I remember correctly 305mg for the night)
1 bump.
Going to fly through more dusty cobwebs in my mind.
More garages to explore.
More backrooms to wander.
Readying a balloon. Science must go on.
Science of the psychedelic variety.
Am definitely wonk rn.
Can feel ketamine drag my vision as I'm typing.
Eyes open visuals.
It's a long way down the dusty corridors see you on the other side.
(Autocorrect is amazing, the fact that I can type in this state thanks to to autocorrect is amazing)

Balloon ready. Reality no where to be found.
Report later.

2:02 go
2 :12
I have just seen the closest I have ever come to seeing the actual aurora borealis.
Open eye visuals are crazy right now.
My room looks like it goes on for miles.
The stars are ammmmaaazzziinnggg.
(Aurora projector + drugs =good time)
Amazing night.
Doing another balloon and riding this out.
It has been magical.
Not the same warm embrace as R Isomer ketamine.
It's been trippier.
As expected with S isomer.
Weirder and so many sights that I couldn't possibly even recall them all.
Absurd and strange.
Wonderfully weird.
But to wind up watching what looks like real stars and aurora spreading in my room for miles and miles.
The icing on the weird ass cake that has been my trippy S ketamine and nitrous experience.

Balloon ready.
Bedroom, more like bed country.
The view from my 2 bedroom apartment tonight is amazing.

I've done a couple balloons that were off record since my last post but underwhelming considering the rest of my magical night.
Getting hungry.
Still high but definitely on the way down.
Considered doing more ketamine.
But as all good things should end.
I'm calling it.
It's been magical.
Weird and wonderful.
Some scenes that played out with my eyes closed visuals were absolutely absurd.
The open eye visuals were beautiful.
Aurora projector for the win. The real mvp's of the night are that projector and auto-correct.
Will read this back tomorrow.
Going to forage for food.
Stay Weird. Be a good human. Check out the aurora borealis if you can.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 116960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Jan 31, 2023Views: 319
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Nitrous Oxide (40), S-Ketamine (797) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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